This product is a FIWARE Generic Enabler. If you would like to learn about the overall Roadmap of FIWARE, please check section "Roadmap" on the FIWARE Catalogue.
This section elaborates on proposed new features or tasks which are expected to be added to the product in the foreseeable future. There should be no assumption of a commitment to deliver these features on specific dates or in the order given. The development team will be doing their best to follow the proposed dates and priorities, but please bear in mind that plans to work on a given feature or task may be revised. All information is provided as a general guidelines only, and this section may be revised to provide newer information at any time.
- This section has been last updated in May 2021. Please take into account its content could be obsolete.
- Note we develop this software in Agile way, so development plan is continuously under review. Thus, this roadmap has to be understood as rough plan of features to be done along time which is fully valid only at the time of writing it. This roadmap has not be understood as a commitment on features and/or dates.
- Some of the roadmap items may be implemented by external community developers, out of the scope of GE owners. Thus, the moment in which these features will be finalized cannot be assured.
The following list of features are planned to be addressed in the short term, and incorporated into the coming release(s) of the product:
- Per sub/reg HTTP timeout (#3842)
- Migration from legacy to new MongoDB driver (#3132)
- Allow multiple types in entity to support UNE 178503 requirements (#3638)
- Attribute update operators (inc, push, etc.) (#3814)
- MQTT notifications (community)
The following list of features are planned to be addressed in the medium term, typically within the subsequent release(s) generated in the next 9 months after next planned release:
- Service provisioning API (pools, etc.) (#3843)
- Advanced query language
- Aggregation operations API (#3816)
- Custom notifications: simplifying sending JSON requests (#2560)
- Notification endpoint alias (#3655)
- Signed entities
The following list of features are proposals regarding the longer-term evolution of the product even though development of these features has not yet been scheduled for a release in the near future. Please feel free to contact us if you wish to get involved in the implementation or influence the roadmap