When I was still in college it was common to try multiple programming languages, at that time I used vscode that with a single plugin allowed me to run many programming languages, I left the ballast that are electron apps and switched to neovim, I searched the Internet and finally i found a lot of plugins, but none of them i liked (maybe i didn't search well), so i started adding autocmds like i don't have a tomorrow, this worked fine but this is lazy (maybe it will work for you, if you only programs in one or three languages maximum). So I decided to make this plugin and since the migration of my commands was very fast, it was just copy and paste and everything worked. Currently I don't test many languages anymore and work in the professional environment, but this plugin is still my swiss army knife.
- Neovim (>= 0.8)
- With lazy.nvim
{ "CRAG666/code_runner.nvim", config = true },
- With packer.nvim
use 'CRAG666/code_runner.nvim'
- With paq-nvim
require "paq"{ 'CRAG666/code_runner.nvim'; }
Please see my config code_runner.lua
Note If you want implement a new feature open an issue to know if it is worth implementing it and if there are people interested.
- Toggle runner(you need CRAG666/betterTerm.nvim, By the way, this is the mode I currently use with this plugin)
- Reload task on the fly
- Run code in a Float window
- Run code in a tab
- Run code in a split
- Run code with toggleTerm
- Custom hooks, for example preview in files like markdown, hot reload enabled. see Hooks
- Assign commands to projects without files in the root of the project
- Run project commands in different modes for a per projects base
This plugin can be configured either in lua, with the setup
function, or with json files for interopability between this plugin and the original code runner vscode plugin.
filetype = {
java = {
"cd $dir &&",
"javac $fileName &&",
"java $fileNameWithoutExt"
python = "python3 -u",
typescript = "deno run",
rust = {
"cd $dir &&",
"rustc $fileName &&",
Warning A common mistake is using relative paths instead of absolute paths in . Use absolute paths in configurations or else the plugin won't work, in case you like to use short or relative paths you can use something like this
Note If you want to change were the code is displayed you need to specify the
attribute in the setupfunction
-- this is a config example
require('code_runner').setup {
filetype_path = vim.fn.expand('~/.config/nvim/code_runner.json'),
project_path = vim.fn.expand('~/.config/nvim/project_manager.json')
Note To check what modes ore supported see mode parameter.
All run commands allow restart. So, for example, if you use a command that does not have hot reload, you can call a command again and it will close the previous one and start again.
: Runs based on file type, first checking if belongs to project, then if filetype mapping exists:RunCode <A_key_here>
: Execute command from its key in current directory.:RunFile <mode>
: Run the current file (optionally you can select an opening mode).:RunProject <mode>
: Run the current project(If you are in a project otherwise you will not do anything,).:RunClose
: Close runner(Doesn't work in better_term mode, use native plugin options):CRFiletype
- Open json with supported files(Use only if you configured with json files).:CRProjects
- Open json with list of projects(Use only if you configured with json files).
Recommended mappings:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>r', ':RunCode<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = false })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>rf', ':RunFile<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = false })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>rft', ':RunFile tab<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = false })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>rp', ':RunProject<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = false })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>rc', ':RunClose<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = false })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>crf', ':CRFiletype<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = false })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>crp', ':CRProjects<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = false })
This are the the configuration option you can pass to the setup
function. To see the default values see: code_runner.nvim/lua/code_runner/options
: Mode in which you want to run. Are supported: "better_term", "float", "tab", "toggleterm" (type:bool
) -
: Focus on runner window. Only works on term and tab mode (type:bool
) -
: init in insert mode.Only works on term and tab mode (type:bool
) -
: Configurations for the integrated terminalposition
: terminal position consult:h windows
for options (type:string
: Size of the terminal window (type:uint
: Configurations for the float winborder
: Window border see:h nvim_open_win
: (type:float
: (type:float
: (type:float
: (type:float
: (type:string
: Toggle mode replacement(Install CRAG666/betterTerm.nvim)clean
: Clean terminal before launch(type:bool
: Use nil for dynamic number and set init(type:uint?
: Set a start number for executions, each execution will go to a different terminal(type:uint?
) },
: Execute before executing a file (type:func
) -
: If you prefer to use lua instead of json files, you can add your settings by file type here (type:table
) -
: Absolute path to json file config (type:absolute paths
) -
: If you prefer to use lua instead of json files, you can add your settings by project here (type:table
) -
: Absolute path to json file config (type:absolute paths
Note The commands are runned in a shell. This means that you can't run neovim commands with this.
The filetype table can take either a string
, a table
or a function
-- in setup function
filetype = {
java = { "cd $dir &&", "javac $fileName &&", "java $fileNameWithoutExt" },
python = "python3 -u",
typescript = "deno run",
rust = { "cd $dir &&",
"rustc $fileName &&",
cs = function(...)
local root_dir = require("lspconfig").util.root_pattern "*.csproj"(vim.loop.cwd())
return "cd " .. root_dir .. " && dotnet run$end"
If you want to add some other language or some other command follow this structure key = commans
Note In Json you can only pass the commands as a string
The equivalent for your json filetype file is:
"java": "cd $dir && javac $fileName && java $fileNameWithoutExt",
"python": "python3 -u",
"typescript": "deno run",
"rust": "cd $dir && rustc $fileName && $dir/$fileNameWithoutExt"
Note If you don't want to use the plugin specific variables you can use vim filename-modifiers.
This uses some special keyword to that means different things. This is do mainly for be compatible with the original vscode plugin.
The available variables are the following:
: path to current open file (e.g./home/user/current_dir/current_file.ext
: filename of current open file (e.g.current_file.ext
: filename without extension of current file (e.g.current_file
: path to directory of current open file (e.g./home/user/current_dir
: finish the command (it is useful for commands that do not require final autocompletion)
If you want to add some other language or some other command follow this structure key: commans
There are 3 main ways to configure the execution of a project (found in the example.)
- Use the default command defined in the filetypes file (see
or check your config). In order to do that it is necessary to define file_name. - Use a different command than the one set in
or your config. In this case, the file_name and command must be provided. - Use a command to run the project. It is only necessary to define command (You do not need to write navigate to the root of the project, because automatically the plugin is located in the root of the project).
Also see project parameters to set correctly your project commands.
project = {
["~/python/intel_2021_1"] = {
name = "Intel Course 2021",
description = "Simple python project",
file_name = "POO/main.py"
["~/deno/example"] = {
name = "ExapleDeno",
description = "Project with deno using other command",
file_name = "http/main.ts",
command = "deno run --allow-net"
["~/cpp/example"] = {
name = "ExapleCpp",
description = "Project with make file",
command = "make buid && cd buid/ && ./compiled_file"
"~/python/intel_2021_1": {
"name": "Intel Course 2021",
"description": "Simple python project",
"file_name": "POO/main.py"
"~/deno/example": {
"name": "ExapleDeno",
"description": "Project with deno using other command",
"file_name": "http/main.ts",
"command": "deno run --allow-net"
"~/cpp/example": {
"name": "ExapleCpp",
"description": "Project with make file",
"command": "make buid && cd buid/ && ./compiled_file"
: Project namedescription
: Project descriptionfile_name
: Filename relative to root pathcommand
: Command to run the project. It is possible to use variables exactly the same as we would inCRFiletype
Warning Avoid using all the parameters at the same time. The correct way to use them is shown in the example and described above.
Note Don't forget to name your projects because if you don't do so code runner will fail as it uses the name for the buffer name
These elements are intended to help with those commands that require more complexity. For example, implement hot reload on markup documents.
This module allows us to send a command to compile to pdf as well as show the result every time we save the original document.
filetype = {
tex = function(...)
require("code_runner.hooks.preview_pdf").run {
command = "pdflatex",
args = { "-output-directory", "/tmp", "$fileName" },
preview_cmd = "/bin/zathura --fork",
overwrite_output = "/tmp",
markdown = function(...)
markdownCompileOptions = {
Normal = "pdf",
Presentation = "beamer",
vim.ui.select(vim.tbl_keys(markdownCompileOptions), {
prompt = "Select preview mode:",
}, function(opt, _)
if opt then
require("code_runner.hooks.preview_pdf").run {
command = "pandoc",
args = { "$fileName", "-o", "$tmpFile", "-t", markdownCompileOptions[opt] },
preview_cmd = "/bin/zathura --fork",
print "Not Preview"
In the above example we use the hook to compile markdown and latex files to pdf. Not only that, but we also indicate in what order the resulting pdf file will be opened. In my case it is zathura but you can use a browser if it is more comfortable for you.
It is important that you take into account that each time you save the original file, the pdf file will be generated.
: Command used to generate the pdfargs
: Arguments of the above commandpreview_cmd
: Command used to open the resulting PDFoverwrite_output
: If for some reason you cannot define the output of the pdf file use this option to define the directory where it will be saved, and the name of the source file is concatenated with the pdf extension
These are variables used to be substituted for values according to each filename.
: Will be replaced by the full path of the file.$tmpFile
: This variable is replaced by a dynamic name generated by lua, stored in tmp.
These functions could be useful if you intend to create plugins around code_runner, currently only the file type and current project commands can be accessed respectively
require("code_runner.commands").get_filetype_command() -- get the current command for this filetype
require("code_runner.commands").get_project_command() -- get the current command for this project
You can directly integrate this plugin with ThePrimeagen/harpoon the way to do it is through command queries, harpoon allows the command to be sent to a terminal, below it is shown how to use harpoon term together with code_runner.nvim:
require("harpoon.term").sendCommand(1, require("code_runner.commands").get_filetype_command() .. "\n")
- The idea of this project comes from the vscode plugin code_runner You can even copy your configuration and pass it to this plugin, as they are the same in the way of defining commands associated with filetypes
- jaq-nvim some ideas of how to execute commands were taken from this plugin, thank you very much.
- FTerm.nvim Much of how this README.md is structured was blatantly stolen from this plugin, thank you very much
- @adalessa, profile, Much of the code for the pdf preview hook was taken from a plugin it has. thank you. For the Spanish community he has an excellent channel on neovim, Channel
- Thanks to all current and future collaborators, without their contributions this plugin would not be what it is today
Note If you have any ideas to improve this project, do not hesitate to make a request, if problems arise, try to solve them and publish them. Don't be so picky I did this in one afternoon
Your help is needed to make this plugin the best of its kind, be free to contribute, criticize (don't be soft) or contribute ideas. All PRs are welcome.