Encode the following JSON formats into a single line string and pass them to psc-ide's stdin. You can then read the result from psc-ide's stdout as a single line. The result needs to be unwrapped from the "wrapper" which separates success from failure. This wrapper is described at the end of this document.
The load
command "loads" the requested modules into the server
for completion and type info.
modules :: (optional) [ModuleName]
: A list of modules to load. psc-ide-server will try to parse all the declarations in these modulesdependencies :: (optional) [ModuleName]
: A list of modules to load including their dependencies. In contrast to themodule
field, all the imports in these Modules will also be loaded.
"command": "load",
"params": {
"modules": (optional)["Module.Name1", "Module.Name2"],
"dependencies": (optional)["Module.Name3"]
The Load Command returns a string.
The type
command looks up the type for a given identifier.
search :: String
: The identifier to look for. Only matches on equality.filters :: [Filter]
: These filters will be applied before looking for the identifier. These filters get combined with AND, so a candidate must match ALL of them to be eligible.
"command": "type",
"params": {
"search": "filterM",
"filters": [Filter]
Result: The possible types are returned in the same format as completions
The complete
command looks up possible completions/corrections.
filters :: [Filter]
: The same as for thetype
command. A candidate must match all filters.matcher :: (optional) Matcher
: The strategy used for matching candidates after filtering. Results are scored internally and will be returned in the descending order where the nth element is better then the n+1-th.
If no matcher is given every candidate, that passes the filters, is returned in no particular order.
"command": "complete",
"params": {
"filters": [Filter],
"matcher": (optional) Matcher
The following format is returned as the Result:
"module": "Data.Array",
"identifier": "filter",
"type": "forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Array a -> Array a"
The CaseSplit command takes a line of source code, an area in that line of code
and replaces it with all patterns for a given type. The parameter annotations
is used to turn type annotations on or off for the constructor fields.
"command": "caseSplit",
"params": {
"line": "elem a as",
"begin": 8,
"end": 10,
"annotations": true,
"type": "List"
The following format is returned as the Result:
"elem a Nil",
"elem a (Cons (_ :: a) (_ :: List a))"
You should then be able to replace the affected line of code in the editor with the new suggestions.
The AddClause command takes a typedeclaration and generates a function template for the given type.
The annotations
option turns type annotations on or off for the function arguments.
"command": "addClause",
"params": {
"line": "elem :: forall a. (Eq a) => a -> List a",
"annotations": true
The following format is returned as the Result:
"elem :: forall a. (Eq a) => a -> List a",
"elem ( _ :: a) = ?elem"
You should then be able to replace the affected line of code in the editor with the new suggestions.
The pursuit
command looks up the packages/completions for a given identifier from Pursuit.
query :: String
: Withtype: "package"
this should be a module name. Withtype: "completion"
this can be any string to look up.type :: String
: Takes the following values:package
: Looks for packages that contain the given module name.completion
Looks for declarations for the query from Pursuit.
"command": "pursuit",
"params": {
"query": "Data.Array",
"type": "package"
"module": "Module1.Name",
"package": "purescript-packagename"
"module": "Data.Array",
"identifier": "filter",
"type": "forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Array a -> Array a",
"package": "purescript-arrays"
of type loadedModules
lists all loaded modules (This means they can be searched for completions etc)
"command": "list",
"params": {
"type": "loadedModules"
The list loadedModules command returns a list of strings.
of type availableModules
lists all available modules. (This basically
means the contents of the output/
"command": "list",
"params": {
"type": "availableModules"
The list availableModules command returns a list of strings.
The list commmand can also list the imports for a given file.
"command": "list",
"params": {
"type": "import",
"file": "/home/kritzcreek/Documents/psc-ide/examples/Main.purs"
The list import command returns a list of imports where imports are of the following form:
Implicit Import(import Data.Array
"module": "Data.Array",
"importType": "implicit"
Implicit qualified Import(import qualified Data.Array as A
"module": "Data.Array",
"importType": "implicit",
"qualifier": "A"
Explicit Import(import Data.Array (filter, filterM, join)
"module": "Data.Array",
"importType": "explicit",
"identifiers": ["filter", "filterM", "join"]
Hiding Import(import Data.Array hiding (filter, filterM, join)
"module": "Data.Array",
"importType": "hiding",
"identifiers": ["filter", "filterM", "join"]
returns the working directory of the server(should be your project root).
quits the server.
"command": "cwd|quit"
Result: These commands return strings.
The Exact filter only keeps identifiers that are equal to the search term.
"filter": "exact",
"params": {
"search": "filterM"
The Prefix filter keeps identifiers/modules/data declarations that are prefixed by the search term.
"filter": "prefix",
"params": {
"search": "filt"
The Module filter only keeps identifiers that appear in the listed modules.
"filter": "modules",
"params": {
"modules": ["My.Module"]
The Dependency filter only keeps identifiers that appear in the listed modules and in any of their dependencies/imports.
"filter": "dependencies",
"params": {
"modules": ["My.Module"]
Matches any occurence of the search string with intersections
The scoring measures how far the matches span the string, where closer is better. The matches then get sorted with highest score first.
- flMa matches flexMatcher. Score: 14.28
- sons matches sortCompletions. Score: 6.25
"matcher": "flex",
"params": {
"search": "filt"
The Distance matcher is meant to provide corrections for typos. It calculates the edit distance in between the search and the loaded identifiers.
"matcher": "distance",
"params": {
"search": "dilterM",
"maximumDistance": 3
All Responses are wrapped in the following format:
"resultType": "success|error",
"result": Result|Error
Errors at this point are merely Error strings. Newlines are escaped like \n
and should be taken care of by the editor-plugin.