dotfiles for my i3 setup
includes polybar and urxvt configuration and scripts
- firefox
- xorg-xrandr
- polybar
- i3-bar
- lightdm
- lightdm-gtk-greeter
- nitrogen
- ripgrep
- xclip
- wget
- git
- oh-my-zsh
- dunst
- deluge
- compton
- kitty terminal
- grip - for markdown preview
- rofi
- pulseaudio
- pavucontrol
- pasystray
- lxappearance
- docker
- docker-compose
- nodejs
- npm
- zsh-pure-prompt
- code
- FiraCode font
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- fzf
- ttf-dejavu
- fontawesome fonts
- htop
- ranger
- scrot
- openssh
- xorg-xmodmap
- pip
- konfig