Ladies of Code LDS | November 2016
November 29, 6:00 PM - Future Labs
This time we had two lovely speakers who shared about their personal experiences in the industry!
Code and Real Life - presented by Sorina Grave
Sorina shared her story about the creation of a simple to use web app for her Gym instructor which started as a passion project but grew to become a strategy to digitise the entire organisation's structure and method of booking classes.
Check out Sorina's presentation
Sorina is a software developer with over 15 years of experience in the full development life-cycle. She strongly believes in good design focusing on functionality, performance and extensibility, writing maintainable code and providing thorough documentation and unit tests.
Get into Tech - presented by Lauren Lewis
Lauren's core message during this talk was clear: You don’t need to go to university, you can teach yourself. But you need help. Stay strong and postive, don't ramble.
Check out Lauren's presentation
Lauren is a self-taught developer who went back to university as a mature student and just survived her first year in the industry. She describes herself as a Java/JS Dev and a MOOC Addict with a penchant for travelling.