name | about |
Decision record |
Decision record |
Created on {YYYY-MM-DD} by {name and surname (@Github username)}.
Name | Description |
Title | {Provide a brief summary of the decision.} |
Due date | {Specify the date by which the SIG or WG members need to make the decision. Use the YYYY-MM-DD date format.} |
Status | {The status of the document can be Accepted , Declined , or Proposed when it is waiting for a decision. This section should contain one of these three words followed by the date on which the status of the document is agreed on. Follow the YYYY-MM-DD format for the date. For example, write Proposed on 2018-03-20 or Accepted on 2018-03-23 . Add the new status when it changes. Do not overwrite previous status entries.} |
Decision type | {Type in Binary , Choice , or Prioritization . The Binary type refers to the yes/no decisions, the Choice type means that the decision involves choosing between many possibilities, such as a name for a new product, and the Prioritization type involves ranking a number of options, such as choosing the next five features to build out of one hundred possible options.} |
Affected decisions | {Specify the ID of the decision issue or a link to the previous decision record which is affected by this decision. Use the #{issueid}|{decision-record-URL}(replaces|extends|depends on) format. For example, write #265(replaces) or #278(depends on) which means that the decision you propose replaces the issue 265 or depends on the issue 278. Specify as many references as possible and separate them with a comma. Write None if no other decision is affected.} |