Docker containers for terminal-centric code editing.
These dockerfiles provide an arch-linux-based development container with the dev tools I typically want pre-installed, including but not limited to:
- tig
- git-delta
- jq
- tmux (TODO: add configs and plugins)
- fish
The editing workflow is based on the Helix Editor.
It should be ready-to-go for editing Go and JS/TS projects.
To use it, you will need docker installed and running (dockerd), clone this repo and build a docker image (USER_NAME is optional):
docker build --ulimit "nofile=1024:1048576" --build-arg USER_NAME=<user-name> -t <image-name> .
You can create your own dockerfile stubs to extend the packages installed, add custom configuration, or overwrite the base dockerfile.
Two stubs are provided in the templates/
dir along with a go program that injects the stubs into the base template.
E.g., to create a dockerfile flavored for Node.js development, use the helper script to generate a custom composed dockerfile:
go run dockerfile_generator.go -stub templates/node.dockerfile.tmpl -output Node.Dockerfile
You can combine multiple stubs together by chaining: -stub templates/node.dockerfile.tmpl -stub templates/go.dockerfile.tmpl
specify the flavor with -f
: Node.Dockerfile, Go.Dockerfile
, etc. when building:
docker build -f Node.Dockerfile -t <image-name> .
You can specify an alternative base template by passing -base path/to/base.tmpl
to the dockerfile_generator.go
This DOES NOT copy the current directory contents to the container, nor does it clone a working repo. Instead, cd into your code directory and mount it as a volume to /workspace at run time to use the container for editing:
docker run -it --name <container-name> -v $PWD:/workspace -d <image-name>
docker attach <container-name>
This will drop you into a fish shell pre-configured with the tools and flavor-specific settings or packages.
To expose ports from the container, e.g. for npm run dev
docker run -it --name {container-name} -v $PWD:/workspace -p 3000:3000 -d {image-name}
Sample of the workspace prompt and helix editor: