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Module 02 - Typescript


Fun With TS Introduction to the Typescript in NodeJs environment
Fun with Angular Bare bones angular application

Typescript introduction

  • How to declare a type for a variable
  • Declaring function return type
  • Defining arrays
  • Defining Tuples
  • Defining Narrowed Object types
  • Defining function signature types
  • Using the let keyword
  • Defining Classes
  • Declaring constructors and initializing fields in the constructor signature
  • private, public and protected fields
  • Using interfaces
  • Typescript definition for Type Safety as "signature compatible"
  • Union Types
  • Cross Types
  • the type alias
  • We saw how to build Modular typescript projects by defining typescript modules
    • defining exportable identifiers using the export keyword
    • defining imported identifiers using the import keyword

How to Tsc

  • We have created ts file and compiled it with TSC and run it with Node
  • We saw how to use the file tsconfig to configure the typescript compiler

Angular from way above

  • We talked again about SPA and the role of client application, UI Server and Data Server
  • We explained that angular development is done in a nodeJS environment but the code is compiled to a javascript that runs in the browser
  • We talked about how an angular application is served:
    • You write your code in many files
    • The files go through compilation
    • The compiled files are then packed into single main.js file
    • The UI Server serves an empty index.html
    • The html file links to the main.js which then runs in the browser

The angular CLI

  • Helps us to create new angular projects with many many files
  • Helps us to generate angular "items" with initial template
  • Helps us to automagically compile and pack our code - ALL THE TIME
  • Helps us by bringing up a development web server that serves the application to the browser in 'localhost:4200'
  • Can also help us to automatically test the code and build it for production
  • Is installed using npm

An angular app structure

  • We have created an app using the cli
  • We run it using ng serve and the browsing the localhost:4200
  • We went through the configuration files
  • We saw how index.html is an empty html file that links to the compiled script
  • We inspected main.ts and saw that it "bootstraps" a main module called AppModule
  • We understood that an angular module is a package of angular items
  • We saw the AppModule is just a class with ngModule decorator, which turns it into a module
  • We saw that AppComponent is a class with Component decorator, which turns it into an angular component
  • We saw that an angular component is a new "Html Tag" with its own looks and behavior
    • The behavior is written in typescript
    • The looks are defined in html and CSS