Degrees to Radians |
deg_to_rad(deg: float) |
asin |
asin(x: float) |
acos |
acos(x: float) |
Even Count |
evencount(Input: float) |
OddCount |
oddcount(Input: float) |
ParityTest |
paritytest(Input: float) |
Ln |
ln(a: float) |
Pi |
pi() |
2 Pi |
_2pi() |
Pow |
pow(x: float, n: float) |
Roughness |
roughness(Roughness: float, CurrentLevel: int, TotalLevel: int, GlobalOpacity: float) |
Equality (float2) |
equality_float2(A: float2, B: float2) |
Equality (float3) |
equality_float3(A: float3, B: float3) |
Equality (boolean) |
equality_boolean(A: bool, B: bool) |
Equality (float4) |
equality_float4(A: float4, B: float4) |
Not Equal (float2) |
notequal_float2(A: float2, B: float2) |
Not Equal (float3) |
notequal_float3(A: float3, B: float3) |
Not Equal (float4) |
notequal_float4(A: float4, B: float4) |
Not Equal (boolean) |
notequal_boolean(A: bool, B: bool) |
Curve |
curve_function(curve: float, input: float) |
Merge (float4) |
merge_float4(x: float, y: float, z: float, w: float) |
Merge (float3) |
merge_float3(x: float, y: float, z: float) |
Distance (float3) |
distance_vec3(a: float3, b: float3) |
Distance (float2) |
distance_vec2(a: float2, b: float2) |
Length (float2) |
length_vec2(v: float2) |
Length (float3) |
length_vec3(v: float3) |
Sign |
sign(x: float) |
Reflect |
reflect(i: float3, n: float3) |
One minus |
oneminus(x: float) |
Fmod |
fmod(a: float, b: float) |
Frac |
frac(input: float) |
Cross product |
cross_product(a: float3, b: float3) |
Step |
step(a: float, x: float) |
Scalar division (float4) |
divide_float4(input: float4, scalar: float) |
Scalar division (float3) |
divide_float3(input: float3, scalar: float) |
Scalar division (float2) |
divide_float2(input: float2, scalar: float) |
Clamp |
clamp(input: float, min: float, max: float) |
Normalize Vec2 |
normalize_vec2(input: float2) |
Normalize Vec3 |
normalize_vec3(input: float3) |
Normalize Vec4 |
normalize_vec4(input: float4) |
Smoothstep |
smoothstep(a: float, b: float, x: float) |
Saturate float2 |
saturate_float2(input: float2) |
Saturate |
saturate(input: float) |
Random Uniform [A, B[ |
uniform_ab(A: float, B: float) |
Random Discrete [A, B] |
discrete_ab(A: float, B: float, Probability: float) |
Random Uniform [-1, 1[ |
uniform_11() |
Random Uniform Float2 [A,B[ |
uniform_f2_ab(A2: float2, B2: float2) |
Random Uniform Float3 [A,B[ |
uniform_f3_ab(A: float3, B: float3) |
Random Uniform Float4 [A, B[ |
uniform_f4_ab(A: float4, B: float4) |
Degrees to Turns |
degrees_to_turn(input: float) |
Global Random |
globalrandom(Input: float, Seed: int) |
Normal Distribution |
normal_distribution(radius: float, uniform_random: float2) |
Directional Offset |
directional_offset(Direction: float, Distance: float) |
Matrix Multiply |
matrixmultiply(MatrixA: float4, MatrixB: float4) |
Rotation Matrix |
rotationmatrix(RotationW: float) |
Scale Matrix |
scalematrix(ScaleUV: float2) |
Tile Matrix |
tilematrix(tiles_xy: float2) |
Rotate Vec2 |
rotate_vec2(vec2: float2, angle: float, pivot: float2) |
Wave |
wave(Amplitude: float, Frequency: float, greaterThanZero: bool) |
[-1, 1] to [0,1] |
_1_1_to_0_1(Input: float) |
[0, 1] to [-1, 1] |
_0_1_to_1_1(Input: float) |
[0, 1] to [1, 0] |
_0_1_to_1_0(Input: float) |
Negate Float1 |
negatefloat(Input: float) |
Height Balance |
height_balance_fn(Depth_Balance: float) |
Boolean to Float1 |
booleantofloat1(Boolean: bool) |
Turns to Degrees |
turnstodegrees(turns: float) |
Direction To Normal |
directiontonormal(Direction: float, slopeAngle: float, yUp: bool) |
RGB to HSL |
rgbtohsl(RGB: float3) |
HSL to RGB |
hsltorgb(HSL: float3) |
Random Color |
random_color(RGB: float3, RGB_Randomness: float3) |
Random Luminosity |
random_luminosity(RGB: float3, Luminosity_Randomness: float) |
RGB to HSV |
rgbtohsv(rgb: float3) |
RGB to HSI |
rgbtohsi(rgb: float3) |
RGB to HCL |
rgbtohcl(rgb: float3) |
RGB Lightness Average |
rgb_lightness_average(rgb: float3) |
RGB Lightness Hexcone |
rgb_lightness_hexcone(rgb: float3) |
RGB Lightness Bi-Hexcone |
rgb_lightness_bihexcone(rgb: float3) |
RGB Lightness Luma Rec. 601 |
rgb_lightness_luma_rec601(rgb: float3) |
RGB Lightness Luma Rec. 709 |
rgb_lightness_luma_rec709(rgb: float3) |
RGB Chroma Hexagonal |
rgb_chroma_hexagonal(rgb: float3) |
RGB Chroma 2 Polar |
rgb_chroma_2_polar(rgb: float3) |
RGB Hue Hexagonal |
rgb_hue_hexagonal(rgb: float3) |
RGB Hue 2 Polar |
rgb_hue_2_polar(rgb: float3) |
RGB Saturation HSV |
rgb_saturation_hsv(rgb: float3) |
RGB Saturation HSL |
rgb_saturation_hsl(rgb: float3) |
RGB Saturation HSI |
rgb_saturation_hsi(rgb: float3) |
HSI to RGB |
hsitorgb(hsi: float3) |
HSV to RGB |
hsvtorgb(hsv: float3) |
HCL to RGB |
hcltorgb(hcl: float3) |
Linear to sRGB (luminance) |
linear_to_srgb_luminance(input: float) |
Linear to sRGB |
linear_to_srgb_rgb(input: float3) |
sRGB to Linear |
srgb_to_linear_rgb(input: float3) |
sRGB to Linear (luminance) |
srgb_to_linear_luminance(input: float) |
Temprature to RGB |
temperature_to_rgb(temperature: float) |
Temprature to RGB Fit |
temperature_to_rgb_fit(input: float, a: float, b: float, c: float, d: float) |
ACEScg to Linear sRGB |
acescg_to_linear_srgb(input: float3) |
Linear sRGB to ACEScg |
linear_srgb_to_acescg(input: float3) |
disorder |
disorder(disorder_radius: float, disorder_angle: float) |
Non Square Output Size |
non_square_output_size(scale: int, output_size: int2, non_square: bool) |
Non Square Expansion UV Scale |
non_square_expansion_uv_scale(position: float2, non_square_expansion: bool) |
Switch Float1 2 Inputs |
switch_float1_2_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float, value_2: float) |
Switch Float1 4 Inputs |
switch_float1_4_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float, value_2: float, value_3: float, value_4: float) |
Switch Float1 8 Inputs |
switch_float1_8_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float, value_2: float, value_3: float, value_4: float, value_5: float, value_6: float, value_7: float, value_8: float) |
Switch Float2 2 Inputs |
switch_float2_2_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float2, value_2: float2) |
Switch Float2 4 Inputs |
switch_float2_4_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float2, value_2: float2, value_3: float2, value_4: float2) |
Switch Float2 8 Inputs |
switch_float2_8_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float2, value_2: float2, value_3: float2, value_4: float2, value_5: float2, value_6: float2, value_7: float2, value_8: float2) |
Switch Float3 2 Inputs |
switch_float3_2_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float3, value_2: float3) |
Switch Float3 4 Inputs |
switch_float3_4_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float3, value_2: float3, value_3: float3, value_4: float3) |
Switch Float3 8 Inputs |
switch_float3_8_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float3, value_2: float3, value_3: float3, value_4: float3, value_5: float3, value_6: float3, value_7: float3, value_8: float3) |
Switch Float4 2 Inputs |
switch_float4_2_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float4, value_2: float4) |
Switch Float4 4 Inputs |
switch_float4_4_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float4, value_2: float4, value_3: float4, value_4: float4) |
Switch Float4 8 Inputs |
switch_float4_8_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: float4, value_2: float4, value_3: float4, value_4: float4, value_5: float4, value_6: float4, value_7: float4, value_8: float4) |
Switch Integer1 2 Inputs |
switch_integer1_2_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int, value_2: int) |
Switch Integer1 4 Inputs |
switch_integer1_4_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int, value_2: int, value_3: int, value_4: int) |
Switch Integer1 8 Inputs |
switch_integer1_8_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int, value_2: int, value_3: int, value_4: int, value_5: int, value_6: int, value_7: int, value_8: int) |
Switch Integer2 2 Inputs |
switch_integer2_2_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int2, value_2: int2) |
Switch Integer2 4 Inputs |
switch_integer2_4_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int2, value_2: int2, value_3: int2, value_4: int2) |
Switch Integer2 8 Inputs |
switch_integer2_8_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int2, value_2: int2, value_3: int2, value_4: int2, value_5: int2, value_6: int2, value_7: int2, value_8: int2) |
Switch Integer3 2 Inputs |
switch_integer3_2_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int3, value_2: int3) |
Switch Integer3 2 Inputs |
switch_integer3_4_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int3, value_2: int3, value_3: int3, value_4: int3) |
Switch Integer3 2 Inputs |
switch_integer3_8_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int3, value_2: int3, value_3: int3, value_4: int3, value_5: int3, value_6: int3, value_7: int3, value_8: int3) |
Switch Integer4 2 Inputs |
switch_integer4_2_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int4, value_2: int4) |
Switch Integer4 4 Inputs |
switch_integer4_4_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int4, value_2: int4, value_3: int4, value_4: int4) |
Switch Integer4 8 Inputs |
switch_integer4_8_inputs(input_selection: int, value_1: int4, value_2: int4, value_3: int4, value_4: int4, value_5: int4, value_6: int4, value_7: int4, value_8: int4) |