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Building and using Kubernetes APIs

This document describes how Kubernetes APIs are structured and to use the apiserver-builder project to build them as extensions to the Kubernetes cluster. The approach described in this guide is an alternative to using CRDs to define resources. Instead of using CRDs to register APIs the document outlines how to build an apiserver implementation in Go using the Kubernetes api-machinery that may be aggregated with the core apiserver.

The canonical source for Kubernetes API conventions and structure lives in the kubernetes api-conventions page.

While much of this information applies generally to Kubernetes APIs, parts apply only to APIs built using apiserver-builder.

Note: Though the purpose of this document is to teach how to build Kubernetes API extensions, the diagrams in this document illustrate the concepts using the OSS Kubernetes apiserver, controller-manager and scheduler as examples. Extension apiservers will use the same underlying concepts and infrastructure as the OSS Kubernetes apiserver.

Extension apiservers may be run either standalone or they may publish and expose their APIs through the cluster apiserver. The diagrams apply most directly to an extension apiserver run standalone.

Vendoring the K8s libraries for building a new API server extension

First create a new go package and use apiserver-boot init repo --domain <your domain>. This will vendor the required go libraries from kubernetes and set the initial directory and package structure including the apiserver and controller binaries responsible for storing and reconciling objects.

API Structure

Following is a short summary of how APIs are structured. This may be familiar to anyone that has worked with the Kubernetes APIs before.


The API can be conceptualized in 2 phases: Storage and Reconciliation.


Kubernetes APIs expose operations for storing resource objects declaring a desired cluster state. e.g. Run 10 instances of a container image with a specific configuration. The Kubernetes API will return a success if the object declaration is statically validated and written to storage.


A collection of processes commonly referred to as controllers watch for writes to resource objects.

When an object is created or updated, controllers will compared the desired state declared in the object against the observed state of the cluster, and take action accordingly. This can be done by either updating downstream Kubernetes objects (Deployment -> ReplicaSet -> Pod) or updating cloud provider resources (Loadbalancer).

API Phases



Kubernetes APIs are designed such that the desired state of an object is sent to the API, and the cluster works to reconcile the actual state with the desired state. For example to rollout a new container image to a Deployment, only the declared Deployment image is updated and the cluster will automatically perform a rollout of the new image.

Level based

The APIs have a level based implementation, so they will work to the current desired state, ignoring previous desired states that may have been set. For example, updating a Deployment image in the middle of an existing rollout will drive directly to the new desired state instead of completing the previous rollout. (e.g. it won't complete rollingout of the previous image, and will switch to rolling out the new image).


The APIs reconcile the declared desired state asynchronously, meaning the request to create a Deployment will return before the system has tried to start any Pods. This means many errors will not be returned to the client as part of the initial request - e.g. if the container image is invalid the user won't find out unless they poll or watch the Pods. For this reason, it is important to write Status messages back to the resource as part of reconciling the object.


  • Declarative: Users specify desired state, not specific operations.
  • Level based: System drives towards current desired state and ignores previous desired states.
  • Asynchronous: Requests will return success before the system tries to reconcile the desired state


Storage for new resource types is defined in the file <kind>_types.go under pkg/apis/<api-group>/<api-version>/.

The recommended way to bootstrap a new resource type is using apiserver-boot create group version resource as this will make sure the definition is well formatted and will also create supplementary files for testing, documentation and reconciliation.

Note: All types created through apiserver-boot are automatically registered with the apiserver through code generation.

Resource name structure

Resources have 3 components:

Group: Similar to a go package. Provides a canonical name for the resource. Of the form <package-name>.<domain-name> such as Must not have any capital letters.

Version: Defines API stability and allows for evolving APIs in non-backwards compatible ways without breaking backwards compatibility by incrementing the version. Resources with the same group & kind, but different versions generally share the same storage (listing from one version will list objects from all versions) Must be some form of alpha, beta or stable - e.g. v1alpha1, v1beta1, v1. For more information on the semantic meaning of API versions, see the Kubernetes API documentation

Kind: Name of the API. e.g. Deployment, Pod, Service, etc. Must be UpperCamel cased.

Resource definition structure

Resource definitions have 3 subsections. Creating a resource with apiserver-boot will automatically populate the scaffolding for you resource definition with each of these fields.

Metadata: Contains metadata about the resource

  • Name (unique key)
  • Annotations (non-queryable key-value pairs)
  • Labels (queryable key-value pairs)

Spec: Contains the desired state Add fields specifying the desired state here. Canonical information about the object goes here. Used by reconciliation loops to update other objects in the cluster or external objects.

Status: Contains the observed state Add fields specifying the observed state here. Note: Status fields should not be the canonical source of information, and should only serve to publish status from other sources. Used by clients and reconciliation loops to view the state of the object.

Example resource definition:

type Foo struct {
  metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
  metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

  Spec   FooSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
  Status FooStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

type FooSpec struct {
  // Publish desired object state and canonical object information here

type FooStatus struct {
  // Publish object status values here

Note: Resources may have different versions with different representations. All versions of the same resource must be able to be converted back and forth between forms without losing information. This is done using an "unversioned" object, which by default is generated for resources.

Storage operations

During storage operations there are several opportunities to either reject the request or modify the stored object before it is written.

Storage Operations


Note: The following operations are synchronous, however reconciling the object's desired state in the cluster will happen asynchronously after the object is stored.

DefaultingFunction: Optional fields that need to be interpreted with some value when they are not specified should be defaulted and written to the object. Note: Leaving fields unspecified and interpreting this as some value is an anti-pattern and should be avoided. Persisting the defaulted values makes it easier to change the default values for different versions of the same API.

If unspecified in your type, a default DefaultingFunction will be provided by apiserver-builder. The default implementation will do no defaulting.

Note: This works on the versioned representation of the object.


func (<ResourceType>SchemeFns) DefaultingFunction(o interface{}) {
    obj := o.(*<ResourceType>)

    // Custom Defaulting logic here

PrepareForCreate: Perform modifications to the underlying object before it is stored. Maybe used to set Initializers or Finalizers on an object before it is stored.

If unspecified in your type, a default PrepareForCreate implementation will be provided by apiserver-builder. The default will drop updates to Status that do not go through the Status subresource. The default maybe overridden by providing a function attached to <ResourceType>Strategy in the _types.go

Note: This works on the unversioned representation of the object.


func (s <ResourceType>Strategy) PrepareForCreate(ctx request.Context, obj runtime.Object) {
    // Invoke the parent implementation to strip the Status
    s.DefaultStorageStrategy.PrepareForCreate(ctx, obj)

    // Cast the element
    o := obj.(*<group>.<ResourceType>)

    // Custom PrepareForCreate logic here

Validate: Perform static validation of the values set in the resource. Reject the creation request if the object is not valid.

If unspecified in your type, a default Validate implementation will be provided by apiserver-builder. The default implementation will do no validation. The default maybe overridden by providing a function attached to <ResourceType>Strategy in the _types.go:

Note: This works on the unversioned representation of the object.


func (<ResourceType>Strategy) Validate(ctx request.Context, obj runtime.Object) field.ErrorList {
    o := obj.(*<group>.<ResourceType>Strategy)
    errors := field.ErrorList{}

    if <some-condition>
        errors = append(errors, field.Invalid(
            field.NewPath("spec", "<some field>"), o.Spec.<SomeField>, fmt.Sprintf("Bad value %s", o.Spec.<SomeField>)))
    return errors

Canonicalize: Allows a final restructuring of the object before it is stored to put it in a canonical form. Maybe used for tasks such as sorting an unordered list field to provide a predictable and consistent representation of the same logical data.

Note: This works on the unversioned representation of the object.


func (DefaultStorageStrategy) Canonicalize(obj runtime.Object) {
  o := obj.(*<group>.<ResourceType>Strategy)
  // Re-structure object here


Note: The following operations are synchronous, however reconciling the object's desired state in the cluster will happen asynchronously after the object is stored.

Update operations have the same basic pieces as Create operations, with a few minor differences.

ValidateUpdate: A separate validate may be specified for updates that can validate new values against old values. This is useful for enforcing immutability of certain fields.

If unspecified in your type, a default ValidateUpdate will be provided by the apiserver-builder. Can be overriden by specifying the function <ResourceType>Strategy.PrepareForUpdate.

PrepareForUpdate: Similar to PrepareForCreate, but for update operations.

If unspecified in your type, a default PrepareForUpdate will be provided by the apiserver-builder. Can be overriden by specifying the function <ResourceType>Strategy.PrepareForUpdate.


Note: The delete is asynchronous and the garbage collection will be executed after the request returns.

Finalizers: Controller manually garbage collects downstream resources.

If a finalizer is specified on an object (e.g. PrepareForCreate) deleting an object will set the DeletionTimestamp field on the object with a grace period. This allows controllers to see the object has been deleted and perform cleanup of resources the object may have created.

OwnerReference: apiserver automatically garbage collects downstream resources.

Automatic garbage collection may be specified by setting an OwnerReference on the object to be garbage collected. When the owning object is deleted, objects with the OwnerReference will automatically be deleted. Note: This is the preferred method for garbage collection, but will not work for cleaning up external (non-kubernetes-object) resources. e.g. resources provisioned through the cloud provider. See garbage-collection for more information.


  • Objects have Metadata, Spec and Status fields
  • Storage operations may be rejected or transformed by the apiserver before the object is written.
  • apiserver-boot create group version resource will setup the basic scaffolding for a new resource type using sane overridable defaults.


Reconciliation Process

Reconciliation is performed by watching for updates to resource objects, and then writing back new objects or updates to the apiserver. Typically, each resource has its own controller function defined in the controller-manager process. However some controllers, such as the scheduler, run in their own separate process

In an apiserver-builder project, the reconciliation function for new resource types is defined in the file controller.go under pkg/controller/<kind>.go.

Creating resources with apiserver-boot create group version resource will also create the reconciliation function and corresponding tests for the resource.

Controller initialization

The reconciliation implementation is automatically registered with the controller-manager binary by the code generator and is initialized by its' Init function. The Init function is automatically invoked as part of registering the implementation. Custom logic and dependencies can be defined here.

func (c *<Kind>ControllerImpl) Init(
	config *rest.Config,
	si *sharedinformers.SharedInformers,
	queue workqueue.RateLimitingInterface) {

Reconciliation loops

Updates to a resource are reconciled when a new update is observed through a watch. Reconciliation logic is defined by implementing the following method, which accepts the new object value as its only parameter.

Note: The last object value is not provided as a parameter. This is because the system is level based and not edge based, so no decisions should be made off the last value.

func (c *<Kind>ControllerImpl) Reconcile(u *<version>.<Kind>) error {
	return nil

Reconcile logic may include:

  • updating the object metadata, spec or status
  • creating, updating or deleting other objects in the Kubernetes cluster (e.g. Kubernetes APIs such as Pod)
  • creating, updating or deleting resources outside the Kubernetes cluster (e.g. cloud provider resources such as CloudSQL).

Note: there is no deletion hook defined. To define deletion logic, a Finalizer must be set on the Object during creation in PrepareForCreate. This will cause a DeletionTimestamp to be set on the object when it is deleted, resulting in the Reconcile method being invoked.

In Reconcile() for deletion, the corresponding finalizer must be removed (and updated to the storage). Otherwise, the object will never be deleted.

Using API extensions to manage resources external to the cluster

Controllers may also reconcile Kubernetes APIs with external resources, such as resources hosted by a cloud provider. When managing these sorts of a resources, a finalizer must be used to clean up after the Kubernetes object is deleted.

End to end Deployment example

The following is a diagram of the storage - reconciliation interactions for creating a new Deployment.

Deployment Example

Running extension apiservers and controller-managers

APIs are built as separate apiserver and controller-manager processes.


  • setup extension apiserver
    • run as a Deployment
    • register with the core apiserver using an
  • setup etcd storage for the extension apiserver
    • run as StatefulSet or etcd operator
  • setup the extension controller-manager
    • run as a Deployment (maybe the same Pod as the extension apiserver)
    • configure to talk to the core apiserver (extension APIs are used through core

apiserver-builder can build the needed containers and yaml config to using:

  • apiserver-boot apiserver-boot build container: cross-compile the go binaries into a container image
  • apiserver-boot apiserver-boot build config: emit yaml configuration for running the apiserver, controller-manager and etcd in a cluster

Extension apiservers

Advanced API topics

Following are advanced topics for further customizing APIs

Defining reconciliation constraints

As part of the Spec, it may be useful to provide constraints on how a controller may reconcile the object. For instance, when rolling out a new Deployment the controller needs to know how many Pods may be unhealthy at a time (specified in the Spec.RolloutStrategy). This allows clients to still control how changes are made to the cluster while still being declarative.

Cross-cutting initialization hooks

It is possible to specify dynamic cross-cutting hooks for initializing and validating objects. This allows supporting dynamic "BeforeCreate" and "Validate" semantics for objects by installing extensions into the cluster. For more information see Dynamic Admission Control

Storage subresources

A resource's Status and Spec have separate endpoints for their operations:

  • By default performing a storage operation to the resource will only update the Spec and Metadata.
  • By default performing a storage operation to the status subresource will only update the Status and Metadata.

Additional subresources may be specified for polymorphic operations such as scale, which can be generally understood by clients without having to understand the underlying structure of the object.