- lots of comment cleanups
- test code example in readme.md
- Response.text no longer assumes utf-8
- minor bug fixes
- minor bug fixes
- been on the struggle bus lately, yield items from sub function
- use try/finally block to close session, race condition? Not reproducible.
- explicitly close session when we create it
- work around misbehaving upstream proxy by adding keep-alive header
- nicer log output in pipeline based on stage name
- Python 3.8 changes how functools.partial() wraps async functions, needed a minor patch
- read response.body instead of response.text to allow downloading of binary files
- track_urls is now True by default
- lots of refactoring
- now enqueue Requests instead of urls
- Request can now hold a callback, useful for Requests emitted by parse()
- callback can be a coro instead of only an async generator
- Spider can now track urls so the same page isn't hit twice
- page spidering is more concurrent, results are still in order
- all tests use mock requests, found and filed a bug in aiohttp (#4684)
- client_factory is now just a client object again
- use a Queue to hold urls
- move pipeline functionality into its own class
- use a client_factory to create ClientSession
- did I really call it DropItemBad? DropItemError
- adding DropItemBad, change logging levels
- initial release, seems to work