In the integration folder are ansible playbooks for integration tests and installation.
- This has been tested with ansible 1.7.
- The play books assume that the kay_package variable is a zip archive that contains an executable named kay and a bash completion file named kay.bash.
- It installs into an install dir, and a bash dir, and runs the tests against a test dir (see Install for variable names).
- If you use the test playbook it uses temporary directories for install and runs several integration tests. It will clean up the temp directories on successful completion of the integration tests.
ansible-playbook -i integration/local integration/test.yml --extra-vars "kay_package=$(PACK_NAME)"
ansible-playbook -i integration/local integration/install.yml --extra-vars '{"kay_package": "$(PACK_NAME)", "install_directory": {"stdout": "$(INSTALL_DIR)"}, "bash_sources": {"stdout": "$(BASH_SOURCES)"}}'
This installs the app in the provided app diretory and the bash autocomplete in the directory labelled BASH_SOURCES.