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1263 lines (1072 loc) · 43.7 KB

File metadata and controls

1263 lines (1072 loc) · 43.7 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

v1.0.1 - 2017-06-15


  • The AND / OR operator composition order now matches the official SQLite 3 implementation so that AND has a higher precedence than OR

v1.0.0 - 2017-01-21


  • The root node of the AST now has type and variant properties:

      "type": "statement",
      "variant": "list",
      "statement": [{
        "type": "statement",
        "variant": "select",
        "statement": {}
  • There is now a command line version of the parser when it is installed as a global module (e.g., npm i -g sqlite-parser). The sqlite-parser command is then available to use to parse input SQL files and write the results to stdout or a JSON file. Additional usage instructions and options available through sqlite-parser --help.

    sqlite-parser input.sql --output foo.json
  • To allow users to parse arbitrarily long SQL files or other readable stream sources, there is now a stream transform that can accept a readable stream and then push (write) out JSON strings of the ASTs for individual statements.

    • The AST for each statement is pushed down the stream as soon as it is read and parsed instead of reading the entire file into memory before parsing begins.

      var parserTransform = require('sqlite-parser').createParser();
      var readStream = require('fs').createReadStream('./large-input-file.sql');
      parserTransform.on('error', function (err) {
      parserTransform.on('finish', function () {
    • To pipe the output into a file that contains a single valid JSON structure, the output of the parser steam transform needs to be wrapped in statement list node where every statement is separated by a comma.

      var fs = require('fs');
      var sqliteParser = require('sqlite-parser');
      var parserTransform = sqliteParser.createParser();
      var singleNodeTransform = sqliteParser.createStitcher();
      var readStream = fs.createReadStream('./large-input-file.sql');
      var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('./large-output-file.json');
      parserTransform.on('error', function (err) {
      writeStream.on('finish', function () {
  • Added missing ATTACH DATABASE statement. It will pair nicely with the existing DETACH DATABASE statement.

    ATTACH DATABASE 'bees2.db' AS more_bees
  • SQLite allows you to enter basically anything you want for a datatype, such as the datatype for a column in a CREATE TABLE statement, because it doesn't enforce types you provide. So, the parser will accept almost any unquoted string in place of a datatype. ref1 ref2

  • Run parser against entire SQLite test corpus using grunt testall command.

    • Warning: This command will parse ~49,000 of queries, across almost 900 different files, representing the entire SQLite test corpus at the time it was processed.
  • Allow multi-byte UTF-8 characters (e.g., \u1234) in identifier names.

  • Add support for table functions in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement.

      j2.rowid, jx.rowid
      j2, json_tree(j2.json) AS jx


  • BREAKING CHANGE Instead of publishing this module on npm as a browserified and minified bundle, The transpiled ES2015 code in lib/ is now published and I have left it up to the end user to decide if they want to browserify or minify the library. The combined unminified file sizes for the published version of the parser is now ~127kB.

    • There is still a dist/ folder containing the minified browserified bundle that comes in at ~81kB (7% reduction from v0.14.5). This is defined in the package.json as the browser version of the module, which is recognized by tools such as jspm and browserify.
  • BREAKING CHANGE The on property of a CREATE INDEX statement is now treated as a table expression identifier, and has the corresponding type and variant:

      "type": "statement",
      "variant": "create",
      "format": "index",
      "target": {
        "type": "identifier",
        "variant": "index",
        "name": "bees.hive_state"
      "on": {
        "type": "identifier",
        "variant": "expression",
        "format": "table",
        "name": {
          "type": "identifier",
          "variant": "table",
          "name": "hive"
        "columns": []
  • BREAKING CHANGE Indexed columns (e.g., the column list in the ON part of a CREATE INDEX statement) and ordering expressions (e.g., the ORDER BY part of a SELECT statement) now have the following format:

    • When they are proceeded by an ordering term (e.g., ASC, DESC) and/or COLLATE, such as ORDER BY nick ASC
      "order": [{
        "type": "expression",
        "variant": "order",
        "expression": {
          "type": "identifier",
          "variant": "column",
          "name": "nick"
        "direction": "asc"
    • But, when it is only an expression or column name without any ordering term or COLLATE then it will only be the expression itself, and the implicit "direction": "asc" will not be added to the AST, such as ORDER BY nick:
      "order": [{
        "type": "identifier",
        "variant": "column",
        "name": "nick"
  • BREAKING CHANGE Because of changes to how binary expressions are parsed, the order that expressions are composed may be different then the previous release. For example, ASTs may change such as those for queries that contain multiple binary expressions:

    SELECT *
    FROM hats
    WHERE x != 2 OR x == 3 AND y > 5
  • BREAKING CHANGE Expressions such as x NOT NULL were previously treated as a unary expressions but are now considered binary expressions.

      "type": "expression",
      "format": "binary",
      "variant": "operation",
      "operation": "not",
      "left": {
        "type": "identifier",
        "variant": "column",
        "name": "x"
      "right": {
        "type": "literal",
        "variant": "null",
        "value": "null"
  • BREAKING CHANGE Now, instead of transaction statements being parsed as a single statement of type transaction to be considered valid, each statement that makes up a the transaction (e.g., BEGIN, END) is considered its own distinct statement that can exist independent of the others. Because a single transaction can be spread across multiple input strings given to the parser, it is no longer treated as a single, large, transaction statement.

    DROP TABLE t1;
      "type": "statement",
      "variant": "list",
      "statement": [
          "type": "statement",
          "variant": "transaction",
          "action": "begin"
          "type": "statement",
          "target": {
            "type": "identifier",
            "variant": "table",
            "name": "t1"
          "variant": "drop",
          "format": "table",
          "condition": []
          "type": "statement",
          "variant": "transaction",
          "action": "commit"
  • BREAKING CHANGE COLLATE can now appear multiple times in a row wherever it would previously be allowed to appear, and as a result, the collate property of the AST will contain an array.

    SELECT 'cats'
    ORDER BY 1 COLLATE nocase COLLATE nocase
  • BREAKING CHANGE CONSTRAINT names can now appear multiple times before or after a column or table constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement. Having a CONSTRAINT name after the constraint is an undocumented SQLite feature. However, while it will not give an error, any constraint name appearing after the constraint is ignored.

      -- Two leading and two trailing CONSTRAINT clauses
      -- Name used: x_two
        CHECK( typeof( coalesce(x,0) ) == 'integer' )
        CONSTRAINT x_two CONSTRAINT x_three,
      y INTEGER,
      z INTEGER,
      -- Two trailing CONSTRAINT clauses
      -- Name used: (none)
      UNIQUE(x, y, z) CONSTRAINT u_one CONSTRAINT u_two
  • BREAKING CHANGE JOIN clauses and table lists can now occur in the same FROM clause of a single SELECT statement. Tables separated by a comma will be included in the JOIN map as a cross join.

    SELECT *
    FROM aa LEFT JOIN bb, cc
    WHERE cc.c = aa.a;
  • BREAKING CHANGE A comma-separated list of table or subquery names in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement are now treated as a join map of cross joins. Also, each pair of comma-separated tables or subqueries can include a join constraint expression (e.g., ON t.col1 = b.col2).

    SELECT t1.rowid, t2.rowid
    FROM t1, t2 ON t1.a = t2.b;
      "type": "statement",
      "variant": "list",
      "statement": [
          "type": "statement",
          "variant": "select",
          "result": [
              "type": "identifier",
              "variant": "column",
              "name": "t1.rowid"
              "type": "identifier",
              "variant": "column",
              "name": "t2.rowid"
          "from": {
            "type": "map",
            "variant": "join",
            "source": {
              "type": "identifier",
              "variant": "table",
              "name": "t1"
            "map": [
                "type": "join",
                "variant": "cross join",
                "source": {
                  "type": "identifier",
                  "variant": "table",
                  "name": "t2"
                "constraint": {
                  "type": "constraint",
                  "variant": "join",
                  "format": "on",
                  "on": {
                    "type": "expression",
                    "format": "binary",
                    "variant": "operation",
                    "operation": "=",
                    "left": {
                      "type": "identifier",
                      "variant": "column",
                      "name": "t1.a"
                    "right": {
                      "type": "identifier",
                      "variant": "column",
                      "name": "t2.b"
  • BREAKING CHANGE Instead of an array, for the args property of an AST node, it will now contain an expression list node containing the arguments on the expression property.

      "type": "expression",
      "variant": "list",
      "expression": []
  • BREAKING CHANGE All named values for properties such as variant, format, and type should always be lowercase, even when uppercase in the input SQL (e.g., variant is now natural join instead of NATURAL JOIN in the AST).

  • BREAKING CHANGE New format for CASE expression AST nodes:

    • variant when has a condition and a consequent
    • variant else has just a consequent
    • the outer expression is now variant case instead of binary
    • instead of taking whatever is provided between CASE and WHEN (e.g., CASE foo WHEN ...) and calling that the expression, it is now added as the discriminant
        case acc
          when a = 0 then a1
          when a = 1 then b1
          else c1
      "type": "expression",
      "variant": "case",
      "expression": [
          "type": "condition",
          "variant": "when",
          "condition": {
            "type": "expression",
            "format": "binary",
            "variant": "operation",
            "operation": "=",
            "left": {
              "type": "identifier",
              "variant": "column",
              "name": "a"
            "right": {
              "type": "literal",
              "variant": "decimal",
              "value": "0"
          "consequent": {
            "type": "identifier",
            "variant": "column",
            "name": "a1"
          "type": "condition",
          "variant": "when",
          "condition": {
            "type": "expression",
            "format": "binary",
            "variant": "operation",
            "operation": "=",
            "left": {
              "type": "identifier",
              "variant": "column",
              "name": "a"
            "right": {
              "type": "literal",
              "variant": "decimal",
              "value": "1"
          "consequent": {
            "type": "identifier",
            "variant": "column",
            "name": "b1"
          "type": "condition",
          "variant": "else",
          "consequent": {
            "type": "identifier",
            "variant": "column",
            "name": "c1"
      "discriminant": {
        "type": "identifier",
        "variant": "column",
        "name": "acc"
  • BREAKING CHANGE New format for EXISTS expression nodes. Use expression node in condition for IF NOT EXISTS. NOT EXISTS, and EXISTS modifiers instead of a string value.

    • CREATE TABLE statement

      create table if not exists foo(id int)
        "type": "statement",
        "name": {
          "type": "identifier",
          "variant": "table",
          "name": "foo"
        "variant": "create",
        "format": "table",
        "definition": [
            "type": "definition",
            "variant": "column",
            "name": "id",
            "definition": [],
            "datatype": {
              "type": "datatype",
              "variant": "int",
              "affinity": "integer"
        "condition": [
            "type": "condition",
            "variant": "if",
            "condition": {
              "type": "expression",
              "variant": "exists",
              "operator": "not exists"
    • DROP TABLE statement

      drop table if exists foo
        "type": "statement",
        "target": {
          "type": "identifier",
          "variant": "table",
          "name": "foo"
        "variant": "drop",
        "format": "table",
        "condition": [
            "type": "condition",
            "variant": "if",
            "condition": {
              "type": "expression",
              "variant": "exists",
              "operator": "exists"
    • NOT EXISTS expression

      select a
      where not exists (select b)
        "type": "statement",
        "variant": "select",
        "result": [
            "type": "identifier",
            "variant": "column",
            "name": "a"
        "where": [
            "type": "expression",
            "format": "unary",
            "variant": "exists",
            "expression": {
              "type": "statement",
              "variant": "select",
              "result": [
                  "type": "identifier",
                  "variant": "column",
                  "name": "b"
            "operator": "not exists"
  • RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded generated when running the uglified bundle (dist/sqlite-parser.js) in the browser, so I am skipping the minification step and only publishing the browserified bundle.


  • Fixed binary expression parsing logic so that it can handle expressions such as:

    SELECT * FROM t where -1 * (2 + 3);
    SELECT * FROM t where 3 + 4 * 5 > 20;
    SELECT * FROM t where v1 = ((v2 * 5) - v3);
  • Allow qualified table name in ON clause of CREATE TRIGGER statement (e.g., ON dbName.tableName).

  • Allow literal boolean values on and off in PRAGMA statements:

    PRAGMA legacy_file_format = ON;
  • Do not treat TEMP or ROWID as reserved words, since the official parser allows temp or rowid, when used as an identifier (e.g., a table named temp or the rowid column of a table).

    CREATE TABLE temp.t1(a, b);
    SELECT rowid AS "Internal Row ID" FROM bees;
  • Require semicolons to delineate BEGIN and END statements for transactions while also allowing unnecessary semicolons to be omitted:

  • Only allow CRUD operations inside of the body of a CREATE TRIGGER statement.

  • Allow empty strings or NULL to be used as aliases, to match behavior of the native SQLite parser, such as in an ATTACH DATABASE statement:

  • Allow datatype names to be provided to COLLATE to match the behavior of the official SQLite parser:

    SELECT c1
    FROM t
    ORDER BY 1 COLLATE numeric
  • Some CREATE TRIGGER statements were previously parsed as a binary expressions instead of create trigger statements.

  • Allow indexed columns to be parsed when they include a COLLATE and/or a ordering direction (e.g., ASC, DESC) when part of a table constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement or a ON part of a CREATE INDEX statement:

    CREATE TABLE t1(id int, PRIMARY KEY(x COLLATE binary ASC, y COLLATE hex, z DESC))
  • Allow UNIQUE column constraint type to be correctly parsed.

    CREATE TABLE bees(
  • Allow nested unary expressions while preserving also the correct order of precedence.

    SELECT not not foo
    FROM bees
  • The action (e.g., ADD COLUMN) and target (e.g., the table name) of a ALTER TABLE statement was not being added to the AST.

  • Allow AUTOINCREMENT in the column list of a PRIMARY KEY table constraint.

      x INTEGER,
      y REAL,
  • Now supporting custom datatypes with affinity inference where possible. See this page for explanation for choosing type affinity for custom types.

      -- Affinity: NUMERIC
      d STRING,
      -- Affinity: INTEGER
      e FLOATING POINT(5,10),
      -- Affinity: TEXT
      -- Affinity: INTEGER
      g LONG INTEGER DEFAULT( 3600*12 )
  • Allow trailing . in decimal value (e.g., SELECT 1. + 1).

  • Allow functions to have datatype names such as date(arg) or time(now).

  • Allow reserved words in the a VIRTUAL TABLE statement USING clause CTE columns (e.g., from, to).

  • Better nested expression parsing when unnecessary parenthesis are used within a complex expression.

          WHEN ( t.color != 'yellow' ) THEN 1
          ELSE 0
      ) AS imposter_bee_count
      bees t;
  • Allow a reserved word to be used as a column name in a CREATE TABLE statement as long as it can be safely implied that it is meant to be a column name.

    CREATE TABLE changelog(
      desc TEXT
  • Allow WITH clause before a SELECT statement wherever a SELECT statement can be found in a complex query, such as in a insert into select query.

    WITH s(x) AS ( VALUES (2) UNION ALL SELECT x + 2 FROM s WHERE x < 49 )
    SELECT * FROM s;
  • A view expression can now be used in a CREATE VIEW statement.

    CREATE VIEW v1(a, b) AS VALUES(1, 2), (3, 4);

v0.14.5 - 2016-07-11


  • Fix alternate not equal operator <>

    SELECT *
    FROM hats
    WHERE quantity <> 1

v0.14.4 - 2016-05-31


  • Allow spaces between a function name and the argument list

    FROM hats;

v0.14.3 - 2016-03-28


  • Do not run grunt tasks on npm install. Did not realize that prepublish is run on a regular npm install command.

v0.14.2 - 2016-03-24


  • Minified bundle was missing from dist/ folder after running grunt release
    • This would have caused the parser to not work as an installed npm module since the package.json main property points to the minified bundle

v0.14.1 - 2016-03-23


  • Fixed broken Grunt tasks (e.g. grunt release) in Windows

v0.14.0 - 2016-03-11


  • Latest version includes smart error functionality from the tracer branch that was not included in the last few versions. The latest release includes the smart syntax functionality now that it is as performant as the previous release that did not include smart errors.
  • Parser can now be invoke synchronously or asynchronously:
    var sqliteParser = require('sqlite-parser');
    var query = 'select pants from laundry;';
    // sync
    var ast = sqliteParser(query);
    // async
    sqliteParser(query, function (err, ast) {
      if (err) {


  • Upgrade sqlite-parser to ES2015

    import sqliteParser from 'sqlite-parser';
    const query = 'select name, color from cats;';
    const ast = JSON.stringify(sqliteParser(query), null, 2);
    • Process is not complete, but as of now most of the parser, tests, and demo are now in ES2015.
  • Publish the browserified bundle in the sqlite-parser npm package under dist/ folder

    • This includes the un-minified sqlite-parser.js with sourcemaps and the minified sqlite-parser-min.js without sourcemaps (the default file as defined in the package.json).
  • Do not publish the intermediate files from the build process to github

    • The lib/ and dist/ folders are no longer in version control as a part of this github repository.
    • The demo/ folder is also removed from the master branch as well and must be built using grunt demo to use it (or grunt live to build the demo and serve it locally with livereload).


  • Add --cache flag to pegjs compiler and reduce total rule count to increase performance of tracing parser and smart error functionality.
    • Early results show that --cache makes the tracer parser just as fast as the non-tracer branch for a moderate (~150kB) increase in file size.
    • Removing the number of whitespace rules reduced the chance of the process running out of memory while parsing larger queries.
  • Massive reduction in bundled parser size
    • To help combat the extra size added from the --cache option of pegjs, I reduced the size of the parser from 416.89 kB to 86.7 kB (~20% of the original size). I did this by switching pegjs option --optimize from speed to size and modifying [my fork of pegjs)( to allow rule descriptions to be looked up by rule index instead of by rule name as the optimize size mode required.

v0.11.3 - 2016-02-02


  • Added missing binary division operator so that things like this will now correctly parse.

    select CAST(4 / 9 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) as hat
    from pants;
  • Fixed BETWEEN expression grammar to remove bad recursion.

    select num
    from nums n
    where num between 100 AND 200;
  • Fixed ORDER BY grammar to allow more than two ordering expressions.

    select color, size, shape, name
    from eggs
    order by color asc, size desc, shape asc

v0.11.2 - 2016-01-29


  • Refactor to solve the different issues that come from trying to use unquoted reserved words as part of table names, column names, aliases, etc... This also addresses issues that came from certain SQLite keywords being fully contained within other keywords (e.g.: IN is contained in INT which is contained in INTERSECT).

    select intersects inid, innot notin
    from fromson nots
    where colorwhere IN nots.pon
    select suit, tie from pants;
  • Whoops! order property of SELECT statements contained an object with a result key that contained the ordering list instead of just containing the ordering list. It should actually look like this instead:

      "order": [
          "type": "expression",
          "variant": "order",
          "expression": {
            "type": "identifier",
            "variant": "column",
            "name": "hats"
          "direction": "asc"

v0.11.0 - 2015-09-29


  • Created a tracer branch to continue developing the Tracer class into something viable.
  • all keys removed in all places as it has no effect on query results
  • function args property now always contains an array. when DISTINCT is used in function arguments, then a distinct: true property is added to the function node.
  • any property that was previously attached to a node with a value of null is no longer included in the AST. this should reduce the size of the AST considerably with useless information. for example, the with property of a SELECT statement node.
  • all false values that were included by default (e.g.: temporary, autoIncrement, etc...) are only included in the AST when the value is true
  • expected AST for each spec is located in its own .json file instead of keeping it inside of the JS file.

v0.10.2 - 2015-07-09


  • lots of clean up to organize tests by category, split out tests to different files and directories by type, and created mocha.opts to run tests directory recursively.
  • force update README for npm website

[v0.10.1] - 2015-07-09


  • the following things no longer have an identifier node in the name property, as it is too redundant: column constraints, table constrains, column definitions. the parent node provides plenty of context itself for what you will find in its name property.

[v0.10.0] - 2015-07-09


  • rules and AST for missing transaction-related statement types: RELEASE and SAVEPOINT
  • rules and AST for missing SQLite-specific statement types: PRAGMA, DETACH, VACUUM, ANALYZE, and REINDEX
  • new specs for SQLite-specific statement types
  • new specs for missing transaction-related statement types
  • new specs for WITH clause with recursive table expressions
  • added new methods in parser-util.js to reduce repeated code: keyify(), textMerge(), and listify()


  • removing Tracer class from sqlite-parser until a faster solution is developed

    • Tracer is causing a 14x performance hit to the sqlite-parser specs when it is enabled
    • might consider having two different builds: one smart error build with Tracer and another performance build for speed
  • fixed rules for WITH clause prepended to CRUD-type statements to make sure the with property is added to the correct nodes

  • changed the AST for WITH clause to no longer have a node of type "with"

    "with": [
        "type": "expression",
        "format": "table",
        "name": "bees",
        "expression": {
          "type": "statement",
          "variant": "select",
          "from": [],
          "where": null,
          "group": null,
          "result": [],
          "distinct": false,
          "all": false,
          "order": null,
          "limit": null
        "columns": null,
        "recursive": false
  • DROP statement now gives correct variant to the type:'identifier' node in the target property

  • now, in a ROLLBACK statement, the savepoint exists on the to property

  • fixed bind parameter rules and AST so that a named tcl parameter can still have an alias

  • changed the format for INSERT, WITH, and FOREIGN KEY when using a table name versus a table expression name with a column list. for example, INSERT INTO cats (a, b, c) versus INSERT INTO cats now have the following differences in formats

      "into": {
        "type": "identifier",
        "variant": "expression",
        "format": "table",
        "name": "cats",
        "columns": [
            "type": "identifier",
            "variant": "column",
            "name": "a"
            "type": "identifier",
            "variant": "column",
            "name": "b"
            "type": "identifier",
            "variant": "column",
            "name": "c"
      "into": {
        "type": "identifier",
        "variant": "table",
        "name": "cats",
  • JOIN rules so that USING clause can be followed by column names enclosed in parenthesis as the previous rule was not the correct behavior

  • JOIN AST modified to have a constraint property, instead of on and using, as a join can only have one of these constraints at a time.

  • many places in the AST that previously had a string value in the name property, such as the into property of an INSERT statement, now instead have a node of type 'identifier'

  • FOREIGN KEY constraints now have a references property that contains an 'expression' identifier or a 'table' identifier depending on the query instead of the target, columns, and name properties.

  • several property values are now being normalized to lowercased strings instead of being passed unmodified to the AST. for example, the action property of action node now contains a lowercased value.

  • removed redundant rules that pointed to name rule, such as name_function, name_view, and name_trigger.

  • unquoted identifiers are now normalized to lowercased strings as per the SQL-92 standard. quoted identifiers are not normalized.

  • SQLite functions are now normalized to lowercase strings in the output AST.

  • now preventing FOUC when first loading the demo page. also allowing cursor focus on "Syntax Tree" editor so that the contents can be selected and copied to the clipboard.

v0.9.8 - 2015-07-06


  • new specs for CREATE TRIGGER and datatypes


  • added a bunch of missing descriptions for grammar rules in grammar.pegjs

  • make sure that a description is not repeated in smart error message

  • comment rules no longer allow you to put a space between the two symbols at the start and/or end of a comment.

    SELECT * - - not valid but is being accepted
  • added some extra helper rules to CREATE statement rules to help the tracer avoid traversing the wrong create statement type

  • allowed characters in identifiers now includes dollar sign $ and no longer includes dash - for unquoted values

  • Since SQLite itself is tolerant of this behavior, although it is non-standard, parser allows single-quoted string literals to be interpreted as aliases.

      COUNT(*) as 'pants'
      hats 'hat'
  • removed grunt-string-replace from devDependencies

  • no longer building demo on top of source in demo/ folder. grunt live now puts assets for interactive demo into .tmp/ folder and then grunt demo creates a min bundle in the demo/ folder

  • raw source for interactive demo now exists in src/demo/ folder

  • now using grunt-contrib-cssmin to create single css bundle file for demo


  • there is way too much magic/nonsense in the smartError() method of Tracer. need to come up with an alternative approach to getting the right information for syntax errors.

v0.9.1 - 2015-07-05


  • removed private flag in package.json ahead of first published release
  • pulled out last remnants of promise from core sqlite-parser lib

[v0.9.0] - 2015-07-05


  • sqlite-parser is now completely free of runtime dependencies as promise has been removed as a dependency. you can still use the library as a promise-based module, but you have to include and require('promise') manually.

    // Promise-based usage
    var Promise         = require('promise'),
        sqliteParser    = Promise.denodeify(require('sqlite-parser'));
    sqliteParser("SELECT * FROM bees")
    .then(function (res) {
      // Result AST
    }, function (err) {
      // Error
    // Standard usage
    var sqliteParser    = require('sqlite-parser');
    sqliteParser("SELECT * FROM bees", function (err, res) {
      if (err) {
        // Error
      } else {
        // Result AST
  • forked pegjs repository as nwronski/pegjs to get the changes into pegjs core into version control so they are not accidentally overwritten

  • getting closer to displaying correct error location when there are multiple statements in the input SQL


  • Even though the Tracer is now pretty good at pinpointing where a SyntaxError occurred, it is still removing CREATE TABLE node when there is a failure in the statement, even though that information should be part of the error message.

v0.8.0 - 2015-07-04


  • added several array methods (e.g.: findLast(), takeRight(), pluck()) so that I could remove lodash as a dependency of the "smart error" Tracer class


  • removed lodash dependency in core Tracer. lodash is now only a devDependency again!


  • considering removing the promise dependency from the core sqlite-parser library before v1.0.0, as well, so that the parser can be dependency free as a standalone library. people could choose to "promisify" the parser or just use it synchronously instead of being forced to bundle the promise dependency when bundling this package for use in the browser. It actually looks like all the evergreen browsers except IE currently support a native Promise implementation, so having a non-native Promise implementation as a dependency will probably be obsolete pretty soon.

[v0.7.0] - 2015-07-02


  • additional rule descriptions in grammar.pegjs


  • fixed error reporting when there is more than one statement in the input SQL.

    • still need to make sure previous tree is not used if a subsequent statement has an error at the highest level
    SELECT *
    FROM cats;
    SELECT * d
  • fixed rules for double-quoted, backticked, and bracketed identifiers to allow for escapes, leading or trailing spaces, and the full character set that is legal for quoted identifiers, where allowed.

  • fixed datatype names that did not display correctly in generated AST. fixed string literal definition to allow all possible input

  • fixed value format for direction key in PRIMARY KEY table conatrainsts

  • do not show parenthesis in error message for syntax error when there is nothing to put inside them.

  • fixes for css in demo. for example, demo layout off by 1px when at smallest resolution, did a lot of cleanup on demo styles, responsive layout, error notification. also, changed error message format for smart errors.


  • to support the "smart errors" changes were made to the pegjs library code in lib/compiler/passes/generate-javascript.js. this was done to allow Tracer to get the description names for the rules that are referenced in the error messages. will need to fork pegjs to get the changes to pegjs core into version control so they are not accidentally overwritten.

v0.6.0 - 2015-07-01


  • updated grammar to remove all dependence on modifier clause as it was being used as a catch-all clause for stray parts of statements
  • created defer clause
  • normalized format for common clauses and nodes across different statement types
  • removed range variant that was part of BETWEEN expressions
  • renamed several clauses to match the SQL keywords and/or SQLite manual descriptions used to define them
    • for WITHOUT ROWID in CREATE TABLE: modifier -> optimization
    • for IF NOT EXISTS in all places: modifier: condition

[v0.5.1] - 2015-06-30


  • accidentally repeating first description in the error thrown from the smartError() method of Tracer

    There is a syntax error near FROM Clause [FROM Clause, Table Identifier]

[v0.5.0] - 2015-06-30


  • turned tracer/smart error code into a Tracer class located at tracer.js in src/

    var t = Tracer();
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      resolve(parser.parse(source, {
        'tracer': t
    .catch(function (err) {


  • cleaned up smart error code to follow the most relevant error path of the pegjs trace output


  • need to remove the lodash dependency from Tracer before v1.0.0

[v0.4.1] - 2015-06-30


  • smarter error messages using rule descriptions and tracer functionality in newest pegjs


  • parseError1.sql spec updated for new smarter error syntax

[v0.4.0] - 2015-06-27


  • sqlite-parser demo
    • demo/ folder containing interactive demo of parser. demo JavaScript is all in a self-contained, browserified package
    • browserify task added to Gruntfile.js for creating sqlite-parser-demo.js in demo/ as grunt demo and a watcher/livereload version as grunt interactive
    • CodeMirror dependency into devDependencies
    • updated and .npmignore for new Interactive demo
  • sqlite-parser distributable
    • browserify task added to Gruntfile.js for creating sqlite-parser-dist.js in dist/ as grunt dist
    • attaches a single function to window as sqliteParser
  • some missing names for grammar rules


  • renamed parse.jsr and util.js files in src/ and lib/ folders
  • pointing to latest pegjs master to get latest SyntaxError format

v0.3.1 - 2015-06-25


  • LICENSE file added
  • .npmignore file added


  • updated package dependencies
  • index.js file moved to file root, duplicate copies in lib/ and src/ removed
  • going to try and keep (most significant) version numbers synchronized between sqlite-parser and sqlite-tree to avoid confusion going forward

[v0.3.0] - 2015-06-25


  • allow subquery in parenthesis within FROM clause
  • New specs: Basic Drop Table, Basic Drop Trigger, Basic Function, Basic Subquery, Basic Union, Create Check 1, Create Check 2, Create Foreign Key 1, Create Foreign Key 2, Create Primary Key 1, Create Table Alt Syntax, Expression Like, Expression Table 1, Expression Unary 1, Function Mixed Args, Insert Into Default, Join Types 1, Join Types 2, Select Parts 1, Select Qualified Table 1, Transaction Rollback


  • allow multiple expressions for GROUP BY clause

    SELECT color, type, name
    FROM hats
    GROUP BY type, color
  • changed AST for create table, constraints, joins, select parts, transactions, unions, triggers to pass new specs

  • INSERT statement VALUES clause AST normalized for value lists and DEFAULT VALUES

      "type": "values",
      "variant": "list",
      "values": []
      "type": "values",
      "variant": "default",
      "values": null
  • normalized AST across all column constraints and table constraints. all table constraints are {"type": "definition", "variant": "constraint"} and contain a definition array that contains the constraint. the constraint in definitions has the same format as the column constraint definition.

[v0.2.3] - 2015-06-24


  • allow for nested parenthesis

  • allow multiple binary expressions and concatenation operators within parenthesis

    SELECT *
    FROM hats
      hat OR (shirt AND (shoes OR wig) AND pants)

[v0.2.2] - 2015-06-24


  • The CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statement previously only worked with expression arguments. Fixed by checking for a column name followed by a type definition or column constraint before assuming the type is an expression list, if these things are found, then treat the arguments as a set of source definitions as in a creation statement for a table.

    CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE happy_table
    USING happy_module(...);
      id int -- treat as definitions for CREATE TABLE
      x != 2 -- treat as an expression list

[v0.2.1] - 2015-06-23


  • CREATE VIEW syntax and AST
  • specs for CREATE VIEW statement
  • specs for CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statement


  • CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE currently only works with expression arguments and does not support passing column definitions and/or table constraint definitions as is allowed in the SQLite spec for virtual table module arguments.

    USING tbl_creator(
      id int PRIMARY KEY,
      name varchar(50),
      category varchar(15),
      cost int);

[v0.2.0] - 2015-06-23


  • CREATE TRIGGER syntax and AST

  • specs for CREATE TRIGGER statement

  • specs for some expression grouping issues that were experienced when using binary and unary expressions along with AND, OR

    CREATE INDEX `bees`.`hive_state`
    ON `hive` (`happiness` ASC, `anger` DESC)
      `happiness` ISNULL AND `anger` > 0


  • updated rules and specs to remove use of modifier property in AST

v0.1.1 - 2015-06-22


  • rules for CREATE INDEX
  • specs for CREATE INDEX statement


  • some grouping errors for unary operators, unary null and binary concatenation

[v0.1.0] - 2015-06-19


  • rules line and block comments

  • specs for comment types

    -- Line comment
     * Block comment /* nested comment */

[v0.0.9] - 2015-06-18


  • rules and AST for RAISE, compound queries UNION types, ESCAPE


  • failing specs for missing columns key and incorrect AST for SELECT statements

[v0.0.8] - 2015-06-17


  • massive cleanup of parser rules
  • allow select statement as expression


  • FOREIGN KEY column constraint rules
  • definition for AST and rules for FOREIGN KEY and PRIMARY KEY table constraints


  • ORDER BY as binary concat operation bug
  • needed missing type attribute on CHECK and FOREIGN KEY
  • missing index key in table FROM sources

[v0.0.7] - 2015-06-15


  • First working version of sqlite-parser