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Vim Purify

Purify dark theme for vim (neovim)



You can install purify easily if you are using vim-plug:

Plug 'kyoz/purify', { 'rtp': 'vim' }

Note: Other vim plugin manager have similar installation, just remember about rtp option

Then add this to your vim config file:

syntax on " This is required
colorscheme purify

Note: All custom options should be placed before you call colorscheme purify. If not, it'll not have any effect.

Languages and Filetypes Support

Purify supports consistent color syntax for almost all common languages and file types (based on vim's runtime syntax):

  • Html, Html5...
  • Css, Scss, Sass, Less
  • Json, Xml, Markdown
  • Javascript, Typescript (Require typescript-vim's syntax)
  • Python, Go
  • C, C_++
  • All languages that vim support til now

Frameworks support

Plugins Support


By default, without any configuration, purify auto-supports consistent colors for:


If you are using vim-airline:

let g:airline_theme='purify'


If you are using lightline.vim:

let g:lightline = {
      \ 'colorscheme': 'purify',
      \ }


You don't have to do anything, just install Gitsigns.nvim correctly


Font styles

By default, Purify will support for italic, bold, underline... You can disable them if you want:

let g:purify_bold = 0        " default: 1
let g:purify_italic = 0      " default: 1
let g:purify_underline = 0   " default: 1
let g:purify_undercurl = 0   " default: 1
let g:purify_inverse = 0     " default: 1

Note: Those style formats only working if your terminal, your settings, your fonts support em.


By default, Vim using your terminal background color as the background colors.

If you are using GUI version of vim/neovim, it'll have Purify Background (#252834), but if you are using terminal vim or neovim, you have to choose and set the background yourself:

colorscheme purify "--------------------------------- Set onedark theme
hi Normal guibg=#252834 ctermbg=234 "---- Place this after you set the colorscheme

P/s: If you are nvim-qt, you may need set this to your ginit.vim

set background=dark

Override colors

You can override purify's colors if there are some colors you don't like:

let g:purify_override_colors = {
    \ 'pink':  { 'gui': '#FF87FF', 'cterm': '213' },
    \ 'green': { 'gui': '#5FD700', 'cterm': '76' }
\ }

Why I have to install other plugins

  • Purify is only aim for colorscheme, I've tried my best to make purify colorscheme look the same for all languages supported by vim, neovim.

  • But for new languages, frameworks... you have to install other plugins to have correct syntax, I'll try my best to support plugins that have a good syntax for new languages, frameworks like React, Vue...


MIT © Kyoz