aeson-diff-generic is a haskell library that allows you to apply a JSON patch rfc6902 document directly to a haskell datatype. A JSON Patch document is a sequence of instructions to modify a JSON value. It is suitable for use with the HTTP PATCH method.
Suppose you are writing a client/server application with auto-save. Every time the user makes a change to the document, the client needs to tell the server about it. If the document being edited is large, sending the entire updated document is impractical, so you want to send a diff instead. JSON patch rfc6902 is a standard format for representing diffs, but it applies to JSON documents, not Haskell values. Let's say our document is represented by a Haskell value of type Doc: we need a Doc patch, not a json patch.
The aeson library uses GHC.Generics or template haskell to define a default json encoding for algebraic datatypes. The aeson-diff-generic can generate code, using the same options as given to aeson, to interpret a json patch as a Doc patch.
Suppose we have a datatype for which we have a ToJSON and FromJSON instance:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Diff
import Data.Aeson.Diff.Generic
import GHC.Generics
data Pet = Bird | Cat | Dog | Fish
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data Person = Person
{ name :: String
, age :: Int
, pet :: Pet
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance ToJSON Pet where
toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions
instance FromJSON Pet where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON defaultOptions
instance ToJSON Person where
toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions
instance FromJSON Person where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON defaultOptions
We can now create a JsonPatch instance for our datatypes. Creating
one by hand is tedious, so aeson-diff-generic gives two alternative
ways to create one: using the FieldLens
class, or using template
haskell with the "Data.Aeson.Diff.Generic.TH" module.
A fieldlens maps a Key
onto a getter and setter into the given data.
For our Pet datatype we don't have any fields to index into, so it just returns an error:
instance FieldLens Pet where
fieldLens _ _ = Error "Invalid Path"
Since this is the default implementation, we can do simply:
instance FieldLens Pet
For the Person datatype we map each field to the GetSet
instance FieldLens Person where
fieldLens (OKey field) (Person name_ age_ pet_) =
case field of
"name" -> pure $ GetSet name_ (\v -> pure $ Person v age_ pet_)
"age" -> pure $ GetSet age_ (\v -> pure $ Person name_ v pet_)
"pet" -> pure $ GetSet pet_ (\v -> pure $ Person name_ age_ v)
_ -> Error "Invalid Path"
fieldLens _ _ = Error "Invalid Path"
Now our JsonPatch
instance will automatically use the FieldLens
instance JsonPatch Person
instance JsonPatch Pet
FieldLens still involves some boilerplate. We can avoid that by using the template haskell functions from "Data.Aeson.Diff.Generic.TH":
instance JsonPatch Pet
instance FieldLens Pet
deriveJsonPatch defaultOptions ''Person
Now we can apply patches to our data:
> joe = Person "Joe" 32 Fish
> john = Person "John" 32 Bird
> patch = Data.Aeson.Diff.diff (toJSON joe) (toJSON john)
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as ByteString
> ByteString.putStrLn $ encode patch
> Success json = Data.Aeson.Diff.patch patch (toJSON joe)
> ByteString.putStrLn $ encode json
> Data.Aeson.Diff.Generic.patch patch joe
Success (Person {name = "John", age = 32, pet = Bird})
I am happy to receive bug reports, fixes, documentation enhancements, and other improvements.
Please report bugs via the github issue tracker.
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This library is written by Kristof Bastiaensen.