Releases: kubeguard/guard
Guard 0.1.0-rc.3 fixes logging of incoming requests. We recommend you upgrade guard, if you are using it currently. If you are a new user, please follow the deployment guide here . Existing users can upgrade by updating guard deployment to appscode/guard:0.1.0-rc.3
Download Docker images via:
docker pull appscode/guard:0.1.0-rc.3
Notable Changes
- Correctly log incoming request (e6fa6d8). Thanks Marc Goujon!
Guard 0.1.0-rc.2 will fail authentication if request token is not that of a member of configured organization. We recommend you upgrade guard, if you are using it currently. If you are a new user, please follow the deployment guide here . Existing users can upgrade by updating guard deployment to appscode/guard:0.1.0-rc.2
Download Docker images via:
docker pull appscode/guard:0.1.0-rc.2
Notable Changes
- Ensures that user is a member of Github org or GSuite domain (#22). Prior versions will pass authentication if the token is valid regardless user is a member of configured organization. But the list of groups will be empty, since user is not a member of your organization. With this modification, the authentication check itself will fail, if the request token is not that of any member of your organization.
Guard 0.1.0-rc.1 improves logging. If you are a new user, please follow the deployment guide here . Existing users can upgrade by updating guard deployment to appscode/guard:0.1.0-rc.1
Download Docker images via:
docker pull appscode/guard:0.1.0-rc.1
Notable Changes
- Improves logging for incoming requests.
First rc release.
Release 0.1.0-alpha.0