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Module 03 - Angular Components


Hello Angular Introduction Angular and MVVM
Notepad Deep Dive into Angular styling, directives and Component authoring

The Evolution of the web into SPA

  • We talked about how the web used to be a huge collection of HTML documents
  • We talked about the HTTP protocol that is used to create short connections to server and receive response to a single request
  • We talked about the AJAX paradigm where the client sends http requests to the server while the application continues to run, and integrates the received data into the DOM
  • We have seen how SPA (Single Page Application) is the extreme case of the AJAX paradigm, where a full application is delivered as a single, empty page and a JS file with all the code to generate the UI.
  • We covered how Angular fits into the SPA world by providing a work environment and development patterns for clientside single page apps

Introduction to angular

  • We used npm to intall the angular CLI
  • We used the cli to generate a new angular project using ng new
  • we have run the application using ng serve and viewed the application in the browser
  • We went over the project structure and files, including main.ts, index.html and styles.css
  • We have inspected the App Module and App Component and understood that
    • Angular applications are divided into Modules
    • A plain class turns into an Angular module using the @NgModule Decorator
    • Angular Modules contain components (amongst other things)
    • A plain class turns into an Angular Component using the @Component Decorator
  • The anuglar engine inspects the DOM, and applies it's magic on elements it recognizes as components
    • Inject the template into the DOM node
    • Instantiate the component class
    • Bind the html to the component instance members


  • We understood the evolution that lead to the Model View View-Model paradigm
  • We learned the role of each part of the pattern
  • We understood that a component is a pair of view and view model
  • We saw how to create an angular application while thinking "mvvm"
  • We wrote a simple search application
  • We learned about the concept of Directive and understood that there are 2 types of them
    • Element directive - is put on an element and changes its behavior
    • Structural directive - is put on an element and can modify the structure of the HTML DOM
  • We were introduced to the directives:
    • *ngIf
    • *ngFor
    • disabled
  • We learned how to wire interactivity using angular events
    • for example (click) = "doSomething()"
  • We learned about the concept of data binding and saw that there are 4 types of bindings
    • {{value}} - Text interpolation. For element content only
    • [directive]="value" - input binding - for directives and inputs
    • (event)="action" - event binding - for events
    • *directive="whatever" - for structural directive, each with its own syntax

Introduction to angular binding

  • We created the angular search
  • We have seen how to "think MVVM" - describing the logic of our application in the view model and then writing the view and binding it to the view model.
  • We have created a search application view model the performs search of a keyword
  • We have seen *ngIf and *ngFor and understood what are structural directives and how they work
  • We have used the [disabled] directive to disable the search box and button when the search is in progress

Introduction to Grid Layout

  • We have seen the Grid layout, and how to use it to create modren responsive UI layout
  • We have seen how to declare grid lines using grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns on the container
  • We have seen how to place grid children on a specific row or columns using grid-row and grid-column properties
  • for more information, see the complete guide to grid on CSS TRICKS:
  • Learn Grid by playing a game: Grid Garden

The notepad app

  • We have created a responsive layout using css grid
  • We have created a view model holding the lists of colors, fonts and sizes and the selected item in each array
  • We have added actions that modify the selected color, font and size
  • We have created a list of items in the HTML, and allowed to select color, size and font
  • We have used fancy CSS to decorate it and make the app look nice
  • We have learned about [class.XXX] and [style.XXX] directives

Componantization of the notepad component

  • We agreed that writing full scale applications in one component is difficult to maintain, which is why angular was built to support multi-component applications
  • We created a title component that presents a title
  • We have used the @Input Decorator to add input properties that may be passed through the HTML
  • We saw how to feed @Input properties with "live" data through Binding and understood the flow of data through the Input properties
  • We used the @Output Directive and the EventMitter<T> class to create our own events and raise them in our components
  • We used the (event)="action()" Syntax to respond to an event in the container component
  • We used the $event keyword to access event data
  • We learned about the various lifecycle hooks of angular components:
    • The constructor itself
    • The OnInit interface (after the inputs have been initialized)
    • The OnChanges interface (after each time an input is updated)
    • The OnDestroy interface (right before the component is to be removed from the DOM and destroyed)
    • The AfterViewInit interface (right after the template has been created)