Starter kit for local web development with a Flask backend + React frontend
Prerequisites: Node: nvm Python: pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv
Ensure you have the correct version of python installed
pyenv install
If you get a prompt about the version already existing, cancel that command and move on.
Create a new virtualenv
pyenv virtualenv flask-react-starter-kit
Activate the virtualenv
pyenv activate flask-react-starter-kit
Install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Ensure you have the correct version of node installed
nvm install
If you get a prompt about the version already existing, cancel that command and move on.
Install node dependencies
npm install
Copy the example environment variables file
cp .env.example .env.local
Start the frontend
npm run start
In a new shell, start the backend
flask run
Load the frontend in your browser
Run frontend tests
npm run test
Run backend tests
- Finish boilerplate setup
- Add tests
- Linting, Formatting
- Finish README
- Containerize