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Deploys the snapshot-validation-webhook and configures your cluster to validate every VolumeSnapshot and VolumeSnapshotContent resource by sending it to the webhook.

This webhook should be deployed on all clusters that are using the snapshot-controller chart, or are in the process of installing it.


The following commands install this chart in your cluster. See below for available configuration options.

helm repo add piraeus-charts
helm install snapshot-validation-webhook piraeus-charts/snapshot-validation-webhook


Upgrades can be done using the normal Helm upgrade mechanism

helm repo update
helm upgrade snapshot-validation-webhook piraeus-charts/snapshot-validation-webhook

Upgrade from older CRDs

In an effort to tighten validation, the CSI project started enforcing stricter requirements on VolumeSnapshot and VolumeSnapshotContent resources when switching from v1beta1 to v1 CRDs. This webhook is part of enforcing these requirements. When upgrading you have to ensure non of your resources violate the requirements for v1.

The upgrade procedure can be summarized by the following steps:

  1. Remove the old snapshot controller, if any (since you are upgrading, you probably already have one deployed manually).

  2. Install this webhook chart.

  3. Install the snapshot controller using one of the 3.x.x releases:

    helm install piraeus-charts/snapshot-controller --set image.tag=v3.0.3
  4. Ensure that none of the resources are labelled as invalid:

    kubectl get volumesnapshots"" --all-namespaces
    kubectl get volumesnapshotcontents"" --all-namespaces

    If the above commands output any resource, they have to be removed

  5. Upgrade the CRDs

    kubectl replace -f
    kubectl replace -f
    kubectl replace -f
  6. Upgrade the snapshot controller to the latest version:

    helm upgrade piraeus-charts/snapshot-controller --set image.tag=v5.0.0


Webhooks in Kubernetes are required to run on HTTPS. To that end, this charts needs to be configured with one of the following options:

  • An auto-generated certificate, valid for 10 years. This is the default. If you want to renew the certificate, set tls.renew to true and run an upgrade.

  • A issuer able to create a certificate for the webhook service.

    To use this method, create an override file like:

        name: internal-issuer
        kind: ClusterIssuer

    To apply the override, use --values <override-file>.

  • A pre-existing secret and the certificate of the CA used to sign said tls secret.

    To use this method, set --set tls.certificateSecret=<secretname>. The secret must be in the same namespace as the deployment and be valid for <release-name>.<namespace>.svc.

There are additional options that allow customization outside of HTTPS concerns. This is the full list of options available.

Option Usage Default
args Arguments to pass to the snapshot controller. Note: Keys will be converted to kebab-case, i.e. oneArg -> --one-arg ...
replicaCount Number of replicas to deploy. 1
image.repository Repository to pull the image from.
image.pullPolicy Pull policy to use. Possible values: IfNotPresent, Always, Never IfNotPresent
image.tag Override the tag to pull. If not given, defaults to charts AppVersion. ""
webhook.timeoutSeconds Timeout to use when contacting webhook server. 2
webhook.failurePolicy Policy to apply when webhook is unavailable. Possible values: Fail, Ignore. Fail
tls.certificateSecret Name of the static tls secret to use for serving the HTTPS endpoint. ""
tls.autogenerate Automatically generate the TLS secret for serving the HTTPS endpoint. true
tls.renew Force renewal of certificate when auto-generating. false
tls.certManagerIssuerRef Issuer to use for provisioning the TLS certificate. If this is used, tls.certificateSecret can be left empty. {}
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets to add to the deployment. []
podAnnotations Annotations to add to every pod in the deployment. {}
networkPolicy.enabled Should a network policy be created. false
networkPolicy.ingress Additional ingress rules to be added to the network policy. {}
podDisruptionBudget.enabled Should a pod disruption budget be created. false
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable The maximum number of pods that are allowed to be unavailable. ""
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable The minimum number of pods that are required to be available. ""
priorityClassName The name of the priority class to assign to the deployment. ""
topologySpreadConstraints A list of topology constraints to assign to the deployment. []
podSecurityContext Security context to set on the webhook pod. {}
securityContext Configure container security context. Defaults to dropping all capabilties and running as user 1000. {capabilities: {drop: [ALL]}, readOnlyRootFilesystem: true, runAsNonRoot: true, runAsUser: 1000}
resources Resources to request and limit on the pod. {}
nodeSelector Node selector to add to each webhook pod. {}
tolerations Tolerations to add to each webhook pod. []
affinity Affinity to set on each webhook pod. {}
serviceAccount.create Create the service account resource true Sets the name of the service account. If left empty, will use the release name as default ""