Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets are both key:value (KV) maps, but the latter is intended to signal that its values have a sensitive nature - e.g. ssh keys or passwords.
Kubernetes assumes that the values in a Secret are base64 encoded, and decodes them before actual use (as, say, the argument to a container command). The user that creates the Secret must base64 encode the data, or use a tool that does it for them. This encoding doesn't protect the secret from anything other than an over-the-shoulder glance.
Protecting the actual secrecy of a Secret value is
up to the cluster operator. They must lock down
the cluster (and its etcd
data store) as tightly
as desired, and likewise protect the bytes that
feed into the cluster to ultimately become the
content of a Secret value.
DEMO_HOME=$(mktemp -d)
kustomize has three different ways to generate a secret from local files:
- get them from so-called env files (
, one per line), - consume the entire contents of a file to make one secret value,
- get literal values from the kustomization file itself.
Here's an example combining all three methods:
Make an env file with some short secrets:
cat <<'EOF' >$DEMO_HOME/foo.env
Make a text file with a long secret:
cat <<'EOF' >$DEMO_HOME/longsecret.txt
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
And make a kustomization file referring to the above and additionally defining some literal KV pairs:
cat <<'EOF' >$DEMO_HOME/kustomization.yaml
- name: mysecrets
- name: envfiles
pluginType: builtin
- foo.env
- name: files
pluginType: builtin
- longsecret.txt
- name: literals
pluginType: builtin
- FRUIT=apple
- VEGETABLE=carrot
The above syntax is alpha behavior at HEAD, for v2.1+.
The default value of
, so thepluginType
fields could be omitted.The equivalent v2.0.3 syntax (still supported) is
secretGenerator: - name: mysecrets env: foo.env files: - longsecret.txt literals: - FRUIT=apple - VEGETABLE=carrot
Now generate the Secret:
result=$(kustomize build $DEMO_HOME)
echo "$result"
# Spot check the result:
test 1 == $(echo "$result" | grep -c "FRUIT: YXBwbGU=")
This emits something like
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: mysecrets-hfb5df789h type: Opaque data: FRUIT: YXBwbGU= VEGETABLE: Y2Fycm90 ROUTER_PASSWORD: YWRtaW4= DB_PASSWORD: aWxvdmV5b3U= longsecret.txt: TG9yZW0gaXBzdW0gZG9sb3Igc2l0I... (elided)
The name of the resource is a prefix, mysecrets
(as specfied in the kustomization file), followed
by a hash of its contents.
Use your favorite base64 decoder to confirm the raw versions of any of these values.
The problem that these three approaches share is that the purported secrets must live on disk.
This adds additional security questions - who can see the files, who installs them, who deletes them, etc.
New alpha behavior at HEAD, for v2.1+
A general alternative is to enshrine secret value generation in a Go plugin.
The values can then come in via, say, an authenticated and authorized RPC to a password vault service.
Here's a trivial plugin that provides hardcoded values:
cat <<'EOF' >$DEMO_HOME/kvMaker.go
package main
var database = map[string]string{
"TREE": "oak",
"ROCKET": "Saturn V",
"FRUIT": "apple",
"VEGETABLE": "carrot",
"SIMPSON": "homer",
type plugin struct{}
var KVSource plugin
func (p plugin) Get(
root string, args []string) (map[string]string, error) {
r := make(map[string]string)
for _, k := range args {
v, ok := database[k]
if ok {
r[k] = v
return r, nil
The two crucial items needed to load and query the plugin are
- the public symbol
, - its public
method and signature.
Plugins that generate KV pairs for kustomize must be installed at
is an environment variable
honored by many programs as the root of a
configuration directory. If the variable is
undefined, the convention is to fall back to
The rest of the required directory path establishes that the files found there are kustomize plugins for generating KV pairs.
Compile and install the plugin:
mkdir -p $kvSources
go build -buildmode plugin \
-o $kvSources/kvMaker.so \
Create a new kustomization file referencing this plugin:
cat <<'EOF' >$DEMO_HOME/kustomization.yaml
- name: mysecrets
- name: kvMaker
pluginType: go
Finally, generate the secret, setting
so that the plugin
can be found under $DEMO_HOME
result=$( \
kustomize \
--enable_alpha_goplugins_accept_panic_risk \
build $DEMO_HOME )
echo "$result"
# Spot check the result:
test 1 == $(echo "$result" | grep -c "FRUIT: YXBwbGU=")
This should emit something like:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: mysecrets-bdt27dbkd6 type: Opaque data: FRUIT: YXBwbGU= VEGETABLE: Y2Fycm90
i.e. a subset of the same values as above.
Kustomize supports Go plugins to allow someone to extend kustomize in type-safe fashion against a documented Go interface type, without having to get their code merged into the kustomize repository, and without having to maintain a permanent fork.
Go plugins work well, but fall short of what many people think of when they hear the word plugin.
Go plugin compilation creates an ELF formatted
file, which by definition has no information
about the provenance of the file. One cannot
know which version of Go was used, which packages
were imported (and their version), what value of
were used, etc. If the skew
between the compilation conditions of the main
program ELF and the plugin ELF are too great, the
program will crash. Also, there's no certificate
to check in a .so
file, so no way to know who
wrote it or what it does. A bare .so
file, not
packaged with provenance information, is not a
suitable distrubution format. It's not what
people expect from decades of adding features
IDEs, browsers, CAD tools, graphics tools, etc.
via things called plugins.
There's no reason why someone couldn't build a
packaging mechanism into go
to emit an ELF
packaged with provenance allowing ELF
compatibility checks, but this isn't supported in
kustomize (or Go) at the time of writing.
To avoid provenance issues simply compile your Go plugins and the main program at the same time. Bundle them into a container image for use by downstream users and/or your continuous delivery bot. This is the intended usage idiom for Go plugins.
A kustomize build
attempt with Go plugins that omits
the flag
will fail with an error message about skew risks.
Flag use is an opt-in acknowledging the absence of
provenance, an absence that doesn't matter
to someone building the code from source.
For particular (user-created) transformations or generations, kustomize could prepare a request, send it to some service, and process a response. How to do this is a solved problem. The communication is struct-to-struct type safe - no need to write parsing code.
If the service is written in Go, and one can vendor its code, it's simplest to write a small Go plugin that calls it like a library rather than running the service as an independent process.
If the service is not written in Go, or if the source code is unavailable, one can use a small Go plugin to make the RPC.
In this approach one arranges for executable files
to be identified by name or location, and runs
them as a kustomize subprocess, sending a
'request' to the subprocess its stdin
, and
obtaining a 'response' via its stdout
An immediate way to use an arbitrary executable
with arbitrary i/o requirements is through a Go
plugin that runs the executable via
. Each special purpose
tranformation or generation - needed by kustomize build
- will require it's own stdin
processing to convert from/to the Go types that
kustomize uses.
The Go plugin provides this translation layer, and handles process exit codes.