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Module 05 - RxJS, Http and Pipes


[fun-with-rxjs] Introduction to rxjs main classes and concepts

Introduction to RxJS

  • We understood the meaning of a Stream
  • We defined what an Observer<T> is and understood that it has 3 methods
    • next(T)
    • complete()
    • error(err)
  • We understood that Observable<T> is an object that allows observers to subscribe
    • subscribe(Observer<T>)
  • We saw how to define an observer explicitly by supplying the 3 methods and their implementation
  • We saw how to create an observable using the interval operator
  • We saw that 2 observers that subscribe on different times, get different sets of events that are not synchronized
  • We understoof the difference between cold observables and hot observables
  • We have seen a few other factory operators:
    • timer - creates an observable with time delay. It has two variations
      • timer(----)=> ----0|
      • timer(----, --) => ----0--1--2--3--4...
    • of - wraps a value or values inside a synchronous observable
      • of(42) => (42)|
      • of(1, 2, 3) => 123|
    • from - serves as a multifunction converter between any wrapper to observable
      • from([1, 2, 3]) => [1, 2, 3]|
      • from(Promise ----42|) => ----42|
  • We saw how to create a custom observable using the observable constructor
  • We got familiar with the Subject object and understood that it is a hot observable
  • We saw that a subject can be used as a proxy to "heat" a cold observable
  • We learned about BehaviorSubject and understood that it is just a subject that sends the latest event to a new observer on the moment of subscription

RxJS in Angular Services

  • We learned how to develop stateful services using BehaviorSubject and expose it as an observable using the .asObservable() method
  • We understood that if we subscribe to an observable we must also unsubscribe from it when we are done with it to avoid memory leaks
  • We saw that we can bind directly to an observable using the async pipe in the html
  • We learned the term Fully Reactive Application as one where we pass observables all the way from the services to the html templates
  • We saw how to configure manual change detection for components and understood that it can dramatically improve performance
  • We saw how to inject the ChangeDetectorRef and to manually activate detectChanges to force invalidation of the DOM