No files from Half-Life, Counter Strike, or from other Valve software may be included. Any files submitted that belong to Valve Software will be rejected.
If you did not create the image files, please provide a link to the source images online, preferably with the author's name and contact information.
Even though CC0/Public Domain does not require this, we need this for proof of origin to make sure our repository stays free of Valve's content.
If you created the image files, links to source files (SVG,XCF,AI,etc) should be provided as modifications may need to be made in the future. By requesting your files to be added to this reposistory, you hereby license your files as Creative Commons CC0/Public Domain.
All Files must be licensed in the Public Domain/CC0. No other licenses allowed.
All files must be lowercase.
Please make seperate pull requests with your creations versus other author's CC0/Public Domain files.