Manually transpilated C++ code from ns-3 manet routing example to Python.
Based on:
Waf contains some options that automatically update the python path to find the ns3 module. To run the manet routing program, there are two ways to use waf to take care of this. One is to run a waf shell:
$ ./waf shell
$# python work/ [args]
and the other is to use the --pyrun option to waf:
$ ./waf --pyrun work/ [args]
To run a python script under the C debugger:
$ ./waf shell
$# gdb --args python work/ [args]
The args are optional and have an order, as follows:
- nSinks - int. Default: 10
- txp - float. Default: 8.9048
- TotalTime - int. Default: 1000
- Nodes - int. Default: 50
- Protocol - int. Default: 3 (means OSDV Protocol)
- NodeSpeed - int. Default: 20 (in m/s)
- NodePause - int. Default: 0 (in s)
- CSVfileName - string. Default: "manet-routing.output"
You can use a simple Docker container, following the commands below to build and run it. Thanks for @ryankurte
All dependencies installed for this container are listed on:
$ docker build -t knonm/ns3-manet-compare .
$ docker run --rm -it \
-e SINKS=10 \
-e NODE_PAUSE=100 \
-v `pwd`/build:/usr/ns3/ns-3.26/work \
- Install XQuartz
- Find IP with
ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1=="inet" {print $2}'
- Enable IP based access with
xhost + $IP
- Run with
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`/build:/usr/ns3/ns-3.26/work -e DISPLAY=$IP:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix knonm/ns3-manet-compare
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Free Software, Hell Yeah!