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Utopia Content Management System Installation

Install requirements

  • Python:

    The Python version we recomend to use is any version from 3.10.6 to 3.12.3

    If your system has a native Python installation in version 3.10.6 - 3.12.3 you can use it, and no installing another Python version may be required.

    If not, we recommend install the version 3.12.3 using pyenv:

  • System packages:

    The following list (ames can vary by OS/distribution) contains Linux/MacOS packages needed for a full functional environment, not all are 100% required because they can be replaced or dicarded depending each environment and local infrastructure:

    mariadb mariadb-devel nginx libtiff libtiff-devel giflib giflib-devel rubygem-sass npm gcc libmaxminddb-devel rabbitmq

  • npm (Node.js packages):

    postcss-cli autoprefixer

Local installation for development in Linux or Mac (Devs / DevOps)

Local repository and virtualenv configuration

  • Clone the project repository to any local destination directory and init its git submodules (this can take some minutes):

    user@host:~ $ git clone -b main
    cd utopia-cms && git submodule update --init
  • Clone also another repo with more static files needed:

    user@host:~/utopia-cms $ git clone -b main static/lightGallery

  • Create a virtualenv (venv) for Python3 (the subdirectory ~/.virtualenvs is not needed, we use it in this guide because is the default virtualenv directory in the tool virtualenvwrapper, also the virtual environment name can be any other, "utopiacms" is chosen in this guide):

    NOTE: if using pyenv, this venv creation is done a bit different, consult the pyenv documentation for that.

    user@host:~/utopia-cms $ mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs && virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/utopiacms

  • Activate the new virtual environment and install the required Python modules:

    user@host:~/utopia-cms $ source ~/.virtualenvs/utopiacms/bin/activate
    (utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms $ pip install --upgrade pip && pip install -r portal/requirements.txt

    NOTE: If you get an error that saying OSError: mysql_config not found you need to check that mysql is in your PATH, for example, you can run PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/binto add the directory/usr/local/mysql/binto the current PATH and then retry thepip` command. We also have seen errors regarding to "not found" MySQL libraries on MacOS installations that were solved doing symlinks.

Database setup

  • Preparation

Before create the databse, make it timzeone-aware, this is not mandatory but if not done you'll get many warnings and probabbly also errors depending on your local settings, complaining about comparisons or database writes attempts that use datetime objects with timezone information. This can be done using one command:

mariadb-tzinfo-to-sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | sudo mariadb mysql
  • Create a new database and grant user privileges to a new or existing database user:
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms $ sudo mariadb-admin create utopiacms
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms $ sudo mariadb
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'utopiacms_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON utopiacms.* TO 'utopiacms_user'@'localhost';
  • Create a local settings module based on the sample given:
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms $ cd portal
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ cp

Edit the new file created ( to set your new database credentials and also fill the SECRET_KEY variable using any string or a more secure one generated for example with this web tool.

Check also if your system locale settings match the default language (es) and country (UY), override this variables in the file if not. In most linux distributions the available locales are defined in the /etc/locale.gen file, you should have an uncommented line in this file matching your resultant LOCALE_NAME setting, (es_UY.utf-8 by default, if not overrided as said).

  • Create needed tables using Django's migrate management command twice, without and with the --run-syncdb argument:
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ python -W ignore migrate
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ python -W ignore migrate --run-syncdb

Development environment setup

  • Create a Django superuser and collect static files using this commands:
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ python -W ignore createsuperuser
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ python -W ignore collectstatic --noinput
  • Configure Nginx for reverse proxying the Django's development server and start it:

Follow the steps under "Create and trust your SSL certificates" in docs/

Then create your nginx conf file using the sample provided (edit it after copy, if needed):

(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ sudo cp ../docs/nginx_example_conf/utopia-cms-dev.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ sudo systemctl restart nginx
(utopiacms) user@host:~/utopia-cms/portal $ ./runserver
  • Login with superuser created before, edit the default site domain and create a publication with the same slug to the one configured in settings.DEFAULT_PUB:

Point your preferred web browser to and you will be redirected to the Django's admin site login page, after login you will be redirected again to the default site change form, change its domain to and optionally also change its display name to any name you want, save the changes and then go to fill the form to create the new publication, save it and then you will be able to see the home page working at

Further reading

Starting from now (just before the v0.4.8 release) there will be a documentation site, have a look, it was started with a topic covering Utopía CMS and CRM integration.