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Do you need token‐exchange?

Klaus Betz edited this page Jan 6, 2024 · 3 revisions

Before we answer this question, let's first understand what token-exchange really is in this context.

What is token-exchange?

Imagine you have non-Keycloak tokens, like Google access_tokens, that enable you to access Google's API. However, your Application likely only supports Keycloak tokens.

In order to get Keycloak tokens, you can send your non-Keycloak tokens to Keycloak. It verifies the tokens and returns new Keycloak tokens that your application supports.

When do I need token-exchange?

Ask yourself, if the whole login stays in the browser?
If the answer is yes, then NO token exchange is needed.
If no, then you like have a native app that deals with native/proprietary logins, which need a token exchange.

Imagine, you want to support native Google/Apple Login on your native iOS/Android App WITHOUT a browser window opening. You likely use some sort of Google/Apple SDK to create a native login experience.

After you retrieved the tokens from the SDK, you likely end up with an authorization_code, id_token, access_token or refresh_token. Now you can exchange one of these tokens to Keycloak tokens that your Application supports (in case of this extension just authorization_code and id_token from Apple are supported for exchange).