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File metadata and controls

720 lines (666 loc) · 28.6 KB

import { CodeGroup } from '../code.tsx' import { Row, Col, Properties, Property, Heading, SubProperty, Paragraph } from '../md.tsx'

Workflow 应用 API

Workflow 应用无会话支持,适合用于翻译/文章写作/总结 AI 等等。

### Base URL ```javascript ```


Dify Service API 使用 API-Key 进行鉴权。 强烈建议开发者把 API-Key 放在后端存储,而非分享或者放在客户端存储,以免 API-Key 泄露,导致财产损失。 所有 API 请求都应在 Authorization HTTP Header 中包含您的 API-Key,如下所示:

```javascript Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}

执行 workflow,没有已发布的 workflow,不可执行。
### Request Body
  - `inputs` (object) Required
    允许传入 App 定义的各变量值。
    inputs 参数包含了多组键值对(Key/Value pairs),每组的键对应一个特定变量,每组的值则是该变量的具体值。
    如果变量是文件类型,请指定一个包含以下 `files` 中所述键的对象。
  - `response_mode` (string) Required
    - `streaming` 流式模式(推荐)。基于 SSE(**[Server-Sent Events](**)实现类似打字机输出方式的流式返回。
    - `blocking` 阻塞模式,等待执行完毕后返回结果。(请求若流程较长可能会被中断)。
    <i>由于 Cloudflare 限制,请求会在 100 秒超时无返回后中断。</i>
  - `user` (string) Required
  - `files` (array[object]) Optional
      - `type` (string) 支持类型:
        - `document` 具体类型包含:'TXT', 'MD', 'MARKDOWN', 'PDF', 'HTML', 'XLSX', 'XLS', 'DOCX', 'CSV', 'EML', 'MSG', 'PPTX', 'PPT', 'XML', 'EPUB'
        - `image` 具体类型包含:'JPG', 'JPEG', 'PNG', 'GIF', 'WEBP', 'SVG'
        - `audio` 具体类型包含:'MP3', 'M4A', 'WAV', 'WEBM', 'AMR'
        - `video` 具体类型包含:'MP4', 'MOV', 'MPEG', 'MPGA'
        - `custom` 具体类型包含:其他文件类型
      - `transfer_method` (string) 传递方式,`remote_url` 图片地址 / `local_file` 上传文件
      - `url` (string) 图片地址(仅当传递方式为 `remote_url` 时)
      - `upload_file_id` (string) (string) 上传文件 ID(仅当传递方式为 `local_file` 时)

### Response
当 `response_mode` 为 `blocking` 时,返回 CompletionResponse object。
当 `response_mode` 为 `streaming`时,返回 ChunkCompletionResponse object 流式序列。

### CompletionResponse
返回完整的 App 结果,`Content-Type` 为 `application/json` 。
- `workflow_run_id` (string) workflow 执行 ID
- `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
- `data` (object) 详细内容
  - `id` (string) workflow 执行 ID
  - `workflow_id` (string) 关联 Workflow ID
  - `status` (string) 执行状态, `running` / `succeeded` / `failed` / `stopped`
  - `outputs` (json) Optional 输出内容
  - `error` (string) Optional 错误原因
  - `elapsed_time` (float) Optional 耗时(s)
  - `total_tokens` (int) Optional 总使用 tokens
  - `total_steps` (int) 总步数(冗余),默认 0
  - `created_at` (timestamp) 开始时间
  - `finished_at` (timestamp) 结束时间

### ChunkCompletionResponse
返回 App 输出的流式块,`Content-Type` 为 `text/event-stream`。
每个流式块均为 data: 开头,块之间以 `\n\n` 即两个换行符分隔,如下所示:
```streaming {{ title: 'Response' }}
data: {"event": "message", "task_id": "900bbd43-dc0b-4383-a372-aa6e6c414227", "id": "663c5084-a254-4040-8ad3-51f2a3c1a77c", "answer": "Hi", "created_at": 1705398420}\n\n
流式块中根据 `event` 不同,结构也不同,包含以下类型:
- `event: workflow_started` workflow 开始执行
  - `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
  - `workflow_run_id` (string) workflow 执行 ID
  - `event` (string) 固定为 `workflow_started`
  - `data` (object) 详细内容
    - `id` (string) workflow 执行 ID
    - `workflow_id` (string) 关联 Workflow ID
    - `sequence_number` (int) 自增序号,App 内自增,从 1 开始
    - `created_at` (timestamp) 开始时间
- `event: node_started` node 开始执行
  - `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
  - `workflow_run_id` (string) workflow 执行 ID
  - `event` (string) 固定为 `node_started`
  - `data` (object) 详细内容
    - `id` (string) workflow 执行 ID
    - `node_id` (string) 节点 ID
    - `node_type` (string) 节点类型
    - `title` (string) 节点名称
    - `index` (int) 执行序号,用于展示 Tracing Node 顺序
    - `predecessor_node_id` (string) 前置节点 ID,用于画布展示执行路径
    - `inputs` (object) 节点中所有使用到的前置节点变量内容
    - `created_at` (timestamp) 开始时间
- `event: node_finished` node 执行结束,成功失败同一事件中不同状态
  - `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
  - `workflow_run_id` (string) workflow 执行 ID
  - `event` (string) 固定为 `node_finished`
  - `data` (object) 详细内容
    - `id` (string) node 执行 ID
    - `node_id` (string) 节点 ID
    - `index` (int) 执行序号,用于展示 Tracing Node 顺序
    - `predecessor_node_id` (string) optional 前置节点 ID,用于画布展示执行路径
    - `inputs` (object) 节点中所有使用到的前置节点变量内容
    - `process_data` (json) Optional 节点过程数据
    - `outputs` (json) Optional 输出内容
    - `status` (string) 执行状态 `running` / `succeeded` / `failed` / `stopped`
    - `error` (string) Optional 错误原因
    - `elapsed_time` (float) Optional 耗时(s)
    - `execution_metadata` (json) 元数据
      - `total_tokens` (int) optional 总使用 tokens
      - `total_price` (decimal) optional 总费用
      - `currency` (string) optional 货币,如 `USD` / `RMB`
    - `created_at` (timestamp) 开始时间
- `event: workflow_finished` workflow 执行结束,成功失败同一事件中不同状态
  - `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
  - `workflow_run_id` (string) workflow 执行 ID
  - `event` (string) 固定为 `workflow_finished`
  - `data` (object) 详细内容
    - `id` (string) workflow 执行 ID
    - `workflow_id` (string) 关联 Workflow ID
    - `status` (string)  执行状态 `running` / `succeeded` / `failed` / `stopped`
    - `outputs` (json) Optional 输出内容
    - `error` (string) Optional 错误原因
    - `elapsed_time` (float) Optional 耗时(s)
    - `total_tokens` (int) Optional 总使用 tokens
    - `total_steps` (int) 总步数(冗余),默认 0
    - `created_at` (timestamp) 开始时间
    - `finished_at` (timestamp) 结束时间
- `event: tts_message` TTS 音频流事件,即:语音合成输出。内容是Mp3格式的音频块,使用 base64 编码后的字符串,播放的时候直接解码即可。(开启自动播放才有此消息)
  - `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
  - `message_id` (string) 消息唯一 ID
  - `audio` (string) 语音合成之后的音频块使用 Base64 编码之后的文本内容,播放的时候直接 base64 解码送入播放器即可
  - `created_at` (int) 创建时间戳,如:1705395332
- `event: tts_message_end` TTS 音频流结束事件,收到这个事件表示音频流返回结束。
  - `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
  - `message_id` (string) 消息唯一 ID
  - `audio` (string) 结束事件是没有音频的,所以这里是空字符串
  - `created_at` (int) 创建时间戳,如:1705395332
- `event: ping` 每 10s 一次的 ping 事件,保持连接存活。

### Errors
- 400,`invalid_param`,传入参数异常
- 400,`app_unavailable`,App 配置不可用
- 400,`provider_not_initialize`,无可用模型凭据配置
- 400,`provider_quota_exceeded`,模型调用额度不足
- 400,`model_currently_not_support`,当前模型不可用
- 400,`workflow_request_error`,workflow 执行失败
- 500,服务内部异常
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }} curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/run' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "inputs": {}, "response_mode": "streaming", "user": "abc-123" }' ``` ```json {{ title: 'File variable example' }} { "inputs": { "{variable_name}": { "transfer_method": "local_file", "upload_file_id": "{upload_file_id}", "type": "{document_type}" } } } ``` ### Blocking Mode ```json {{ title: 'Response' }} { "workflow_run_id": "djflajgkldjgd", "task_id": "9da23599-e713-473b-982c-4328d4f5c78a", "data": { "id": "fdlsjfjejkghjda", "workflow_id": "fldjaslkfjlsda", "status": "succeeded", "outputs": { "text": "Nice to meet you." }, "error": null, "elapsed_time": 0.875, "total_tokens": 3562, "total_steps": 8, "created_at": 1705407629, "finished_at": 1727807631 } } ``` ### Streaming Mode ```streaming {{ title: 'Response' }} data: {"event": "workflow_started", "task_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "workflow_run_id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "data": {"id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "workflow_id": "dfjasklfjdslag", "sequence_number": 1, "created_at": 1679586595}} data: {"event": "node_started", "task_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "workflow_run_id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "data": {"id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "node_id": "dfjasklfjdslag", "node_type": "start", "title": "Start", "index": 0, "predecessor_node_id": "fdljewklfklgejlglsd", "inputs": {}, "created_at": 1679586595}} data: {"event": "node_finished", "task_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "workflow_run_id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "data": {"id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "node_id": "dfjasklfjdslag", "node_type": "start", "title": "Start", "index": 0, "predecessor_node_id": "fdljewklfklgejlglsd", "inputs": {}, "outputs": {}, "status": "succeeded", "elapsed_time": 0.324, "execution_metadata": {"total_tokens": 63127864, "total_price": 2.378, "currency": "USD"}, "created_at": 1679586595}} data: {"event": "workflow_finished", "task_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "workflow_run_id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "data": {"id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "workflow_id": "dfjasklfjdslag", "outputs": {}, "status": "succeeded", "elapsed_time": 0.324, "total_tokens": 63127864, "total_steps": "1", "created_at": 1679586595, "finished_at": 1679976595}} data: {"event": "tts_message", "conversation_id": "23dd85f3-1a41-4ea0-b7a9-062734ccfaf9", "message_id": "a8bdc41c-13b2-4c18-bfd9-054b9803038c", "created_at": 1721205487, "task_id": "3bf8a0bb-e73b-4690-9e66-4e429bad8ee7", "audio": "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"} data: {"event": "tts_message_end", "conversation_id": "23dd85f3-1a41-4ea0-b7a9-062734ccfaf9", "message_id": "a8bdc41c-13b2-4c18-bfd9-054b9803038c", "created_at": 1721205487, "task_id": "3bf8a0bb-e73b-4690-9e66-4e429bad8ee7", "audio": ""} ``` ```json {{ title: 'File upload sample code' }} import requests import json
  def upload_file(file_path, user):
      upload_url = ""
      headers = {
          "Authorization": "Bearer app-xxxxxxxx",
          with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
              files = {
                  'file': (file_path, file, 'text/plain')  # 确保文件以适当的MIME类型上传
              data = {
                  "user": user,
                  "type": "TXT"  # 设置文件类型为TXT
              response =, headers=headers, files=files, data=data)
              if response.status_code == 201:  # 201 表示创建成功
                  return response.json().get("id")  # 获取上传的文件 ID
                  print(f"文件上传失败,状态码: {response.status_code}")
                  return None
      except Exception as e:
          print(f"发生错误: {str(e)}")
          return None

  def run_workflow(file_id, user, response_mode="blocking"):
      workflow_url = ""
      headers = {
          "Authorization": "Bearer app-xxxxxxxxx",
          "Content-Type": "application/json"

      data = {
          "inputs": {
              "orig_mail": {
                  "transfer_method": "local_file",
                  "upload_file_id": file_id,
                  "type": "document"
          "response_mode": response_mode,
          "user": user

          response =, headers=headers, json=data)
          if response.status_code == 200:
              return response.json()
              print(f"工作流执行失败,状态码: {response.status_code}")
              return {"status": "error", "message": f"Failed to execute workflow, status code: {response.status_code}"}
      except Exception as e:
          print(f"发生错误: {str(e)}")
          return {"status": "error", "message": str(e)}

  # 使用示例
  file_path = "{your_file_path}"
  user = "difyuser"

  # 上传文件
  file_id = upload_file(file_path, user)
  if file_id:
      # 文件上传成功,继续运行工作流
      result = run_workflow(file_id, user)

根据 workflow 执行 ID 获取 workflow 任务当前执行结果 ### Path - `workflow_id` (string) workflow 执行 ID,可在流式返回 Chunk 中获取 ### Response - `id` (string) workflow 执行 ID - `workflow_id` (string) 关联的 Workflow ID - `status` (string) 执行状态 `running` / `succeeded` / `failed` / `stopped` - `inputs` (json) 任务输入内容 - `outputs` (json) 任务输出内容 - `error` (string) 错误原因 - `total_steps` (int) 任务执行总步数 - `total_tokens` (int) 任务执行总 tokens - `created_at` (timestamp) 任务开始时间 - `finished_at` (timestamp) 任务结束时间 - `elapsed_time` (float) 耗时(s) ### Request Example ```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }} curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/run/:workflow_id' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' ```
### Response Example
<CodeGroup title="Response">
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
    "id": "b1ad3277-089e-42c6-9dff-6820d94fbc76",
    "workflow_id": "19eff89f-ec03-4f75-b0fc-897e7effea02",
    "status": "succeeded",
    "inputs": "{\"sys.files\": [], \"sys.user_id\": \"abc-123\"}",
    "outputs": null,
    "error": null,
    "total_steps": 3,
    "total_tokens": 0,
    "created_at": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 03:17:40 -0000",
    "finished_at": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 03:18:10 -0000",
    "elapsed_time": 30.098514399956912

仅支持流式模式。 ### Path - `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,可在流式返回 Chunk 中获取 ### Request Body - `user` (string) Required 用户标识,用于定义终端用户的身份,必须和发送消息接口传入 user 保持一致。 ### Response - `result` (string) 固定返回 "success" ### Request Example ```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }} curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/tasks/:task_id/stop' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "user": "abc-123" }' ```
### Response Example
<CodeGroup title="Response">
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
  "result": "success"

上传文件并在发送消息时使用,可实现图文多模态理解。 支持您的工作流程所支持的任何格式。 上传的文件仅供当前终端用户使用。
### Request Body
该接口需使用  `multipart/form-data` 进行请求。
  <Property name='file' type='file' key='file'>
  <Property name='user' type='string' key='user'>
      用户标识,用于定义终端用户的身份,必须和发送消息接口传入 user 保持一致。

### Response
成功上传后,服务器会返回文件的 ID 和相关信息。
- `id` (uuid) ID
- `name` (string) 文件名
- `size` (int) 文件大小(byte)
- `extension` (string) 文件后缀
- `mime_type` (string) 文件 mime-type
- `created_by` (uuid) 上传人 ID
- `created_at` (timestamp) 上传时间

### Errors
- 400,`no_file_uploaded`,必须提供文件
- 400,`too_many_files`,目前只接受一个文件
- 400,`unsupported_preview`,该文件不支持预览
- 400,`unsupported_estimate`,该文件不支持估算
- 413,`file_too_large`,文件太大
- 415,`unsupported_file_type`,不支持的扩展名,当前只接受文档类文件
- 503,`s3_connection_failed`,无法连接到 S3 服务
- 503,`s3_permission_denied`,无权限上传文件到 S3
- 503,`s3_file_too_large`,文件超出 S3 大小限制
<CodeGroup title="Request" tag="POST" label="/files/upload" targetCode={`curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/files/upload' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \\\n--form 'file=@localfile;type=image/[png|jpeg|jpg|webp|gif] \\\n--form 'user=abc-123'`}>

```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/files/upload' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/file"'


<CodeGroup title="Response">
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
  "id": "72fa9618-8f89-4a37-9b33-7e1178a24a67",
  "name": "example.png",
  "size": 1024,
  "extension": "png",
  "mime_type": "image/png",
  "created_by": 123,
  "created_at": 1577836800,

### Query

  <Property name='keyword' type='string' key='keyword'>
  <Property name='status' type='string' key='status'>
    执行状态 succeeded/failed/stopped
  <Property name='page' type='int' key='page'>
    当前页码, 默认1.
  <Property name='limit' type='int' key='limit'>
    每页条数, 默认20.

### Response
  • page (int) 当前页码
  • limit (int) 每页条数
  • total (int) 总条数
  • has_more (bool) 是否还有更多数据
  • data (array[object]) 当前页码的数据
    • id (string) 标识
    • workflow_run (object) Workflow 执行日志
      • id (string) 标识
      • version (string) 版本
      • status (string) 执行状态, running / succeeded / failed / stopped
      • error (string) (可选) 错误
      • elapsed_time (float) 耗时,单位秒
      • total_tokens (int) 消耗的token数量
      • total_steps (int) 执行步骤长度
      • created_at (timestamp) 开始时间
      • finished_at (timestamp) 结束时间
    • created_from (string) 来源
    • created_by_role (string) 角色
    • created_by_account (string) (可选) 帐号
    • created_by_end_user (object) 用户
      • id (string) 标识
      • type (string) 类型
      • is_anonymous (bool) 是否匿名
      • session_id (string) 会话标识
    • created_at (timestamp) 创建时间
<CodeGroup title="Request" tag="GET" label="/workflows/logs" targetCode={`curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/logs'\\\n --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'`}>

```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/logs?limit=1'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'

### Response Example
<CodeGroup title="Response">
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
    "page": 1,
    "limit": 1,
    "total": 7,
    "has_more": true,
    "data": [
            "id": "e41b93f1-7ca2-40fd-b3a8-999aeb499cc0",
            "workflow_run": {
                "id": "c0640fc8-03ef-4481-a96c-8a13b732a36e",
                "version": "2024-08-01 12:17:09.771832",
                "status": "succeeded",
                "error": null,
                "elapsed_time": 1.3588523610014818,
                "total_tokens": 0,
                "total_steps": 3,
                "created_at": 1726139643,
                "finished_at": 1726139644
            "created_from": "service-api",
            "created_by_role": "end_user",
            "created_by_account": null,
            "created_by_end_user": {
                "id": "7f7d9117-dd9d-441d-8970-87e5e7e687a3",
                "type": "service_api",
                "is_anonymous": false,
                "session_id": "abc-123"
            "created_at": 1726139644

用于获取应用的基本信息 ### Response - `name` (string) 应用名称 - `description` (string) 应用描述 - `tags` (array[string]) 应用标签 ```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }} curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/info' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' ``` ```json {{ title: 'Response' }} { "name": "My App", "description": "This is my app.", "tags": [ "tag1", "tag2" ] } ```

### Response
- `user_input_form` (array[object]) 用户输入表单配置
  - `text-input` (object) 文本输入控件
    - `label` (string) 控件展示标签名
    - `variable` (string) 控件 ID
    - `required` (bool) 是否必填
    - `default` (string) 默认值
  - `paragraph` (object) 段落文本输入控件
    - `label` (string) 控件展示标签名
    - `variable` (string) 控件 ID
    - `required` (bool) 是否必填
    - `default` (string) 默认值
  - `select` (object) 下拉控件
    - `label` (string) 控件展示标签名
    - `variable` (string) 控件 ID
    - `required` (bool) 是否必填
    - `default` (string) 默认值
    - `options` (array[string]) 选项值
- `file_upload` (object) 文件上传配置
  - `image` (object) 图片设置
    当前仅支持图片类型:`png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`, `webp`, `gif`
    - `enabled` (bool) 是否开启
    - `number_limits` (int) 图片数量限制,默认 3
    - `transfer_methods` (array[string]) 传递方式列表,remote_url , local_file,必选一个
- `system_parameters` (object) 系统参数
  - `file_size_limit` (int) 文档上传大小限制 (MB)
  - `image_file_size_limit` (int) 图片文件上传大小限制(MB)
  - `audio_file_size_limit` (int) 音频文件上传大小限制 (MB)
  - `video_file_size_limit` (int) 视频文件上传大小限制 (MB)
<CodeGroup title="Request" tag="GET" label="/parameters" targetCode={` curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/parameters'`}>

```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/parameters' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'


<CodeGroup title="Response">
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
  "user_input_form": [
          "paragraph": {
              "label": "Query",
              "variable": "query",
              "required": true,
              "default": ""
  "file_upload": {
      "image": {
          "enabled": false,
          "number_limits": 3,
          "detail": "high",
          "transfer_methods": [
  "system_parameters": {
      "file_size_limit": 15,
      "image_file_size_limit": 10,
      "audio_file_size_limit": 50,
      "video_file_size_limit": 100