xfunction - Java library which provides set of extensions for standard Java APIs:
- ThrowingRunnable, ThrowingSupplier, ThrowingFunction and others
- functions to convert lambdas which throw checked exceptions to unchecked ones
- currying for lambdas
- preconditions
- prefix trie collection
- XML query/update utilities using XPath
- functions to delete/copy folders recursively
- md5 function which returns String in HEX format (instead of byte[])
- extension for HttpClient.Builder which allows to make insecure connections
- ...
xfunction has zero dependencies on any other libraries.
Java 11+
Or you can add dependency to it as follows:
dependencies {
implementation 'io.github.lambdaprime:id.xfunction:27.0'
In case you still using Java 8:
dependencies {
implementation 'io.github.lambdaprime:id.xfunction-jdk8:15.0'
lambdaprime intid@protonmail.com