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FIESTA : FIeld ESTimAtor

FIESTA is a python library for general interpolation from uniform and non-uniform input points. The library is predominantly written in python with a backend of Fortran for speed.

MPI functionality can be enabled through the installation of the python library mpi4py but will require the additional installation of MPIutils which handles all of the MPI enabled functions by passing the MPIutils class MPI as an additional keyword argument.

In-depth documentation and tutorials can be found here.


FIESTA is currently in development. We implement


  • Dimensions:
    • Unit Sphere
    • Polar Coordinates
  • Buffer particles outside mask
  • Serial implementation for very large datasets

Implemented in Python

  • kDTree for fast nearest neighbour search.
  • Dimensions:
    • 2D
    • 3D
  • Assignment schemes:
    • Grid based: NGP, CIC, TSC
  • Interpolation:
    • Bilinear
    • Trilinear
  • Boundary particles:
    • Random buffer
    • Periodic
  • Voronoi tesselation:
    • area calculation in 2D.
    • volume calculation in 3D.
  • Delaunay Estimation Field Estimator:
    • 2D, 3D
  • Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) classes
    • 2D, 3D

Python module


Clone or download FIESTA. Navigate to the python directory in a terminal and install using the following:

    python build
    python install

You will then be able to load FIESTA in python using:

  import fiesta


  • python3
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • f2py


  • boundary : Boundary particles.

    • boundary.buffer_random_particles_2d : Random buffer particles in 2D.
    • boundary.buffer_random_particles_3d : Random buffer particles in 3D.
    • boundary.buffer_random_particles_3d_slice : Random buffer particles for a thick 3D slice.
    • boundary.buffer_periodic_particles_2d : Periodic particles in 2D.
    • boundary.buffer_periodic_particles_3d : Periodic particles in 3D.
    • boundary.buffer_periodic_particles_3d_slice : Periodic particles for a thick 3D slice.
  • coords : Utility coordinate functions.

    • coords.xy2points : Column stacks 2D coordinates.
    • coords.xyz2points : Column stacks 3D coordinates.
    • coords.points2xy : Undo column stacks 2D coordinates.
    • coords.points2xyz : Undo column stacks 3D coordinates.
  • dtfe : Delaunay Tesselation Field Estimator.

    • dtfe.Delaunay2D : DTFE in 2D.
    • dtfe.Delaunay3D : DTFE in 3D.
    • dtfe.DelaunayThickSlice : DTFE for 3D slice.
    • dtfe.SeriesDelaunay2D : Series implementation of the 2D DTFE for large data.
    • dtfe.SeriesDelaunay3D : Series implementation of the 3D DTFE for large data.
    • dtfe.SeriesDelaunayThickSlice : Series implementation of the 3D DTFE construction for large data.
  • grid : Grid based functions.

    • grid.grid2d : Generates a 2D grid.
    • grid.grid3d : Generates a 3D grid.
    • grid.part2grid2d : Particle to grid assignment in 2D.
    • grid.part2grid3d : Particle to grid assignment in 3D.
    • grid.deconvolve_part2grid_2D : Deconvolves grid assignment in Fourier space in 2D.
    • grid.deconvolve_part2grid_3D : Deconvolves grid assignment in Fourier space in 3D.
  • interp : Interpolation functions.

    • interp.bilinear : Bilinear interpolation from a grid.
    • interp.trilinear : Trilinear interpolation from a grid.
  • kdtree : kDTree class built on scipy.

    • kdtree.KDTree2D : Class implemented in 2D.
    • kdtree.KDTree3D : Class implemented in 3D.
  • randoms : Random generation.

    • randoms.random_uniform : Uniform randoms in 1D.
    • randoms.random_box : Uniform randoms in 2D.
    • randoms.random_cube : Uniform randoms in 3D.
  • sph : Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics.

    • sph.cubic_kernel : Cubic SPH kernel.
    • sph.dcubic_kernel : Cubic derivative SPH kernel.
    • sph.SPH2D : 2D SPH class.
    • sph.SPH3D : 3D SPH class.
  • src : Direct access to lower level Fortran source code.

    • src.xgrid : Computes grid point based on the grid index and grid size.
    • src.weight_cic : Cloud-in-cell weight.
    • src.weight_tsc : Triangular-shaped-cloud weight.
    • src.p2g_ngp_2d : Nearest-grid-point particle assignment in 2D.
    • src.p2g_cic_2d_periodic : Cloud-in-cell particle assignment in 2D with periodic boundaries.
    • src.p2g_cic_2d_nonperiodic : Cloud-in-cell particle assignment in 2D with non-periodic boundaries.
    • src.p2g_tsc_2d_periodic : Triangular-shaped-cloud particle assignment in 2D with periodic boundaries.
    • src.p2g_tsc_2d_nonperiodic : Triangular-shaped-cloud particle assignment in 2D with non-periodic boundaries.
    • src.p2g_ngp_3d : Nearest-grid-point particle assignment in 3D.
    • src.p2g_cic_3d_periodic : Cloud-in-cell particle assignment in 3D with periodic boundaries.
    • src.p2g_cic_3d_nonperiodic : Cloud-in-cell particle assignment in 3D with non-periodic boundaries.
    • src.p2g_tsc_3d_periodic : Triangular-shaped-cloud particle assignment in 3D with periodic boundaries.
    • src.p2g_tsc_3d_nonperiodic : Triangular-shaped-cloud particle assignment in 3D with non-periodic boundaries.
    • src.bilinear_periodic : Bilinear interpolation from a grid with periodic boundaries.
    • src.bilinear_nonperiodic : Bilinear interpolation from a grid with non-periodic boundaries.
    • src.trilinear_periodic : Trilinear interpolation from a grid with periodic boundaries.
    • src.trilinear_nonperiodic : Trilinear interpolation from a grid with non-periodic boundaries.
    • src.triangle_area : Calculates the area of a triangle from its vertices.
    • src.sum_triangle_area : Calculates the area of the sum of several triangles.
    • src.tetrahedron_volume : Calculates the volume of a tetrahedron from its vertices.
    • src.voronoi_2d_area : Calculates the area of voronoi cells.
    • src.voronoi_3d_area : Calculates the volume of voronoi cells
    • src.get_delf0_2d : Determines delta f0 in 2D.
    • src.delaunay_estimate_2d : Delaunay estimate in 2D.
  • utils : Utility functions.

    • utils.complex_mult : Multiplication of a complex array.
    • utils.complex_div : Division of a complex array.
    • utils.flat_list : Flattens a given list.
    • utils.get_vector_magnitude_2D : Returns 2D array magnitude.
    • utils.get_vector_magnitude_3D : Returns 3D array magnitude.
  • voronoi : Voronoi construction and utility functions.

    • voronoi.Voronoi2D : 2D voronoi construction.
    • voronoi.Voronoi3D : 3D voronoi construction.
    • voronoi.VoronoiThickSlice : 3D voronoi slice construction.
    • voronoi.SeriesVoronoi2D : Series implementation of the 2D voronoi construction for large data.
    • voronoi.SeriesVoronoi3D : Series implementation of the 3D voronoi construction for large data.
    • voronoi.SeriesVoronoiThickSlice : Series implementation of the 3D voronoi slice construction for large data.