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Releases: klee-contrib/focus-components

Focus Components 2.1.6

21 Mar 10:05
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This new version is an update to the previous version

install with npm i -S focus-components@2.1.6

What's new ?


@jordanbenzacken for your help and thank you everyone for your bugs' reports and issues in which we have discussed. It helped us to improve focus-components

Fixes & Improvments


  • AdvancedSearch/Results : Thanks to PR #1350 when a facet is select and then we search something that's returning 0 results, there is no more javascript error.

Focus Components 2.1.5

21 Mar 08:18
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This new version is available

install with npm i -S focus-components@2.1.5

What's new ?


@Ephrame, @Hartorn, @GuenoleK and @JohnnP for your help and thank you everyone for your bugs' reports and issues in which we have discussed. It helped us to improve focus-components

Fixes & Improvments


  • Search : Fix the display of result's number in search PR #1321
  • Field : Adding isEdit in props for LabelComponent PR #1334
  • Popin : [Chrome version] to be compatible with the version 35 PR #1335
  • Form : Clean up and fix validation behaviour PR #1336
  • Autocomplete : Select/Text Fix input value PR #1343

Focus Components 2.1.4

20 Mar 18:18
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This new version is available

install with npm i -S focus-components@2.1.4

What's new ?


@JohnnP, @Hartorn and @hnomichi for your help and thank you everyone for your bugs' reports and issues in which we have discussed. It helped us to improve focus-components

Fixes & Improvments


  • Input-Date : Add minDate and maxDate to datePicker PR #1305
  • Icon-DropDown : Add possibility to give the button type PR #1317
  • Input-Date : Adding strict parse on isISOString and _parseInputDate PR #1344

Focus Components 2.1.3

17 Jan 14:02
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This new version is available

install with npm i -S focus-components@2.1.3

What's new ?


@JohnnP, @Hartorn , @JabX, @gideruette and @hnomichi for your help and thank you everyone for your bugs' reports and issues in which we have discussed. It helped us to improve focus-components

Fixes & Improvments


  • Input-Text: Textarea/ Autocomplete-Text, Select: Fix input value. Error if the value is equal to 0 PR #1343
  • Validation Behaviour : clean decrepated message and fixes use validation's function PR #1336
  • Find in previous version of Chrome : Array.find is replace to the lodash function PR #1335
  • AdvancedSearch/Results : Thanks to PR #1321 the AdvancedSearch now displays its resutlts' count correctly.
  • i18n : Removing a useless call on the AutcompleteSelect compnent. Fixed on PR #1332
  • Facets : With the PR #1329 The facet's title is now displayed correctly when we chose one
  • Field: missing props from the domain like LabelComponent, AutoCompleteSelect and AutoCompleteText, PR #1334

Focus Components 2.1.2

10 Jan 14:28
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This new version is a hotfix of the previous version

install with npm i -S focus-components@2.1.2

What's new ?

Fixes & Improvments

Remove React 15 Warnings

The PR #1322 is here to remove the warnings sent from React

  • Input-Text : the input-text didn't have the onBlur function, we added it. We also now check if the value is null or undefined to give an empty string if it's the case. In fact the value html attribute doesn't understand null or undefined.
  • Autocomplete-Select : Some props where sent but weren't used or necessary for the autocomplete, we now just give the needed ones on the input. As it's done on the input-text, we check if the value is undefined/null
  • Autocomplete-Text: As it's done on the input-text, we check if the value is undefined/null

Focus Components 2.1.1

15 Dec 15:17
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On this new version, we focus on stability and bug fixes.

install with npm i -S focus-components@2.1.1

The most important

Hello ! i am @GuenoleK and this is my first release !


@Hartorn @JohnnP for the PR and globaly everyone for the issues/bug reports.

What's new ?

Fixes & Improvments

  • Button component : Previously the given props didn't take the whole dom props' possibilities. Thanks to the PR #1297
    Beware : Please read the documentation to see the new sent warnings when an unknown property is given since React 15
  • Custom classes : Taking the previous point, the follow PR #1311 fixes className override
  • Popin : The PR #1298 the imported function includes from lodash was causing conflicts on some projects in the popin code. We can do it nativly with javascript Array.find to do the same. It also update React importation using import and no more require
  • ListSummary : Thanks to the PR #1299 the translation is now better managed. Previously it tried to translate result or results when we were in the scope all case. So now it will translate properly by going in the result.all or results.all in your translation which is more right. Please have a look if you did a workaround on your project.
  • DisplayText : There was a translation which was never used on the DisplayText component. It breaks the translation on the projects. Fixed thanks to PR #1303
  • Mixin/StoreChangeBehaviour : the status was set in the state after the errors were set, in this behaviour. It does a new render, so the errors are not displayed anymore. Fixed on PR #1304
  • InputDate : before when we selected a date we didn't have the exact date for a save, for example. So the UTC offset was added on the dropDown change function. Now you have the good UTC date for the server with the exact day and time. (The previous method was sometimes bad because it was not reporting the good hour on summer on winter time). See the changes on the PR #1301

Focus Components 2.0.0

27 Oct 17:39
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On this new version, we focus on stability and bug fixes.

install with npm i -S focus-components@2.0.0 focus-core@2.0.0


@JohnnP @giopn

Why a tag version 2.0.0 ?

The current version of FOCUS is now stable, we decided to released a version 2.0.0. More, a new version of FOCUS libraries (version 3) is being published soon.

To be more clear in everyone's mind, here is a summary of major releases FOCUS:

  • Version 1 was the FOCUS.JS library, written with Backbone and Handlebars.
  • Version 2 is the hosted version this repository. The source code, issues and releases continue to be maintained on the github It is based on the React & React-router librairies. It is split in two sub-libs:
    • Focus-core that facilitate server calls, forms management, management of stores ...
    • Focus-components that propose a set of web component and usec centric page templates
  • Version 3 is a more mature version of the FOCUS libraires. All the developments FOCUS 3 are now accessible at this URL It is based on the major libs React, React-router, Redux. It requires the use of a single application store and very strongly decouples the management of stores and the use of the component through connectors. The code is more readable and clear and components simpler to write. It is composed of three sub-libraries:
    • focus-application, a new librairy including the functionality needed for the implementation of an application: the application layout, management collapsible header, server calls, management of application messages, ...
    • focus-components which offers all the basic web components to develop a web application. The directory structure and components is very clear. There is less ambiguity to find the right component to use.
    • focus-graph that offers all the features to help manage forms in your application, and easily set up validation, formatting, and data display.
    • focus-search that brings together all the capabilities to display graphics interfaces research, lists, ...

Focus v3 is currently in release candidate, and will be well soon be published.

Focus v2 is from now in stable version and will no longer be subject to changes. However, we provide an operational maintenance: Response to questions, support, and bug fixes. But feel free to continue to contribute.

Upgrade of React to version 15

On April 7, Facebook has delivered a major release of React, the 15.0.0 release. To read the detail of this release, please visit the blog Reactjs :

Among the many contributions of this version:

  • Removing reactids in the browser's DOM
  • Large performance gains
  • A mature and stable version of the library, along with a longer-term release policy on the future

CAUTION : The use of this version 2.0.0 of focus-components forced you to upgrade your React version 15.0.0 (or higher). That said, we encourage you to do so.

What have we fixed ?

  • PR #1284. [Validation-Behaviour] Adding InputDate validation (Fixes #1238)
  • PR #1273. [Autocomplete-Text] Add debounce function (fixes an issue reported on weekly tueday meetings)
  • PR #1276. [Advanced-search] Correction missing this.props. Thanks @JohnnP
  • PR #1271. [Button Back To Top] Switch from type='submit' to type='button' by default

Focus components 0.16.2

27 Jul 13:54
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On this new version, we focus on stability and bug fixes.

install with npm i -S focus-components@0.16.0 focus-core@0.16.0

[Input date] add disabled attribute into date components


Previously, it was not possible to disable input date component because otherProps were not passed to InputComponent.


Other props declared into the input date are now passed to his sub-component InputText.

How to use it ?

{this.fieldFor('birthDate', {options:{disabled: true}})}

Fixes #1212

Remove of some data-reactid attribute use

This was a bad practice and we removed it to prepare upgrade of react library to version 15.

Focus components 0.16.0

17 Jun 16:35
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On this new version, we focus on stability and bug fixes.

install with npm i -S focus-components@0.16.0 focus-core@0.16.0

Special thanks to @Hartorn, @durandx , @JabX , @Tsj- and @MariusFlorea for their contributions to this release.

Don't hesitate to contribute to focus-components

Please read the latsest tutorials


We get rid of Backbone dependency, you need to update your router (it is really quick to do)

** Read the complete explanation in focus-core@0.16.0 . **


We have update Material Design Lite in version 1.1.3. This is a minor release which fixes some minor graphical issues. More information here

fixed Issues

  • #1125 - [Webpack] Static font in static css (like font-awesome) are not properly inlined with 'DEV' mode false
  • #1127 - [Extensions] Be sure that all extensions are working with webpack and the latest babel-preset-focus
  • #1131 - [AdvancedSearch] Set isSelection to false do not disable the "select all checkbox" in the action bar
  • #1136 - Close Date Picker on IE10 by a click on the page
  • #1154 - [selection-list-line] the lines selected shoud be checked and disabled
  • #1160 - [AdvancedSearch] Bug when searching on scope "ALL"
  • #1174 - Deprecated components are imported by other focus components
  • #1182 - [SnackBar] By default the snackbar is poped behind the popin

Click here to see the detail of fixed issues in this version

Focus components 0.15.0

18 May 19:07
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On this new version, we focus on stability, bug fixes, unit tests and naming improvements.

install with npm i -S focus-components@0.15.0 focus-core@0.15.0

We would like to thank all the contributors to this release @JoanaDalmeida , @Hartorn , @JohnnP , @Pandakls, @hnomichi
This is also the first release of @Ephrame !

Don't hesitate to contribute to focus-components


  • It fixes #1106 with PR #1153, the translation of the autocomplete error message. Be aware that you need to add a translation in your translation file.
  • The deprecated autocomplete can use a props to define your InputText as it use to use a deprecated InputText cc @pierbrisson see #1148 , als see #1140 twhich contains an other fix for the deprecated autocomplete.
  • The AdvanSearch Fix the case is undefined in lineOperationList see #1146
  • See #1139 which fixes #1124 and the show all button not working properly in the specific case where scope were label instead of code. Now both can be use separatly.
  • #1138 fixes #1137 which was a display of the placeholder when the query was empty

Component migration

Now all pure components have been migrated under focus-components/components. The other components will no longer be included by default in the namespace but are present in the legacy folder.

If you use a deprecated component you have two solutions migrate, it should be the case already since the deprecated messages were present for sevral months now.

You also can import the legacy component which are not include by default.

We also add sevral basic unit tests on these components to improve stability.


Examples have been updated on the showcase:

New feature

An animation component

Based on animate.css and ReactTransitionGroup.
We add a component to animate any content by simply wrapping your component in an <Animate><YourAnimatedComponent {...props}</Animate>


import Animation from 'focus-components/components/animation';
const AnimationExample = (props) => 
            <Animation appearName='flash' appearActiveName='flash'>
                 <YourAnimatedComponent {...props}/>


Each extensions have been update and works fine with webpack

  • focus-file@0.6.1
  • focus-notifications@0.2.1
  • focus-comments@0.3.7


On the focus-docs website two tutorials have been added see
There is also tips.

Starter kit

Please see starter kit
The starter kit have been upgrade and now uses React router instead of Backbone to get rid of Backbone and jQuery .

Next release

  • A beta of the new form with a lot of internal improvements into focus
  • React router