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Client using NodeJS and ReactJS:
- ReactJs is a client side framework which works on module development
- This is very helpful to test each and every component in the realtime environment
- Development and integration is easy
- Rendering the reactJs on the server is easy
- Readability and ease of learning
- We can integrate it with framweorks such as jQuery,Angular and backbone.js
- Maintanence is also easy because component maintanence
Server Using NodeJS and ExpressJs: Node:
- NodeJs works basically on the logic of Asynchronous event handling
- High performance: Because of its asynchronous handling, It does not wait on any events hence it can serve more requests
- Scalability, Addition of new nodes on nodeJs is easy Express:
- ExpressJs handles all the book keeping asks of http requests and responses
- Integrates view engines such as jade
- Express is very easy to understand
Additional Libraries:
- highcharts for graph development
- googl map apis to include map
- axios for Ajax reuests, this is a npm package for making ajax requests
- Gulp for the ease of development
Commands to install and deploy:
- npm install to install required packages from npm
- npm run serve to build all the client side code
- npm start to start the server