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worklog is a module that records screen activity, screen-saver lock state and AFK status. It takes messages from the watcher module and records them in an SQLite database and serves a small dashboard page that shows work activity.

Example configuration fragment (requires a kernel configuration fragment):

# Watcher module component: get active window and activity.
path = "watcher"
log_mode = "log"
log_level = "info"
log_add_source = false

polling = "1s"
rules.activity = """
	"uid":    {"module": "worklog"},
	"method": "record",
	"params": {
		"details": {
			"name":       locked ? "" : name,
			"class":      locked ? "" : class,
			"window":     locked ? "" : window,
			"last_input": last_input,
			"locked":     locked,
		"period": period,

# Worklog module component: record details.
path = "worklog"
log_mode = "log"
log_level = "info"

database_dir = "worklog"

name = "afk-watcher"
type = "afkstatus"
src = """
data_src != {"module":"watcher"} ? {} :
	"afk_timeout":   duration("3m"),
	// On Mac use a higher value for the gap_tolerance
	// like 0.5s due to lax scheduling and poor performace
	// on that platform. See watcher/poll_darwin.go for
	// possible reasons.
	"gap_tolerance": duration("0.1s"), 
}.as(params, {
	"can_continue": last_event.end.is_zero() ?
                    	(curr.locked && last.?locked.value()) ||
	                	(curr.time-last_event.end)-period < params.gap_tolerance,
	"is_afk":       curr.last_input.is_zero() ?
	                	curr.locked || curr.time-curr.last_input > params.afk_timeout,
	"was_afk":      has( ?
}).as(cond, cond.with({
	"continue": cond.can_continue &&
	            has(last.locked) && curr.locked == last.locked &&
	            cond.is_afk == cond.was_afk
})).as(cond, {
	"bucket":     bucket, // bucket or empty if no store is required.
	"start":      cond.continue ? last_event.start : last.time,
	"end":        curr.time,
	"data": {
		"afk":    cond.is_afk,
		"locked": curr.locked,
	"continue":   cond.continue,

name = "window-watcher"
type = "currentwindow"
src = """
data_src != {"module":"watcher"} ? {} :
	"gap_tolerance": duration("0.1s"), // Use 0.5s on Mac.
}.as(params, {
	"can_continue": last_event.end.is_zero() ?
                    	(curr.time-last_event.end)-period < params.gap_tolerance,
}).as(cond, cond.with({
	"continue": cond.can_continue &&
	            has(last.locked) && curr.locked == last.locked &&
	            curr.class == last.class &&
	            curr.window == last.window,
	"private":  curr.window.matches("(?i:private browsing)"), // Don't record private browsing.
})).as(cond, {
	"bucket":    cond.private || (has(last.locked) && curr.locked && last.locked) ? "" : bucket,
	"start":     cond.continue ? last_event.start : last.time,
	"end":       curr.time,
	"data": {
		"app":   curr.class,
		"title": curr.window,
	"continue":  cond.continue,

worklog provides a dashboard that allows simple visual presentation of active windows, AFK status, screen time and work flow. The dashboard is at the root of the configured web addr, for example http://localhost:6363/ below.

# Worklog module component: server.
addr = ":6363"

# Worklog module component: dashboard rules.
src = """
	"bucket": bucket,
	"data":   data,
src = """
	"bucket": bucket,
	"data": {
		"activity": data.locked ? "locked" : "not-locked",
src = """
	"bucket": == "" ? "" : bucket,
	"data":   data,
src = """
	"bucket": == "" || == "zoom" ? bucket : "",
	"data": {
		"activity": "meeting",
		"afk":      false,

In addition to the dashboard endpoint provided by the worklog server, there are end points for getting a day's details, dumping the data store in its entirety or between dates, and arbitrarily querying the database.

  • GET /data/: accepts date and tz query parameters for the day of the data to collect, and a raw parameter to return un-summarised data.
  • GET /summary/: accepts start, end and tz query parameters for time ranges, a cooldown parameter to ignore brief AFK periods, an other parameter which is a list of other worklog instance URLs to collate into the result, and a raw parameter to return un-summarised data.
  • GET /dump/: accepts start and end query parameters.
  • GET /backup/: accepts pages_per_step and sleep query parameters corresponding to the SQLite backup API's sqlite3_backup_step N parameter and the time between successive sqlite3_backup_step calls. The backup endpoint is only available when the server address is a loop-back address.
  • GET/POST /query: takes an SQLite SELECT statement (content-type:application/sql or URL parameter, sql) or a CEL program (content-type:application/cel) that may use a built-in query(<sql select statement>) function. The query endpoint is only available when the server address is a loop-back address.

A potentially useful configuration for debugging rules is

name = "poller"
type = "raw-poll"
src = """
	"bucket":   bucket,
	"start":    curr.time,
	"end":      curr.time,
	"data":     curr.with({"period":period}),
	"continue": false,

This will log all raw events sent from watcher so they can be correlated with digest rules and their resulting events. This will obviously store a lot of events in the database, and so is not recommended for long term operation.

CEL optional types

The CEL environment enables the CEL optional types library, version 1.

CEL extensions

The CEL environment provides the Lib and StateLib extensions from the celext package. StateLib is only available in module.*.options.rules.*.src.