Minimal assembly language LSP server that displays information directly from a parsed Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual.
A fork of golang/arch is used to extract information from the PDF into the misc/x86spec.csv
This project is a work in progress. Not suitable for use yet! Released early for my hacker friends!
If you want to try it out, it only works using cargo run
from the root directory, since it hard-codes the path to misc/x86spec.csv
LSP hover request displays description of assembly instruction from the Intel's manual.
Example neovim init.lua config:
local xor_cfg = {
name = 'xor-test',
cmd = { 'xor-lsp/target/debug/xor-lsp' }, -- change this line to absolute path
root_dir = vim.fn.getcwd(),
local client_id = vim.lsp.start_client(xor_cfg)
vim.lsp.buf_attach_client(1, client_id)
vim.keymap.set('n', 'K', vim.lsp.buf.hover, { }) -- map 'K' to hover request
Note on neovim, if :LspInfo
reports not attached to buffer,
use :ls
to get buffer number, and :LspInfo
to get client id,
and attach to buffer manually using :lua vim.lsp.buf_attach_client(<bufnr>, <client_id>)
code from example LSP server: rust-analyzer/lib/lsp-server/examples/
code from asm-lsp:
parser of Intel's manual: