Licence: GPL 3.0
(C) 2017 Paul Qureshi
This is a collection of USB bootloaders for Atmel XMEGA microcontrollers. None require any special drivers to work.
Bulk endpoint based bootloader for devices with 4k or larger bootloader sections. Uses the Kevin Mehall USB stack with some fixes for XMEGA (,
Uses Microsoft's extended descriptor (WCID) to elimate the need for a special driver on Windows 7 and later. Communication via libusb on Windows/Linux and probably Mac too. -
HID based bootloader for devices with 8k or larger bootloader sections. Used the Atmel ASF. -
HID based bootloader for devices with 4k or larger bootloader sections. Uses a port of the VUSB software bit-banged USB stack ( Not all XMEGA devices have a USB peripheral, particularly the E5 range. -
PC loader application
Command line application for uploading firmware. Supports HID and bulk bootloaders. Reads Intel hex files. PC host software uses HIDAPI ( and libusb ( Built in Visual Studio 2013 Express, but should build with GCC on Linux or mingw. -
Demonstration firmware for bootloading, which includes an embedded FW_INFO_t struct. This struct includes some basic information about the firmware, such as the target MCU, which is checked by the loader application.