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(DOCKER) Deploy & Maintain IMPatienT

Corentin edited this page Dec 26, 2022 · 2 revisions

If you can't run the scripts, you might need to do a chmod +x docker/*.sh before !

0- Clone the repository

git clone impatient
cd impatient

1- Pull Latest Image or Build from Source

  • Pull Latest Image:
    docker pull corentinm7/impatient:latest
  • Build from Source:
    run with ./docker/

This takes ~ 3 minutes and results in a 2gb image.
Don't hesitate to modify the config/ content before building the image to modify the resulting app (gene list, diagnostic list...)

2- Create the docker volume (persistent data)

⚠️ 🚨 This is only needed for fresh/clean/new installations. This WILL delete all your previous IMPatienT database and ontology as this creates a new volume and overwrite its content with the content of the current directory data/. ⚠️ 🚨
For fresh install run
NB1: If you have issues with permissions on data folder inside the docker. You might have to chown -R 1000 data/ before ./docker/
NB2: This can also be used to deploy/inject/restore backup data to the container: as this script copy current data/ folder content to the volume. Simply add your app.db backup in data/database/ and ontology.json backup in data/ontology and your patient folders with images in data/images/ before running the script.
For exemple: for demo deployment, you should run cp data/database/app.db.demo data/database/app.db and data/ontology/ontology.json.demo data/ontology/ontology.json

3- Running the container

To run the container you will need to modify the with your own parameters (passwords, email address...).
To edit the full and then run the container, do the following:

cp docker/ docker/
nano docker/

Congrats your IMPatienT container should be up and running now on the port your specified (default: 8000).

To expose your container to the web (using a domain name) please refer to the LINUX Deploy & Maintain Wiki page. This process can be done by installing and configuring Nginx and Certbot (HTTPS).