All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.2.0 (2020-07-11)
- add support for file type columns (e1431a0)
- add support for gtcr and image column types (2a974d9)
- diplay tcr metadata if the field is a gtcr address (2ee206c)
- improve error handling, upgrade packages and gtcr addr display (25c2594)
- support link file column type (397dce2)
- use @kleros/gtcr-encoder instead of local implementation (a4453e5)
- use meta evidence from request (9ca58e4)
- avoid running setup more than once (7ed7bcd)
- decoding small ethereum addresses (0dbefbe)
- display link on a new line (e44c6b3)
- handle empty file field (af27e87)
- item link should be opened on a new tab (2c0ec09)
- remove archon since it is not used (bd1160a)
- update to latest standard and add readme (b9b01ed)
- warnings and improve display selector (d26aa30)
- work around ethers-utils string decoder bug (1347397)
1.1.3 (2019-12-21)
- avoid running setup more than once (7ed7bcd)
- display link on a new line (e44c6b3)
- item link should be opened on a new tab (2c0ec09)
- update to latest standard and add readme (b9b01ed)
1.1.2 (2019-11-13)
- item link should be opened on a new tab (2c0ec09)