WARNING: This project is obsolete. Checkout the new intellij-emberjs project instead which implemented a lot of the same ideas and is based on the ember-cli
EmberJS Support for the Intellij Platform (WebStorm, PhpStorm, Rubymine, Intellij, etc).
This is still very much a Work In Progress. Please help make this a great plugin!!!
Currently WIP and experimental. You are welcome to take this project an"as is" and continue development in any direction you like. Keep me posted ;)
Since 0.1, the plugin has been extended to leverage much of the angular plugin infrastructure and there is a surprising amount of infrastructure that can be used for similar EmberJS functionality.
Other repos for inspiration (ie "stealing" code)
Requires Atlassian SourceTree to clone it:
http://www.sourcetreeapp.com/download/ https://confluence.atlassian.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=269981802 https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BBKB/abort%3A+certificate+for+bitbucket.org+has+unexpected+fingerprint
Handlebars and Mustache https://github.com/dmarcotte/idea-handlebars
Current structure:
Almost everything is under the org.emberjs
package namespace.
will contain The New Project action that will run Ember CLI under the covers in order to create the project. Also see NewEmberJSProject
. Not yet sure how to set this up correctly, so please help out.
goes to the file for a given Ember Symbol.
will find and index EmberJS entities such as Component, Controller, Model etc. Each such entity has their own Index class such as EmberComponentIndex
defines which Live Templates are made available. Each such template can be found under the resources
src module, and each template code snippet defined under which contexts it is available. There are templates defined for various scripting languages.
is meant to look up Documentation for an Ember class using the emberjs main documentation site.
is a utility class, mapped directly from AngularItem
of the angular plugin.
is mapped directly from AngularTemplateCacheIndex
. It is meant to find and cache any Ember handlebars templates defined inline in HTML as type="text/x-handlebars"
is a package that contains Ember project configuration settings. We should here learn and reuse more from the Lua plugin.
is currently the only refactoring supported. It is meant to enable changing a component name and then find all usages in templates and rename accordingly using Ember naming conventions (template component name is in lowercase with dashes).
package contains Ember language definitions. Here the main point of interest is the lang.psi
package which will contain the main Ember "constructs" that the plugin should recognize as "language equivalents" and treat in some special ways (for intentions, refactorings etc). Examples are: Action
and various kinds of Property
package currently contains duplicate logic of EmberJSDocumentationProvider
. We should instead provide more meaningful intentions. See Lua and other plugins for ideas/inspiration.
package contains EmberJSReferenceSearcher
which can be used to find indexed ember js references (I think?). Stolen from angulajs plugin...
package is currently empty. Fill it up as needed ;)
is an important package for code insight help, such as completion suggestions etc. Would be really nice if it could help out with properties, warning you if you attempt to get/set properties that are not defined in the current "scope".
It should/could perhaps also contain clever logic for handlebars, linking to components definition and a nice way to use handlebars each
similar to ng-repeat
for angular.
- Navigate to Ember code
- Live Templates (js, ls, coffee)
- JS Docs lookup
This code/logic is currently found in GotoEmberAction.java
via ctrl l
<some-variable> = Ember.Route.create({
Looking for posts
will match on:
PostsRoute = Ember.Route.create({
Using match rule on first group $1
, ie. (Posts)
(Posts)Route = Ember.Route.create({
And so on for:
- Component
- Controller
- Route
- Model
- View
- Mixin
Looking for post
will match on:
And when looking for bling
- Currently only supports single quotes
- No distinction between real artifacts (Model) and moduleFor used for Test.
comments in the code for GotoEmberAction.java
and help improve it :)
- javascript
- coffeescript
- emberscript
This is configured via EmberJSTemplatesProvider.java
public String[] getDefaultLiveTemplateFiles() {
return new String[] {
For liveTemplates/EmberJS-CoffeeScript
<option name="COFFEE_SCRIPT" value="true" />
<option name="LIVE_SCRIPT" value="true" />
- "emre": resource route
- "emrep": resource route with params
- "emro": route
- "emsf": store find
- "emac": actions scope
- "empr": property
- "emtr": transitionTo
- ".g": get property
- ".s": set property
- "emca": computed alias
DataStore - Ember Data
- "dsa": DS attribute
- "dsbt": DS belongsTo
- "dshm": DS hasMany
Ember classes
- "emoc": Ember.Object.create
- "emap": Ember.ArrayProxy.create
- "emma": Ember.MutableArray.create
- "emen": Ember.Enumerable.create
- "emns": Ember.Namespace.create
Emberscript specific templates
- "com": Computed property
- "obs": Observed property
- "vol": Volatile property
- "emoc": Object Create (via
) - "emmi": Mixin Create (via
To use emberscript, you need to configure your IDE to use the @kristianmandrup ES6 compatible fork of emberscript, which enablesmulti-script compilation (multiple languages in the same file!!)
This resolves issue #44
See OpenEmberJSDocsIntention.java
Will get the classname at the caret position and lookup JS documentation from Ember API:
StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder("http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember." + clazz);
- New Project creator using Ember-CLI
- Browse Ember CLI addons/libraries per category (listed per rating) and install auto-magically!!
+Code insights+
- referencing unknown module via
- Warning if
references undeclared property - Understanding
are part of class hierarchy (class scope)
+Project configuration+ - Ignore folders: bower_components
, node_modules
, tmp
, dist
Please add your own suggestions ;)
Sadly only the Ultimate Edition has the javascript.jar
plugin which is needed as a building block for any javascript plugin development!
download and install the Community version of IntelliJ IDEA if you don’t already have it.
This is perhaps (still?) useful after your Ultimate edition trial expires?
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community.git
- Fire up IntelliJ Ultimate Edition.
- Create project from existing source
- Get a Java JDK. Java 1.6 recommended.
- Configure the Javas SDK via Project Structure
Once you have downloaded a Java JDK, you’ll need to create an SDK for this in IntelliJ IDEA In the project structure dialog that appears after you create a new project, create a new SDK for the version of Java you downloaded.
Setup a Plugin SDK by clicking the “new” button next to the Project SDK.
It will prompt you to locate the IntelliJ that you installed.
On a Mac the path for this is:
/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 13.app
It should display the Content
folder, just click "next".
On Windows the path is something like:
C:\\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition 13.0.1
Finally you need to add any extra plugin jars that are required (and used) for this plugin.
In this case we need support for JavaScriptLanguage features, so we need the JavaScriptLanguage.jar
in the class path. Possibly also javascript-openapi
and ecmascript6-compiler
On Mac OSX:
/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 13.app/Contents/plugins/JavaScriptLanguage/lib/JavaScriptLanguage.jar
Now if the project is configured correctly, the IDE should code inspection and highlight any errors in red etc.
Create a new Run configuration, using "+", and select "Plugin", then click "next".
Now run "Debug EmberJS". Create or select a dummy ember-cli project and test the plugin features there :)
Reference plugin
The AngularJS plugin will be our main reference, as it contains the most features required by a full JS multilayered MV* framework like EmberJS.
IF you want, you can try doing a sparse-checkout of only this plugin directory...
Some useful links to get a better understanding of Plugin development for the IDEA platform
Developing a Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA - Some Useful Tips and Links http://tomaszdziurko.pl/2011/09/developing-plugin-intellij-idea-some-tips-and-links/
How to make an IntelliJ IDEA plugin in less than 30 minutes http://bjorn.tipling.com/how-to-make-an-intellij-idea-plugin-in-30-minutes
IntelliJ IDEA Plugin development Tutorial videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1u8uVjPjvc&list=PLQ176FUIyIUYi8c0HCxlV8c9cINmBbBky
Live Coding an IntelliJ IDEA Plugin from Scratch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZmQD6Fr6KE
Webinar Recording: How to Build Developer Tools on Top of IntelliJ Platform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1u8uVjPjvc&list=PLQ176FUIyIUYi8c0HCxlV8c9cINmBbBky&index=3
AngularJS plugin (which is main inspiration for this plugin) https://github.com/denofevil/angularjs-plugin
Most Recent (and complete) AngularJS plugin https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-plugins/tree/master/AngularJS
IntelliJ IDEA API http://grepcode.com/snapshot/repository.grepcode.com/java/ext/com.jetbrains/intellij-idea/13.0.0/
Forum: Open API and Plugin Development http://devnet.jetbrains.com/community/idea/open_api_and_plugin_development
Check Out More Than 200 Open-Source Plugins http://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2012/10/check-out-more-than-200-open-source-plugins/
Full list of +200 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0ApDPbpSNCArIdE9nWF9CRjgxUHBHZV8xeDNKWUZ0Zmc&rm=full#gid=0
IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Structure http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/IntelliJ+IDEA+Plugin+Structure
Plugin Development http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/PluginDevelopment
Plugin Development FAQ http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/Plugin+Development+FAQ
Writing Plugins http://www.jetbrains.org/display/IJOS/Writing+Plug-ins
Live Templates http://blog.jetbrains.com/webide/2012/10/high-speed-coding-with-custom-live-templates/ https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/webhelp/creating-code-constructs-by-live-templates.html
Developing Custom Language Plugins for IntelliJ IDEA https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/Developing+Custom+Language+Plugins+for+IntelliJ+IDEA
Code assistance https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/features/code_assistance.html
Some candidates to look at:
Also clone and look at these intellij-plugins
Ideally we would like this plugin to be directly installable from Webstorm via the plugin repository. However so far, this is a plugin under development and needs some testing before we release it into the wild. So please help out.
It looks like you can manually install a plugin on Mac OSX like this:
Create a jar file from this repo. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19650711/how-to-create-a-java-jar-file-with-source-code-java-files
Create a jar with IntelliJ
Go to your Applications folder
Select View package content from context menu (Command-click)
Browse to
Create a folder
in that folder create a
folder -
add a
to thelib
As soon as we have confirmed that this first version of the plugin is functional ;)
- Navigate to File->Settings->Plugins
- Click "Browse Repositories"
- Select "EmberJS"
- Double-click (or right-click) and, when prompted, choose "Yes"
- Restart WebStorm