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122 lines (92 loc) · 4.19 KB

Filter cache ListWatch using selectors


Controller-Runtime controllers use a cache to subscribe to events from Kubernetes objects and to read those objects more efficiently by avoiding to call out to the API. This cache is backed by Kubernetes informers.

The only way to filter this cache is by namespace and resource type. In cases where a controller is only interested in a small subset of objects (for example all pods on a node), this might end up not being efficient enough.

Requests to a client backed by a filtered cache for objects that do not match the filter will never return anything, so we need to make sure that we properly warn users to only use this when they are sure they know what they are doing.

This proposal sidesteps the issue of "How to we plug this into the cache-backed client so that users get feedback when they request something that is not matching the caches filter" by only implementing the filter logic in the cache package. This allows advanced users to combine a filtered cache with the already existing NewCacheFunc option in the manager and cluster package, while simultaneously hiding it from newer users that might not be aware of the implications and the associated foot-shoot potential.

The only alternative today to get a filtered cache with controller-runtime is to build it out-of tree. Because such a cache would mostly copy the existing cache and add just some options, this is not great for consumers.

This proposal is related to the following issue [2]


Add a new selector code at pkg/cache/internal/selector.go with common structs and helpers

package internal


// SelectorsByObject associate a runtime.Object to a field/label selector
type SelectorsByObject map[client.Object]Selector

// SelectorsByGVK associate a GroupVersionResource to a field/label selector
type SelectorsByGVK map[schema.GroupVersionKind]Selector

// Selector specify the label/field selector to fill in ListOptions
type Selector struct {
	Label labels.Selector
	Field fields.Selector

// ApplyToList fill in ListOptions LabelSelector and FieldSelector if needed
func (s Selector) ApplyToList(listOpts *metav1.ListOptions) {

Add a type alias to pkg/cache/cache.go to internal

type SelectorsByObject internal.SelectorsByObject

Extend cache.Options as follows:

type Options struct {
	Scheme            *runtime.Scheme
	Mapper            meta.RESTMapper
	Resync            *time.Duration
	Namespace         string
	SelectorsByObject SelectorsByObject

Add new builder function that will return a cache constructor using the passed cache.Options, users can set SelectorsByObject there to filter out cache, it will convert SelectorByObject to SelectorsByGVK

func BuilderWithOptions(options cache.Options) NewCacheFunc {

is passed to informer's ListWatch and add the filtering option:

# At pkg/cache/internal/informers_map.go

ListFunc: func(opts metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {

Here is a PR with the implementatin at the pkg/cache part [3]


User will override NewCache function to make clear that they know exactly the implications of using a different cache than the default one

 ctrl.Options.NewCache = cache.BuilderWithOptions(cache.Options{
                            SelectorsByObject: cache.SelectorsByObject{
                                    &corev1.Node{}: {
                                        Field: fields.SelectorFromSet(fields.Set{"": "node01"}),
                                    &v1beta1.NodeNetworkState{}: {
                                        Field: fields.SelectorFromSet(fields.Set{"": "node01"}),
                                        Label: labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set{"app": "kubernetes-nmstate})",

[1] nmstate/kubernetes-nmstate#687 [2] #244 [3] #1404