diff --git a/content/en/docs/concepts/security/security-checklist.md b/content/en/docs/concepts/security/security-checklist.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..bcdacde86e2e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/en/docs/concepts/security/security-checklist.md @@ -0,0 +1,408 @@ +--- +title: Security Checklist +description: > + Baseline checklist for ensuring security in Kubernetes clusters. +content_type: concept +--- + + + +This checklist aims at providing a basic list of guidance with links to more +comprehensive documentation on each topic. It does not claim to be exhaustive +and is meant to evolve. + +On how to read and use this document: +- The order of topics does not reflect an order of priority. +- Some checklist items are detailed in the paragraph below the list of each section. + +{{< caution >}} +Checklists are **not** sufficient for attaining a good security posture on their +own. A good security posture requires constant attention and improvement, but a +checklist can be the first step on the never-ending journey towards security +preparedness. Some of the recommendations in this checklist may be too +restrictive or too lax for your specific security needs. Since Kubernetes +security is not "one size fits all", each category of checklist items should be +evaluated on its merits. +{{< /caution >}} + + + +## Authentication & Authorization + +- [ ] `system:masters` group is not used for user or component authentication after bootstrapping. +- [ ] The kube-controller-manager is running with `--use-service-account-credentials` + enabled. +- [ ] The root certificate is protected (either an offline CA, or a managed + online CA with effective access controls). +- [ ] Intermediate and leaf certificates have an expiry date no more than 3 + years in the future. +- [ ] A process exists for periodic access review, and reviews occur no more + than 24 months apart. +- [ ] The [Role Based Access Control Good Practices](/docs/concepts/security/rbac-good-practices/) + is followed for guidance related to authentication and authorization. + +After bootstrapping, neither users nor components should authenticate to the +Kubernetes API as `system:masters`. Similarly, running all of +kube-controller-manager as `system:masters` should be avoided. In fact, +`system:masters` should only be used as a break-glass mechanism, as opposed to +an admin user. + +## Network security + +- [ ] CNI plugins in-use supports network policies. +- [ ] Ingress and egress network policies are applied to all workloads in the + cluster. +- [ ] Default network policies within each namespace, selecting all pods, denying + everything, are in place. +- [ ] If appropriate, a service mesh is used to encrypt all communications inside of the cluster. +- [ ] The Kubernetes API, kubelet API and etcd are not exposed publicly on Internet. +- [ ] Access from the workloads to the cloud metadata API is filtered. +- [ ] Use of LoadBalancer and ExternalIPs is restricted. + +A number of [Container Network Interface (CNI) plugins](/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/network-plugins/) +plugins provide the functionality to +restrict network resources that pods may communicate with. This is most commonly done +through [Network Policies](/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies/) +which provide a namespaced resource to define rules. Default network policies +blocking everything egress and ingress, in each namespace, selecting all the +pods, can be useful to adopt an allow list approach, ensuring that no workloads +is missed. + +Not all CNI plugins provide encryption in transit. If the chosen plugin lacks this +feature, an alternative solution could be to use a service mesh to provide that +functionality. + +The etcd datastore of the control plane should have controls to limit access and +not be publicly exposed on the Internet. Furthermore, mutual TLS (mTLS) should +be used to communicate securely with it. The certificate authority for this +should be unique to etcd. + +External Internet access to the Kubernetes API server should be restricted to +not expose the API publicly. Be careful as many managed Kubernetes distribution +are publicly exposing the API server by default. You can then use a bastion host +to access the server. + +The [kubelet](/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kubelet/) API access +should be restricted and not publicly exposed, the defaults authentication and +authorization settings, when no configuration file specified with the `--config` +flag, are overly permissive. + +If a cloud provider is used for hosting Kubernetes, the access from pods to the cloud +metadata API `` should also be restricted or blocked if not needed +because it may leak information. + +For restricted LoadBalancer and ExternalIPs use, see +[CVE-2020-8554: Man in the middle using LoadBalancer or ExternalIPs](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/97076) +and the [DenyServiceExternalIPs admission controller](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#denyserviceexternalips) +for further information. +## Pod security + +- [ ] RBAC rights to `create`, `update`, `patch`, `delete` workloads is only granted if necessary. +- [ ] Appropriate Pod Security Standards policy is applied for all namespaces and enforced. +- [ ] Memory limit is set for the workloads with a limit equal or inferior to the request. +- [ ] CPU limit might be set on sensitive workloads. +- [ ] For nodes that support it, Seccomp is enabled with appropriate syscalls + profile for programs. +- [ ] For nodes that support it, AppArmor or SELinux is enabled with appropriate + profile for programs. + +RBAC authorization is crucial but +[cannot be granular enough to have authorization on the Pods' resources](/docs/concepts/security/rbac-good-practices/#workload-creation) +(or on any resource that manages Pods). The only granularity is the API verbs +on the resource itself, for example, `create` on Pods. Without +additional admission, the authorization to create these resources allows direct +unrestricted access to the schedulable nodes of a cluster. + +The [Pod Security Standards](/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-standards/) +define three different policies, privileged, baseline and restricted that limit +how fields can be set in the `PodSpec` regarding security. +These standards can be enforced at the namespace level with the new +[Pod Security](/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-admission/) admission, +enabled by default, or by third-party admission webhook. Please note that, +contrary to the removed PodSecurityPolicy admission it replaces, +[Pod Security](/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-admission/) +admission can be easily combined with admission webhooks and external services. + +Pod Security admission `restricted` policy, the most restrictive policy of the +[Pod Security Standards](/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-standards/) set, +[can operate in several modes](/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-admission/#pod-security-admission-labels-for-namespaces), +`warn`, `audit` or `enforce` to gradually apply the most appropriate +[security context](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/) +according to security best practices. Nevertheless, pods' +[security context](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/) +should be separately investigated to limit the privileges and access pods may +have on top of the predefined security standards, for specific use cases. + +For a hands-on tutorial on [Pod Security](/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-admission/), +see the blog post +[Kubernetes 1.23: Pod Security Graduates to Beta](/blog/2021/12/09/pod-security-admission-beta/). + +[Memory and CPU limits](/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/) +should be set in order to restrict the memory and CPU resources a pod can +consume on a node, and therefore prevent potential DoS attacks from malicious or +breached workloads. Such policy can be enforced by an admission controller. +Please note that CPU limits will throttle usage and thus can have unintended +effects on auto-scaling features or efficiency i.e. running the process in best +effort with the CPU resource available. + +{{< caution >}} +Memory limit superior to request can expose the whole node to OOM issues. +{{< /caution >}} + +### Enabling Seccomp + +Seccomp can improve the security of your workloads by reducing the Linux kernel +syscall attack surface available inside containers. The seccomp filter mode +leverages BPF to create an allow or deny list of specific syscalls, named +profiles. Those seccomp profiles can be enabled on individual workloads, +[a security tutorial is available](/docs/tutorials/security/seccomp/). In +addition, the [Kubernetes Security Profiles Operator](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/security-profiles-operator) +is a project to facilitate the management and use of seccomp in clusters. + +For historical context, please note that Docker has been using +[a default seccomp profile](https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/seccomp/) +to only allow a restricted set of syscalls since 2016 from +[Docker Engine 1.10](https://www.docker.com/blog/docker-engine-1-10-security/), +but Kubernetes is still not confining workloads by default. The default seccomp +profile can be found [in containerd](https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/main/contrib/seccomp/seccomp_default.go) +as well. Fortunately, [Seccomp Default](/blog/2021/08/25/seccomp-default/), a +new alpha feature to use a default seccomp profile for all workloads can now be +enabled and tested. + +{{< note >}} +Seccomp is only available on Linux nodes. +{{< /note >}} + +### Enabling AppArmor or SELinux + +#### AppArmor + +[AppArmor](https://apparmor.net/) is a Linux kernel security module that can +provide an easy way to implement Mandatory Access Control (MAC) and better +auditing through system logs. To [enable AppArmor in Kubernetes](/docs/tutorials/security/apparmor/), +at least version 1.4 is required. Like seccomp, AppArmor is also configured +through profiles, where each profile is either running in enforcing mode, which +blocks access to disallowed resources or complain mode, which only reports +violations. AppArmor profiles are enforced on a per-container basis, with an +annotation, allowing for processes to gain just the right privileges. + +{{< note >}} +AppArmor is only available on Linux nodes, and enabled in +[some Linux distributions](https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/wikis/home#distributions-and-ports). +{{< /note >}} + +#### SELinux + +[SELinux](https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selinux-notebook/blob/main/src/selinux_overview.md) is also a +Linux kernel security module that can provide a mechanism for supporting access +control security policies, including Mandatory Access Controls (MAC). SELinux +labels can be assigned to containers or pods +[via their `securityContext` section](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#assign-selinux-labels-to-a-container). + +{{< note >}} +SELinux is only available on Linux nodes, and enabled in +[some Linux distributions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security-Enhanced_Linux#Implementations). +{{< /note >}} + +## Pod placement + +- [ ] Pod placement is done in accordance with the tiers of sensitivity of the + application. +- [ ] Sensitive applications are running isolated on nodes or with specific + sandboxed runtimes. + +Pods that are on different tiers of sensitivity, for example, an application pod +and the Kubernetes API server, should be deployed onto separate nodes. The +purpose of node isolation is to prevent an application container breakout to +directly providing access to applications with higher level of sensitivity to easily +pivot within the cluster. This separation should be enforced to prevent pods +accidentally being deployed onto the same node. This could be enforced with the +following features: + +[Node Selectors](/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/) +: Key-value pairs, as part of the pod specification, that specify which nodes to +deploy onto. These can be enforced at the namespace and cluster level with the +[PodNodeSelector](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#podnodeselector) +admission controller. + +[PodTolerationRestriction](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#podtolerationrestriction) +: An admission controller that allows administrators to restrict permitted +[tolerations](/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/) within a +namespace. Pods within a namespace may only utilize the tolerations specified on +the namespace object annotation keys that provide a set of default and allowed +tolerations. + +[RuntimeClass](/docs/concepts/containers/runtime-class/) +: RuntimeClass is a feature for selecting the container runtime configuration. +The container runtime configuration is used to run a Pod's containers and can +provide more or less isolation from the host at the cost of performance +overhead. + +## Secrets + +- [ ] ConfigMaps are not used to hold confidential data. +- [ ] Encryption at rest is configured for the Secret API. +- [ ] If appropriate, a mechanism to inject secrets stored in third-party storage + is deployed and available. +- [ ] Service account tokens are not mounted in pods that don't require them. +- [ ] [Bound service account token volume](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/service-accounts-admin/#bound-service-account-token-volume) + is in-use instead of non-expiring tokens. + +Secrets required for pods should be stored within Kubernetes Secrets as opposed +to alternatives such as ConfigMap. Secret resources stored within etcd should +be [encrypted at rest](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/encrypt-data/). + +Pods needing secrets should have these automatically mounted through volumes, +preferably stored in memory like with the [`emptyDir.medium` option](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#emptydir). +Mechanism can be used to also inject secrets from third-party storages as +volume, like the [Secrets Store CSI Driver](https://secrets-store-csi-driver.sigs.k8s.io/). +This should be done preferentially as compared to providing the pods service +account RBAC access to secrets. This would allow adding secrets into the pod as +environment variables or files. Please note that the environment variable method +might be more prone to leakage due to crash dumps in logs and the +non-confidential nature of environment variable in Linux, as opposed to the +permission mechanism on files. + +Service account tokens should not be mounted into pods that do not require them. This can be configured by setting +[`automountServiceAccountToken`](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#use-the-default-service-account-to-access-the-api-server) +to `false` either within the service account to apply throughout the namespace +or specifically for a pod. For Kubernetes v1.22 and above, use +[Bound Service Accounts](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/service-accounts-admin/#bound-service-account-token-volume) +for time-bound service account credentials. + +## Images + +- [ ] Minimize unnecessary content in container images. +- [ ] Container images are configured to be run as unprivileged user. +- [ ] References to container images are made by sha256 digests (rather than +tags) or the provenance of the image is validated by verifying the image's +digital signature at deploy time [via admission control](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/verify-signed-images/#verifying-image-signatures-with-admission-controller). +- [ ] Container images are regularly scanned during creation and in deployment, and + known vulnerable software is patched. + +Container image should contain the bare minimum to run the program they +package. Preferably, only the program and its dependencies, building the image +from the minimal possible base. In particular, image used in production should not +contain shells or debugging utilities, as an +[ephemeral debug container](/docs/tasks/debug/debug-application/debug-running-pod/#ephemeral-container) +can be used for troubleshooting. + +Build images to directly start with an unprivileged user by using the +[`USER` instruction in Dockerfile](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/dockerfile_best-practices/#user). +The [Security Context](/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod) +allows a container image to be started with a specific user and group with +`runAsUser` and `runAsGroup`, even if not specified in the image manifest. +However, the file permissions in the image layers might make it impossible to just +start the process with a new unprivileged user without image modification. + +Avoid using image tags to reference an image, especially the `latest` tag, the +image behind a tag can be easily modified in a registry. Prefer using the +complete `sha256` digest which is unique to the image manifest. This policy can be +enforced via an [ImagePolicyWebhook](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#imagepolicywebhook). +Image signatures can also be automatically [verified with an admission controller](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/verify-signed-images/#verifying-image-signatures-with-admission-controller) +at deploy time to validate their authenticity and integrity. + +Scanning a container image can prevent critical vulnerabilities from being +deployed to the cluster alongside the container image. Image scanning should be +completed before deploying a container image to a cluster and is usually done +as part of the deployment process in a CI/CD pipeline. The purpose of an image +scan is to obtain information about possible vulnerabilities and their +prevention in the container image, such as a +[Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)](https://www.first.org/cvss/) +score. If the result of the image scans is combined with the pipeline +compliance rules, only properly patched container images will end up in +Production. + +## Admission controllers + +- [ ] An appropriate selection of admission controllers is enabled. +- [ ] A pod security policy is enforced by the Pod Security Admission or/and a + webhook admission controller. +- [ ] The admission chain plugins and webhooks are securely configured. + +Admission controllers can help to improve the security of the cluster. However, +they can present risks themselves as they extend the API server and +[should be properly secured](/blog/2022/01/19/secure-your-admission-controllers-and-webhooks/). + +The following lists present a number of admission controllers that could be +considered to enhance the security posture of your cluster and application. It +includes controllers that may be referenced in other parts of this document. + +This first group of admission controllers includes plugins +[enabled by default](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#which-plugins-are-enabled-by-default), +consider to leave them enabled unless you know what you are doing: + +[`CertificateApproval`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#certificateapproval) +: Performs additional authorization checks to ensure the approving user has +permission to approve certificate request. + +[`CertificateSigning`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#certificatesigning) +: Performs additional authorization checks to ensure the signing user has +permission to sign certificate requests. + +[`CertificateSubjectRestriction`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#certificatesubjectrestriction) +: Rejects any certificate request that specifies a 'group' (or 'organization +attribute') of `system:masters`. + +[`LimitRanger`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#limitranger) +: Enforce the LimitRange API constraints. + +[`MutatingAdmissionWebhook`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#mutatingadmissionwebhook) +: Allows the use of custom controllers through webhooks, these controllers may +mutate requests that it reviews. + +[`PodSecurity`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#podsecurity) +: Replacement for Pod Security Policy, restricts security contexts of deployed +Pods. + +[`ResourceQuota`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#resourcequota) +: Enforces resource quotas to prevent over-usage of resources. + +[`ValidatingAdmissionWebhook`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#validatingadmissionwebhook) +: Allows the use of custom controllers through webhooks, these controllers do +not mutate requests that it reviews. + +The second group includes plugin that are not enabled by default but in general +availability state and recommended to improve your security posture: + +[`DenyServiceExternalIPs`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#denyserviceexternalips) +: Rejects all net-new usage of the `Service.spec.externalIPs` field. This is a mitigation for +[CVE-2020-8554: Man in the middle using LoadBalancer or ExternalIPs](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/97076). + +[`NodeRestriction`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#noderestriction) +: Restricts kubelet's permissions to only modify the pods API resources they own +or the node API ressource that represent themselves. It also prevents kubelet +from using the `node-restriction.kubernetes.io/` annotation, which can be used +by an attacker with access to the kubelet's credentials to influence pod +placement to the controlled node. + +The third group includes plugins that are not enabled by default but could be +considered for certain use cases: + +[`AlwaysPullImages`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#alwayspullimages) +: Enforces the usage of the latest version of a tagged image and ensures that the deployer +has permissions to use the image. + +[`ImagePolicyWebhook`](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/#imagepolicywebhook) +: Allows enforcing additional controls for images through webhooks. + + + +## What's next + +- [RBAC Good Practices](/docs/concepts/security/rbac-good-practices/) for + further information on authorization. +- [Cluster Multi-tenancy guide](/docs/concepts/security/multi-tenancy/) for + configuration options recommendations and best practices on multi-tenancy. +- [Blog post "A Closer Look at NSA/CISA Kubernetes Hardening Guidance"](/blog/2021/10/05/nsa-cisa-kubernetes-hardening-guidance/#building-secure-container-images) + for complementary resource on hardening Kubernetes clusters.