DROP Product implements the Product Components/Baskets for Credit, FRA, FX, Govvie, Rates, and Option Asset Classes.
Calib DROP Product Calib Package holds the Curve/Surface Calibration Quote Sets.
Creator DROP Product Creator Package implements the Streams and Products Construction Utilities.
Credit DROP Product Credit Package implements the Credit Products - Components and Baskets.
Definition DROP Product Definition Package implements the Fixed Income Components/Baskets Definitions.
FRA DROP Product FRA Package implements the Standard/Market FRAs - Caps/Floors.
FX DROP Product FX Package implements the FX Forwards, Cross Currency Swaps.
Govvie DROP Product Govvie Package implements the Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds, Futures.
Option DROP Product Option Package implements the Options on Fixed Income Components.
Params DROP Product Params Package contains the Fixed Income Product Customization Parameters.
Rates DROP Product Rates Package implements the Fixed Income Multi-Stream Components.
- Main => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/
- Wiki => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/wiki
- GitHub => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP
- Repo Layout Taxonomy => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/blob/master/Taxonomy.md
- Javadoc => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/Javadoc/index.html
- Technical Specifications => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/tree/master/Docs/Internal
- Release Versions => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/version.html
- Community Credits => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/credits.html
- Issues Catalog => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/issues
- JUnit => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/junit/index.html
- Jacoco => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/jacoco/index.html