This project is created with the “TypeScript React Starter” (see
It uses Typescript, ReactJS, Redux, Material UI, React-Intl (the complete dependency list is in the package.json file).
If you need to learn more about them, you can start here :
• Typescript :
• ReactJs :
• Redux :
• Material UI :
• React-intl :
- git clone this repository
- Enter into the new directory
- Run the command “npm ci” to get the dependencies
- Run the command “npm start” to launch the app
- Visit the app at http://localhost:3005 (you can change the port 3005 in the file package.json)
You have three scripts for translation:
$ npm run trans:compile
==> It compiles the tsx files to ES2015 in a temporary directory called extracted.
$ npm run trans:extract
==> It extracts all the default strings into the src/translations/extracted directory.
$ npm run trans:manage
==> It creates two .json files per language. One for the translations, and one for whitelisting messages that are causing invalid warnings.