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Constructive Programming - Workshop One
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kryptt committed Jul 8, 2019
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions constructive-programming/.gitignore
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions constructive-programming/
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#+AUTHOR: Rodolfo Hansen
#+KEYWORDS: ADT, Software, Types, CorrectByConstruction
#+OPTIONS: toc:2
#+OPTIONS: reveal_width:1600 reveal_height:1200
#+REVEAL_PLUGINS: (zoom,highlight,progress)
334 changes: 334 additions & 0 deletions constructive-programming/
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@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
#+TITLE: A Hands-On Algebriac Approach to Software Construction
#+INCLUDE: "./"

* Introduction:

This workshop series is about bringing together logic (constructive logic),
computation (scala), and composition (category theory) into the vocabulary and
tool-set of us mortal programmers; so there will be a lot of inter-connected
topics swimming around this workshop, so the more discussions we get going,
the more connections we should be able to share between these subjects.

These three ideas come together very nicely in terms of constructing
maintainable software that is verified to meet business rules by the language

On our first day, we will do some /'warm up'/ exercises to think of our data
types, and functions as logical propositions, and explore some theorems from
logic /(universal constructions from a categorical perspective)/ available
for our re-use.

We will also introduce Functors as Quatifiers and link first order logic to
type constructors and imagine whole system proof building.

Let's start calling this: *Constructive Programming*

* Correct by Construction
** Referential Transparency:

You might correct me, and say we could, or have decided when something is an
algebra or a calculus or a recipe; that we have ways to disambiguate or
distinguish between synonyms, But

*** Unit as output?

#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What can you do here without breaking referencial transparency?
def func[A](a: A): Unit

//Is this useful?/
def alwaysTrue[A](a: A): Unit

//Is this different than alwaysTrue? can we guarantee subsequent
//transformations (steps)?
def println(s: String): Unit

*** Values as output

#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//Can I substitute the result with this expresion?
def getTime(): DateTime

//Can I garauntee subsequent steps?
def open(path: String): File

//What pitfalls can come up here?
def logValue[A](a: A): A

//Why is this sub-optimal?
def build(a: ExpensiveArtifact): ExpensiveArtifact

*** Shared state

#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What could go wrong here?!
var cnt = 0
def countingMapper[A, B](l: List[A]: f: A => B): List[B]
def reset(): Unit

** Total Functions:
*** Expanding the co-domain
#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What could go wrong here?!
//Will any string be convertible to an A?
def decode[A](s: String): A

// Will we always find an A?
def head[A](l: List[A]): A

*** Contracting the domain
#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What could go wrong here?!/
//Is division possible for all b?
def divide(a: Int, b: Int): Int

// Will we always need an A?
def head[A](l: List[A]): A

*** Exhaustive matching
#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What could go wrong here?!
//Can we garauntee subsequent transformations?

trait Shape

def center(shape: Shape): (Int, Int)

** Termination:
#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What could go wrong here?!
def use[A](a: A): A = use(a)

* Simple Logic Excercises (but not predicate logic) (prove)
#+BEGIN_SRC scala
type /\[A, B] = (A, B)
type \/[A, B] = Either[A, B]
// type =>[A, B] = A => B
type <==>[A, B] = A => B /\ B => A
// What could go wrong here?!
type Not[A] = A => Nothing

// Corrolaries / Universal Constructions
def and_1[A, B](n: A /\ B): A = ???
def and_2[A, B](n: A /\ B): B = ???
def or_1[A, B](a: A): A \/ B = ???
def or_2[A, B](b: B): A \/ B = ???
def mp[A, B](a: A, f: A => B): B = ???
def exp[A, B, C](a: A, g: (A /\ B) => C): B => C = ???
def bicond_1[A, B](f: A <==> B): A => B = ???
def bicond_2[A, B](f: A <==> B): B => A = ???

def ex_falso_1[A](n: Nothing): A = ???
def ex_falso_2[A](n: Nothing): Not[A] = ???
def dist_law[A, B, C](h: A \/ (B \/ C)) = (A \/ B) \/ (A \/ C) = ???
def shunting[A, B, C](n: A /\ B => C) = A => B => C = ???

* Sync up Exercises
Catching everyone up:

1. Come up with some domain objects in health and fitness.
1.1. Let's think of some products and some sums.
1.2. Let's think of some ands and ors.
2. Come up with some functions that interact with this domain.
2.1. Let's calculate the possible number of pure total functions that exist for those function types.
2.2. Let's think of some propositions.
3. Did we write any optics?
3.1. Let's write an optics library.

* Quantifying (ways of leaving the zeroth order logic)
Scala's syntax does not help clarify quantifiers. But that is fine, the 3rd
encoding is one we will want to focus on.

** Existential
#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What could go wrong here?!
//Encoding 1
type Exists[P[_]] = P[A] forSome {type A}

def exampleFor1 = ???

//Encoding 2
trait ForSome { type A; def value: A }

def proofFor2[T](t: T): ForSome = new ForSome {
type A = T
val value = t

def exampleFor2 = ???

//Encoding 3 (Bounded)
trait Feature[P[_], A] {
def exist: P[A]

def proofFor3[P[_], A](t: P[A]): Feature[P, A] =
new Feature[P] { def exist = t }

def exampleFor3 = ???

** Universal
#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What could go wrong here?!
//Encoding 1/
trait Forall[P[_]] { def apply[A]: P[A] }

def proofFor1[P[_]](t: P[A]): Forall[P] =
new Forall { def apply = t }

def exampleFor1 = ???

//Encoding 3 (Bounded)
trait Feature[P[_], Q[_]] {
def apply(a: P[A]): Q[A]

def proofFor3[P[_], Q[_]](t: P[A] => Q[A]): Feature[P, Q] =
new Feature { def apply(p: P[A]) = t(p) }

def exampleFor3 = ???

** Shapeless
Anecdotally, Shapeless smooths the edges of scala around quantification;
allowing for more fine grained implications:

#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What could go wrong here?!/
//shapeless' poly/

object size extends Poly1 {

implicit def caseInt = at[Int](x => 1)

implicit def caseString = at[String](_.length)

implicit def caseTuple[T, U](implicit st : Case.Aux[T, Int],
su : Case.Aux[U, Int]) =
at[(T, U)](t => size(t._1)+size(t._2))


** Optics

#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What could go wrong here?!/
type Gender = Boolean
type BirthDate = LocalDate

case class Person(name: String, birthDate: BirthDate, gender: Gender)
case class Man(name: String, birthDate: BirthDate)

val personToMan: Person => Option[Man] = _ match {
case Person(name, birthDate, True) => Some(Man(name, birthDate))
case p => None


val manToPerson: Man => Person = m => Person(, m.birthDate, True)

val getTime: IO[LocalDate] = ???

val personAge: Person => IO[Int] = p =>

val manAge_1: Man => Option[IO[Int]] = ???
val manAge_2: Man => IO[Int] = ???

case class Lens[S, A](get: S => A, set: A => S => S) {
def modify(A => B): Lens[S, B] = ???

def compose[T](other: Lens[T, S]): Lens[T, A] = ???

def choice[T](other: Lens[T, A]): Lens[S \/ T, A] = ???

def split[T, B](other: Lens[T, B]): Lens[S /\ T, A /\ B] = ???


** Functors

#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What could go wrong here?!/
trait Functor[F[_]] {

def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] = ???


** Twan van Laarhoven Lens
#+BEGIN_SRC scala
//What could go wrong here?!/
case class Const[A, B](a: A) implicit def constFunctor[AA] = new
Functor[Const[AA, ?]] {

def map[A, B](fa: Const[AA, A])(f: A => B): Const[AA, B] = ???


type TVL[S, A] = (Const[A, S], A => S) implicit def tvlFunctor[A] = new
Functor[TVL[?, A]] {

def map[S, T](fa: TVL[S, A])(f: S => T): TVL[T, A] = ???

} trait Lens[S, A] {
def apply[F[_]: Functor](A => F[A]): S => F[S]
def get(s: S): A = ???
def set(a: A, s: S): S = ???
def modify(A => B): Lens[S, B] = ???
def compose[T](other: Lens[T, S]): Lens[T, A] = ???
def choice[T](other: Lens[T, A]): Lens[S \/ T, A] = ???
def split[T, B](other: Lens[T, B]): Lens[S /\ T, A /\ B] = ???

* Extras
** Exponent laws, Logic and Cats

#+BEGIN_SRC scala
Arrow ~> a ^ c x b ^ c = (a x b) ^ c

ArrowChoice ~> c ^ a x c ^ b = c ^ (a + b)

FunctionK ~> b ^ (c x a) = b ^ a ^ c

** Sudoku
#+BEGIN_SRC scala
// Let's write a sudoku solver/

type Digit = Int Refined Digit
type Cell = Option[Digit]
type Board = Array[Array[Cell]]
def solver: Board => Array[Board] = ???


** Bowling Kata


** Color Theorem
* References
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