22:46:51.239: Command Line Arguments: --verbose --unfiltered-log 22:46:51.240: CPU Name: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X 16-Core Processor 22:46:51.240: CPU Speed: 3500MHz 22:46:51.240: Physical Cores: 16, Logical Cores: 32 22:46:51.240: Physical Memory: 65431MB Total, 48575MB Free 22:46:51.240: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 25357 (release: 22H2; revision: 1; 64-bit) 22:46:51.240: Running as administrator: false 22:46:51.240: Windows 10/11 Gaming Features: 22:46:51.240: Game DVR: On 22:46:51.240: Game Mode: On 22:46:51.240: Hardware GPU Scheduler: Probably On (no reg key set) 22:46:51.241: Sec. Software Status: 22:46:51.242: Microsoft Defender Antivirus: enabled (AV) 22:46:51.242: Windows Firewall: enabled (FW) 22:46:51.243: Current Date/Time: 2023-05-20, 22:46:51 22:46:51.243: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true 22:46:51.243: Hide OBS windows from screen capture: false 22:46:51.243: Qt Version: 6.4.3 (runtime), 6.4.3 (compiled) 22:46:51.243: Portable mode: false 22:46:51.541: Attempted path: data/obs-studio/themes/Dark/no_sources.svg 22:46:51.541: Attempted path: ../../data/obs-studio/themes/Dark/no_sources.svg 22:46:51.565: OBS 29.1.1 (64-bit, windows) 22:46:51.565: --------------------------------- 22:46:51.566: --------------------------------- 22:46:51.566: audio settings reset: 22:46:51.566: samples per sec: 48000 22:46:51.566: speakers: 2 22:46:51.566: max buffering: 960 milliseconds 22:46:51.566: buffering type: dynamically increasing 22:46:51.567: --------------------------------- 22:46:51.567: Initializing D3D11... 22:46:51.567: Available Video Adapters: 22:46:51.570: Adapter 0: AMD Radeon VII 22:46:51.570: Dedicated VRAM: 17104093184 22:46:51.570: Shared VRAM: 34305071104 22:46:51.570: PCI ID: 1002:66af 22:46:51.571: Driver Version: 31.0.14043.1000 22:46:51.571: output 0: 22:46:51.571: name=LS49AG95 22:46:51.571: pos={0, 0} 22:46:51.571: size={5120, 1440} 22:46:51.571: attached=true 22:46:51.571: refresh=82 22:46:51.571: bits_per_color=8 22:46:51.571: space=RGB_FULL_G2084_NONE_P2020 22:46:51.571: sdr_white_nits=480 22:46:51.571: nit_range=[min=0.001400, max=1015.000000, max_full_frame=603.000000] 22:46:51.571: dpi=96 (100%) 22:46:51.571: id=\\?\DISPLAY#SAM71AC#7&845525a&2&UID260#{e6f07b5f-ee97-4a90-b076-33f57bf4eaa7} 22:46:51.571: alt_id=\\.\DISPLAY1 22:46:51.574: Loading up D3D11 on adapter AMD Radeon VII (0) 22:46:51.604: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: b000 22:46:51.604: DXGI increase maximum frame latency success 22:46:51.604: set_priority: SetGPUThreadPriority failed 22:46:51.604: D3D11 GPU priority setup failed (not admin?) 22:46:53.085: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.085: video settings reset: 22:46:53.085: base resolution: 1920x1080 22:46:53.085: output resolution: 1920x1080 22:46:53.085: downscale filter: Lanczos 22:46:53.085: fps: 60000/1001 22:46:53.085: format: NV12 22:46:53.085: YUV mode: Rec. 709/Full 22:46:53.085: NV12 texture support enabled 22:46:53.085: P010 texture support not available 22:46:53.093: Audio monitoring device: 22:46:53.093: name: Default 22:46:53.093: id: default 22:46:53.093: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.094: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.096: Loading module: aja-output-ui.dll 22:46:53.096: Failed to load 'en-GB' text for module: 'aja-output-ui.dll' 22:46:53.097: No AJA devices found, skipping loading AJA UI plugin 22:46:53.097: Failed to initialize module 'aja-output-ui.dll' 22:46:53.097: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.098: Loading module: aja.dll 22:46:53.098: Failed to load 'en-GB' text for module: 'aja.dll' 22:46:53.099: No AJA devices found, skipping loading AJA plugin 22:46:53.099: Failed to initialize module 'aja.dll' 22:46:53.099: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/chrome_elf.dll', not an OBS plugin 22:46:53.099: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.100: Loading module: coreaudio-encoder.dll 22:46:53.103: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded 22:46:53.103: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.104: Loading module: decklink-captions.dll 22:46:53.104: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-captions.dll' 22:46:53.104: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.105: Loading module: decklink-output-ui.dll 22:46:53.105: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-output-ui.dll' 22:46:53.105: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.105: Loading module: decklink.dll 22:46:53.108: Decklink API Compiled version 11.6 22:46:53.108: Decklink API Installed version 12.4.2 22:46:53.115: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/DirectML.dll', not an OBS plugin 22:46:53.115: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.116: Loading module: enc-amf.dll 22:46:53.117: [AMF] Loading... 22:46:53.296: [AMF] Initializing... 22:46:53.298: [AMF] Loaded 'amfrt64.dll'. 22:46:53.298: [AMF] AMF Library initialized. 22:46:53.298: [AMF] 2023-05-20 22:46:53.298 44F4 [TraceImpl] Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\debug\TraceImpl.cpp(612):Assertion failed:result 22:46:53.298: 22:46:53.298: [AMF] Version 2.8.0 loaded (Compiled:, Runtime:, Library: 1;4;29;0;;202303150052;AMD-Radeon-Driver/drivers:ed7941986df7c2c406d2809f2f9755f263aa0712). 22:46:53.298: [AMF] Initialized. 22:46:53.298: [AMF] 2023-05-20 22:46:53.298 44F4 [TraceImpl] Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\debug\TraceImpl.cpp(612):Assertion failed:result 22:46:53.298: 22:46:53.298: [AMF] [Capability Manager] Testing Direct3D 11 API... 22:46:53.337: [AMF] 2023-05-20 22:46:53.337 44F4 [TraceImpl] Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\debug\TraceImpl.cpp(612):Assertion failed:result 22:46:53.337: 22:46:53.338: [AMF] Unable to set converter transfer characteristic, error AMF_NOT_FOUND (code 11) 22:46:53.346: [AMF] Initialized. 22:46:53.347: [AMF] Finalized. 22:46:53.385: [AMF] 2023-05-20 22:46:53.385 44F4 [TraceImpl] Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\debug\TraceImpl.cpp(612):Assertion failed:result 22:46:53.385: 22:46:53.387: [AMF] Unable to set converter transfer characteristic, error AMF_NOT_FOUND (code 11) 22:46:53.397: [AMF] Initialized. 22:46:53.397: [AMF] 2023-05-20 22:46:53.397 44F4 [AMFEncoderHEVC] Warning: SetProperty NominalRange not found 22:46:53.397: 22:46:53.397: [AMF] Finalized. 22:46:53.397: [AMF] [Capability Manager] Testing Direct3D 11 Adapter 'AMD Radeon VII (VEN_1002/DEV_66af/SUB_81e1002/REV_00c1)': 22:46:53.397: H264/AVC: Supported 22:46:53.397: H265/HEVC: Supported 22:46:53.397: 22:46:53.397: [AMF] [H264/AVC] Registered. 22:46:53.397: [AMF] [H265/HEVC] Registered. 22:46:53.397: [AMF] Loaded. 22:46:53.397: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.399: Loading module: frontend-tools.dll 22:46:53.404: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.405: Loading module: image-source.dll 22:46:53.406: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll', not an OBS plugin 22:46:53.406: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll', not an OBS plugin 22:46:53.406: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libGLESv2.dll', not an OBS plugin 22:46:53.406: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.421: Loading module: obs-browser.dll 22:46:53.422: [obs-browser]: Version 2.21.1 22:46:53.422: [obs-browser]: CEF Version 103.0.5060.134 (runtime), 103.0.0-5060-shared-textures.2591+g4204d54+chromium-103.0.5060.134 (compiled) 22:46:53.422: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.425: Loading module: obs-ffmpeg.dll 22:46:53.535: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.536: Loading module: obs-filters.dll 22:46:53.536: [noise suppress]: NVIDIA denoiser disabled, redistributable not found or could not be loaded. 22:46:53.537: Failed to get NVVideoEffects.dll version info size 22:46:53.539: [NVIDIA VIDEO FX]: FX disabled, redistributable not found or could not be loaded. 22:46:53.539: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.540: Loading module: obs-outputs.dll 22:46:53.541: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.542: Loading module: obs-qsv11.dll 22:46:53.579: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.579: Loading module: obs-shaderfilter.dll 22:46:53.580: Failed to load 'en-GB' text for module: 'obs-shaderfilter.dll' 22:46:53.580: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.581: Loading module: obs-text.dll 22:46:53.581: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.582: Loading module: obs-transitions.dll 22:46:53.583: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.586: Loading module: obs-virtualbg.dll 22:46:53.587: Failed to load 'en-GB' text for module: 'obs-virtualbg.dll' 22:46:53.587: [OBS Virtual BG plugin] obs_module_load. version=v1.2.0 22:46:53.587: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.587: Loading module: obs-vst.dll 22:46:53.588: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.590: Loading module: obs-websocket.dll 22:46:53.590: Failed to load 'en-GB' text for module: 'obs-websocket.dll' 22:46:53.590: [obs-websocket] [obs_module_load] you can haz websockets (Version: 5.2.2 | RPC Version: 1) 22:46:53.590: [obs-websocket] [obs_module_load] Qt version (compile-time): 6.4.3 | Qt version (run-time): 6.4.3 22:46:53.590: [obs-websocket] [obs_module_load] Linked ASIO Version: 101201 22:46:53.599: [obs-websocket] [obs_module_load] Module loaded. 22:46:53.599: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.600: Loading module: obs-x264.dll 22:46:53.601: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/onnxruntime.dll', not an OBS plugin 22:46:53.601: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/onnxruntime_providers_cuda.dll', not an OBS plugin 22:46:53.601: Skipping module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/onnxruntime_providers_shared.dll', not an OBS plugin 22:46:53.601: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.602: Loading module: rtmp-services.dll 22:46:53.604: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.605: Loading module: text-freetype2.dll 22:46:53.606: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.606: Loading module: vlc-video.dll 22:46:53.609: [vlc-video]: VLC 3.0.18 Vetinari found, VLC video source enabled 22:46:53.609: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.610: Loading module: win-capture.dll 22:46:53.613: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.614: Loading module: win-dshow.dll 22:46:53.617: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.617: Loading module: win-wasapi.dll 22:46:53.618: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.618: Loaded Modules: 22:46:53.618: win-wasapi.dll 22:46:53.618: win-dshow.dll 22:46:53.618: win-capture.dll 22:46:53.618: vlc-video.dll 22:46:53.618: text-freetype2.dll 22:46:53.618: rtmp-services.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-x264.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-websocket.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-vst.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-virtualbg.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-transitions.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-text.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-shaderfilter.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-qsv11.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-outputs.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-filters.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-ffmpeg.dll 22:46:53.618: obs-browser.dll 22:46:53.618: image-source.dll 22:46:53.618: frontend-tools.dll 22:46:53.618: enc-amf.dll 22:46:53.618: decklink.dll 22:46:53.618: decklink-output-ui.dll 22:46:53.618: decklink-captions.dll 22:46:53.618: coreaudio-encoder.dll 22:46:53.618: --------------------------------- 22:46:53.619: ==== Startup complete =============================================== 22:46:53.621: service 'default_service' (rtmp_common) created 22:46:53.621: output 'virtualcam_output' (virtualcam_output) created 22:46:53.621: encoder 'simple_video_stream' (h264_texture_amf) created 22:46:53.621: Fallback encoder bitrates: 22:46:53.621: 64 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 96 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 128 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 160 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 192 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 224 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 256 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 288 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 320 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 352 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 384 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 416 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 448 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 480 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 512 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 544 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 576 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 608 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 640 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 672 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 704 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 736 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 768 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 800 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 832 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 864 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 896 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 928 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 960 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 992 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: 1024 kbit/s: 22:46:53.621: FFmpeg PCM (16-bit) (ffmpeg_pcm_s16le) encoder bitrates: 22:46:53.621: 64 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 96 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 128 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 160 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 192 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 224 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 256 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 288 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 320 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 352 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 384 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 416 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 448 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 480 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 512 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 544 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 576 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 608 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 640 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 672 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 704 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 736 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 768 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 800 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 832 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 864 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 896 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 928 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 960 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 992 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 1024 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: FFmpeg PCM (24-bit) (ffmpeg_pcm_s24le) encoder bitrates: 22:46:53.621: 64 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 96 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 128 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 160 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 192 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 224 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 256 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 288 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 320 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 352 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 384 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 416 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 448 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 480 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 512 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 544 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 576 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 608 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 640 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 672 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 704 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 736 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 768 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 800 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 832 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 864 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 896 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 928 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 960 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 992 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 1024 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: FFmpeg PCM (32-bit float) (ffmpeg_pcm_f32le) encoder bitrates: 22:46:53.621: 64 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 96 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 128 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 160 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 192 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 224 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 256 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 288 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 320 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 352 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 384 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 416 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 448 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 480 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 512 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 544 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 576 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 608 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 640 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 672 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 704 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 736 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 768 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 800 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 832 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 864 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 896 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 928 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 960 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 992 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 1024 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: FFmpeg ALAC (24-bit) (ffmpeg_alac) encoder bitrates: 22:46:53.621: 64 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 96 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 128 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 160 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 192 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 224 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 256 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 288 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 320 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 352 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 384 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 416 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 448 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 480 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 512 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 544 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 576 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 608 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 640 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 672 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 704 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 736 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 768 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 800 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 832 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 864 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 896 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 928 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 960 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 992 kbit/s 22:46:53.621: 1024 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: FFmpeg FLAC (16-bit) (ffmpeg_flac) encoder bitrates: 22:46:53.622: 64 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 96 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 128 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 160 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 192 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 224 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 256 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 288 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 320 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 352 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 384 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 416 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 448 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 480 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 512 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 544 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 576 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 608 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 640 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 672 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 704 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 736 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 768 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 800 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 832 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 864 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 896 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 928 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 960 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 992 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: 1024 kbit/s 22:46:53.622: AAC simple encoder bitrate mapping: 22:46:53.622: 64 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 96 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 128 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 160 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 192 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 224 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 256 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 288 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 320 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 352 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 384 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 416 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 448 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 480 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 512 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 544 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 576 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 608 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 640 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 672 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 704 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 736 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 768 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 800 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 832 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 864 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 896 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 928 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 960 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 992 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: 1024 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg AAC' (ffmpeg_aac) 22:46:53.622: encoder 'simple_aac' (ffmpeg_aac) created 22:46:53.622: encoder 'simple_archive_audio' (ffmpeg_aac) created 22:46:53.622: encoder 'simple_video_recording' (obs_x264) created 22:46:53.622: encoder 'simple_aac_recording' (ffmpeg_aac) created 22:46:53.622: encoder 'simple_aac_recording0' (ffmpeg_aac) created 22:46:53.622: encoder 'simple_aac_recording1' (ffmpeg_aac) created 22:46:53.622: encoder 'simple_aac_recording2' (ffmpeg_aac) created 22:46:53.622: encoder 'simple_aac_recording3' (ffmpeg_aac) created 22:46:53.622: encoder 'simple_aac_recording4' (ffmpeg_aac) created 22:46:53.622: encoder 'simple_aac_recording5' (ffmpeg_aac) created 22:46:53.622: output 'simple_file_output' (ffmpeg_muxer) created 22:46:53.623: obs_source_get_name: Null 'source' parameter 22:46:53.623: obs_scene_duplicate: Null 'scene' parameter 22:46:53.623: obs_transition_set: Null 'transition' parameter 22:46:53.623: Switched to Preview/Program mode 22:46:53.623: ------------------------------------------------ 22:46:53.623: obs_source_get_name: Null 'source' parameter 22:46:53.623: obs_source_get_name: Null 'source' parameter 22:46:53.659: All scene data cleared 22:46:53.659: ------------------------------------------------ 22:46:53.659: private source 'Cut' (cut_transition) created 22:46:53.671: private source 'Fade' (fade_transition) created 22:46:53.672: [win-wasapi: 'Desktop Audio'] update settings: 22:46:53.672: device id: default 22:46:53.672: use device timing: 1 22:46:53.678: source 'Desktop Audio' (wasapi_output_capture) created 22:46:53.678: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Desktop Audio' 22:46:53.678: [image_source: 'Text'] loading texture 'F:/Away/Gender Difficulties/Text.png' 22:46:53.686: source 'Text' (image_source) created 22:46:53.686: [image_source: 'Background'] loading texture 'F:/Away/Gender Difficulties/Background.png' 22:46:53.700: WASAPI: Device 'VoiceMeeter Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)' [48000 Hz] initialized 22:46:53.712: source 'Background' (image_source) created 22:46:53.731: private source 'Scroll' (scroll_filter) created 22:46:53.731: - filter 'Scroll' (scroll_filter) added to source 'Background' 22:46:53.731: source 'Intensity Pro 4K' (decklink-input) created 22:46:53.738: [Virtual BG detector] detecter_create version:v1.2.0 22:46:53.952: [Virtual BG detector] Create OnnxRuntime session 22:46:53.952: private source 'Virtual Background Detector' (virtualbg) created 22:46:53.952: - filter 'Virtual Background Detector' (virtualbg) added to source 'Intensity Pro 4K' 22:46:53.953: [Virtual BG renderer] render_create version=v1.2.0 22:46:53.959: private source 'Virtual Background Renderer' (virtualbg-render) created 22:46:53.959: - filter 'Virtual Background Renderer' (virtualbg-render) added to source 'Intensity Pro 4K' 22:46:53.959: source 'Switch' (scene) created 22:46:53.960: [window-capture: 'Window Capture 2'] update settings: 22:46:53.960: executable: TrainSet-Win64-Test.exe 22:46:53.960: method selected: Automatic 22:46:53.960: method chosen: BitBlt 22:46:53.960: force SDR: false 22:46:53.960: class: UnrealWindow 22:46:53.960: source 'Window Capture 2' (window_capture) created 22:46:53.960: source 'Window Capture' (scene) created 22:46:53.960: source 'Webcam' (scene) created 22:46:53.960: [image_source: 'Gender Difficulties'] loading texture 'F:/Emoji/gender_difficulties.png' 22:46:53.997: source 'Gender Difficulties' (image_source) created 22:46:53.997: source 'Gender difficulties' (scene) created 22:46:53.998: source 'DeckLink 4K Extreme 12G' (decklink-input) created 22:46:53.998: [Virtual BG detector] detecter_create version:v1.2.0 22:46:54.137: [Virtual BG detector] Create OnnxRuntime session 22:46:54.137: private source 'Virtual Background Detector' (virtualbg) created 22:46:54.137: - filter 'Virtual Background Detector' (virtualbg) added to source 'DeckLink 4K Extreme 12G' 22:46:54.138: [Virtual BG renderer] render_create version=v1.2.0 22:46:54.138: private source 'Virtual Background Renderer' (virtualbg-render) created 22:46:54.138: - filter 'Virtual Background Renderer' (virtualbg-render) added to source 'DeckLink 4K Extreme 12G' 22:46:54.138: [Media Source 'Media Source']: settings: 22:46:54.138: input: C:/Users/sanne/Downloads/Y2Mate.is - LEX UITING & CHANTAL JANZEN - LETSTE LEEDJE (official videoclip)-z3Hixcpno7o-1080p-1655247852992.mp4 22:46:54.138: input_format: (null) 22:46:54.138: speed: 100 22:46:54.138: is_looping: yes 22:46:54.138: is_linear_alpha: no 22:46:54.138: is_hw_decoding: yes 22:46:54.138: is_clear_on_media_end: no 22:46:54.138: restart_on_activate: yes 22:46:54.138: close_when_inactive: yes 22:46:54.138: full_decode: no 22:46:54.138: ffmpeg_options: 22:46:54.138: source 'Media Source' (ffmpeg_source) created 22:46:54.138: [image_source: 'Image'] loading texture 'C:/Users/sanne/Downloads/vtm_banner.png' 22:46:54.236: source 'Image' (image_source) created 22:46:54.236: [image_source: 'Image 2'] loading texture 'C:/Users/sanne/Downloads/starfinder_meta_share.jpg' 22:46:54.250: source 'Image 2' (image_source) created 22:46:54.251: decklink: Starting capture... 22:46:54.255: decklink: Starting capture... 22:46:54.261: obs_source_get_name: Null 'source' parameter 22:46:54.261: Switched to scene 'Switch' 22:46:54.261: private source 'Switch' (scene) created 22:46:54.264: ------------------------------------------------ 22:46:54.264: Loaded scenes: 22:46:54.264: - scene 'Gender difficulties': 22:46:54.264: - source: 'Gender Difficulties' (image_source) 22:46:54.264: - source: 'Background' (image_source) 22:46:54.264: - filter: 'Scroll' (scroll_filter) 22:46:54.264: - source: 'Text' (image_source) 22:46:54.264: - scene 'Webcam': 22:46:54.264: - source: 'Media Source' (ffmpeg_source) 22:46:54.264: - source: 'Image' (image_source) 22:46:54.264: - source: 'DeckLink 4K Extreme 12G' (decklink-input) 22:46:54.264: - filter: 'Virtual Background Detector' (virtualbg) 22:46:54.264: - filter: 'Virtual Background Renderer' (virtualbg-render) 22:46:54.264: - scene 'Switch': 22:46:54.264: - source: 'Image 2' (image_source) 22:46:54.264: - source: 'Intensity Pro 4K' (decklink-input) 22:46:54.264: - monitoring: monitor and output 22:46:54.264: - filter: 'Virtual Background Detector' (virtualbg) 22:46:54.264: - filter: 'Virtual Background Renderer' (virtualbg-render) 22:46:54.264: - scene 'Window Capture': 22:46:54.264: - source: 'Window Capture 2' (window_capture) 22:46:54.264: ------------------------------------------------ 22:46:54.265: bmalloc: Allocating 0 bytes is broken behavior, please fix your code! This will crash in future versions of OBS. 22:46:54.265: gs_texture_set_image: Null 'tex' parameter 22:46:54.282: gs_texture_set_image: Null 'tex' parameter 22:46:54.298: gs_texture_set_image: Null 'tex' parameter 22:46:54.315: [Virtual BG detector] frame size or format change detected 22:46:54.315: [Virtual BG detector] Can't create video_scaler_create -1 1920x1080 -> 256x144