These mappings below are examples for different events triggered for Venia and what should be sent to AEP
- Page View event
- On Click event
- Product Page View event
- Add To Cart event
- Add To Wish List event
- Purchase Confirmation event
Data Element: xdm-pageViews
Schema: AEP Demo - Website Interactions Schema
Note: This schema is based on Demo Systems Next schemas.
- <--tenantID-->
- identification
- ecid = %ECID%
- identification
- environment
- browserDetails
- acceptLanguage = %browser.language%
- userAgent = %browser.userAgent%
- browserDetails
- web
- webPageDetails
- name =
- siteSection = %page.siteSection%
- pageViews
- value = %return1%
- webPageDetails
Data Element: xdm-onClick
Schema: AEP Demo - Website Interactions Schema
Note: This schema is based on Demo Systems Next schemas.
- <--tenantID-->
- identification
- ecid = %ECID%
- identification
- environment
- browserDetails
- acceptLanguage = %browser.language%
- userAgent = %browser.userAgent%
- browserDetails
- web
- webinteraction
- linkClicks
- value = %return1%
- name =
- type = other
- linkClicks
- webPageDetails
- name =
- siteSection = %page.siteSection%
- webinteraction
Data Element: xdm-productPageViews
Schema: AEP Demo - Website Interactions Schema
Note: This schema is based on Demo Systems Next schemas.
- <--tenantID-->
- identification
- ecid = %ECID%
- productData
- productName =
- productPageUrl = %page.Url%
- productPrice = %productCoreCmp.xdm:listPrice%
- identification
- commerce
- productViews
- value = %return1%
- productViews
- environment
- browserDetails
- acceptLanguage = %browser.language%
- userAgent = %browser.userAgent%
- browserDetails
- web
- webPageDetails
- name =
- siteSection = %page.siteSection%
- pageViews
- value = %return1%
- webPageDetails
Data Element: xdm-addToCart
Schema: AEP Demo - Website Interactions Schema
Note: This schema is based on Demo Systems Next schemas.
- <--tenantID-->
- identification
- ecid = %ECID%
- productData
- productName =
- productPageUrl = %page.Url%
- productPrice = %productCoreCmp.xdm:listPrice%
- identification
- commerce
- productListAdds
- value = %return1%
- productListAdds
- environment
- browserDetails
- acceptLanguage = %browser.language%
- userAgent = %browser.userAgent%
- browserDetails
- web
- webinteraction
- linkClicks
- value = %return1%
- name =
- type = other
- linkClicks
- webPageDetails
- name =
- siteSection = %page.siteSection%
- webinteraction
Data Element: xdm-addToWishList
Schema: AEP Demo - Website Interactions Schema
Note: This schema is based on Demo Systems Next schemas.
- <--tenantID-->
- identification
- ecid = %ECID%
- productData
- productName =
- productPageUrl = %page.Url%
- productPrice = %productCoreCmp.xdm:listPrice%
- identification
- commerce
- saveForLaters
- value = %return1%
- saveForLaters
- environment
- browserDetails
- acceptLanguage = %browser.language%
- userAgent = %browser.userAgent%
- browserDetails
- web
- webinteraction
- linkClicks
- value = %return1%
- name =
- type = other
- linkClicks
- webPageDetails
- name =
- siteSection = %page.siteSection%
- webinteraction