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Sébastien Jean edited this page Jan 31, 2023 · 14 revisions

This wiki aims to document UPBE@Valence HALO, a project consisting in tracking an High Altitude Object (HAO), carried by an Helium inflated balloon, using LoRa (LoRaWAN) for communication.

This project is part of Planete-Sciences Un Ballon Pour l'Ecole initiative, that aims at promoting science among young people.

Table of contents (temporary)

Flying part: HAO hardware design and embedded software

(To be completed)

The flying part is built around an ESP32-LoRa-Oled module, with various sensors and modules. Messages are periodically reported to TTN.

Ground Tracking part

The ground is made of a set of LoRa gateways (fixed or mobile) connected to TTN.

Gateways that are used in this project are either:

  • Kerlink iStation running Kerlink operating system
  • Custom gateways built from RPi and iMST shields, running Chirpstack OS

More details available on dedicated pages: