This is a collection of questions to ask for given a paper, problem, or even a application design.
- Did you like the paper? Did you find it interesting? Be honest!
- What are the most important things you learned from the paper? Why are they important?
- Do the lessons learned generalize beyond the specific task? Do they promote our understanding of language? Do they contribute towards building an important system or application?
- Is the experimental setup satisfying? Any experiments missing? Any obvious or important baseline missing? Is the ablation analysis sufficient?
- If a theoretical analysis is included, do you find it satisfying? If none is included, is it missing?
- Is the problem/approach well motivated?
- Are you convinced by the results? Why?
- Is the writing clear? Is the paper well structured?
- Why is this task difficult?
- What are the hard cases?
- What are the easy cases?
- Can you think of a simple baseline? How well will it perform?
- Why are the models discussed in class and readings appropriate?
- Do these models make assumptions that hurt performance? How much do these assumptions hurt?
- Is there an upper bound on performance?
- What about the assumptions built into the annotation scheme? Any of them arbitrary?
- What is the required technical background that is not in the paper and is required for understanding the method?
- What are the main equations and/or algorithms in the paper?
- What is the main innovation of the paper? How does it relate to previous work?
- (Is the author's description of the previous work accurate? or misleading?)
- What problem is the approach trying to solve?
- Why is this a hard problem?
- Can you think of a simpler baseline that will achieve simialr results?
- Can you relate the approach and solution to specific data examples? (see "data analysis guidelines" above)
- Is the approach specific to the current work, or can it be applied elsewhere?
- Problem statement
- Use cases: hard, easy
- Baseline
- Out of box solution
- Time constraint to improve