This is a Lando version of the Lagoon-example tests:
Run the following commands to get up and running with this example.
# Should remove any previous runs and poweroff
lando --clear
lando destroy -y
lando poweroff
# Should start up our Lagoon Drupal 9 site successfully
lando start
Run the following commands to validate things are rolling as they should.
# Should be able to site install via Drush
lando drush si -y
lando drush cr -y
lando drush status | grep "Drupal bootstrap" | grep "Successful"
# Should have all the services we expect
docker ps --filter label=com.docker.compose.project=drupalsolr | grep Up | grep drupalsolr_nginx_1
docker ps --filter label=com.docker.compose.project=drupalsolr | grep Up | grep drupalsolr_mariadb_1
docker ps --filter label=com.docker.compose.project=drupalsolr | grep Up | grep drupalsolr_mailhog_1
docker ps --filter label=com.docker.compose.project=drupalsolr | grep Up | grep drupalsolr_php_1
docker ps --filter label=com.docker.compose.project=drupalsolr | grep Up | grep drupalsolr_cli_1
docker ps --filter label=com.docker.compose.project=drupalsolr | grep Up | grep drupalsolr_lagooncli_1
docker ps --filter label=com.docker.compose.project=drupalsolr | grep Up | grep drupalsolr_solr_1
# Should ssh against the cli container by default
lando ssh -c "env | grep LAGOON=" | grep cli-drupal
# Should have the correct environment set
lando ssh -c "env" | grep LAGOON_ROUTE | grep
lando ssh -c "env" | grep LAGOON_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE | grep development
# Should be running PHP 8
lando ssh -c "php -v" | grep "PHP 8"
# Should have composer
lando composer --version
# Should have php cli
lando php --version
# Should have drush
lando drush --version
# Should have npm
lando npm --version
# Should have node
lando node --version
# Should have yarn
lando yarn --version
# Should have lagoon cli
lando lagoon --version | grep lagoon
# Should have a running Drupal 9 site served by nginx on port 8080
lando ssh -s cli -c "curl -kL http://nginx:8080" | grep "Welcome to Drush Site-Install"
# Should have a "drupal" Solr core
lando ssh -s cli -c "curl solr:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=STATUS'&'core=drupal"
# Should be able to reload "drupal" Solr core
lando ssh -s cli -c "curl solr:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=RELOAD'&'core=drupal"
# Check Solr has 8.x config in "drupal" core
lando ssh -s solr -c "cat /var/solr/data/drupal/conf/schema.xml | grep solr-8.x"
# Should be able to db-export and db-import the database
lando db-export test.sql
lando db-import test.sql.gz
rm test.sql*
# Should be able to show the drupal tables
lando mysql drupal -e "show tables;" | grep users
# Should be able to rebuild and persist the database
lando rebuild -y
lando mysql drupal -e "show tables;" | grep users
Run the following commands to trash this app like nothing ever happened.
# Should be able to destroy our Drupal 9 site with success
lando destroy -y
lando poweroff