c2w experimentally integrates QEMU TCG on Wasm(emscripten), using QEMU Wasm. AArch64 containers can run on the browser leveraging this. Multicore CPUs can also be enabled leveraging MTTCG(Multi-Threded TCG).
NOTE: Example of x86_64 container with QEMU TCG is available at ./../emscripten-qemu-tcg
Example: aarch64 alpine on emscripten
$ make
$ mkdir -p /tmp/out-js5/htdocs
$ ./out/c2w --to-js --target-arch=aarch64 --dockerfile=Dockerfile --assets=. arm64v8/alpine:3.20 /tmp/out-js5/htdocs/
$ cp -R ./examples/emscripten-aarch64/* /tmp/out-js5/
$ docker run --rm -p 8083:80 \
-v "/tmp/out-js5/htdocs:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/:ro" \
-v "/tmp/out-js5/xterm-pty.conf:/usr/local/apache2/conf/extra/xterm-pty.conf:ro" \
--entrypoint=/bin/sh httpd -c 'echo "Include conf/extra/xterm-pty.conf" >> /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf && httpd-foreground'
Then localhost:8083
serves the image.
NOTE: As of now, QEMU TCG mode isn't enabled for Wasi images (i.e. w/o