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82 lines (60 loc) · 2.98 KB

File metadata and controls

82 lines (60 loc) · 2.98 KB

lovm2::extend bundles functionality for writing lovm2 extensions in Rust.

You can either statically import functions or produce a shared object that can be loaded at runtime. Shared object libraries created using this crate can be imported by lovm2 and used like regular modules. You just need to add the shared object to the module search path e.g. ~/.local/lib/lovm2/. When searching for a module, the file extension is stripped. This means that a file named will only be imported if you have a Import("libmymodule") instruction.


Shared Objects


  1. Create a new library crate cargo init <name> --lib.

  2. Change your crate-type inside Cargo.toml:

crate-type = ["cdylib"]
  1. Write your functions and use cargo build --release to produce a shared object inside target/release/.


This crate exports three macros:

  • lv2_module_init!() - creates a module initializer. Required at end of file for all shared object modules.
  • #[lv2_function] - easy to use wrapper function in combination with lv2_create_callable.
  • #[lv2_function(extern)] - an attribute for exporting functions in shared object modules.
  • #[lv2_object] - a structure attribute for making data structures available to functions.
// Import all required types for writing a module
use lovm2_extend::prelude::*;

fn div(a: i64, b: i64) -> LV2Result<i64> {
    if b == 0 {
        return err_from_string("div by zero");
    Ok(a / b)

// This attribute generates wrapper code for Rust structures
pub struct Session {
    name: Option<String>,

// Constructor for new values of `Session`
fn new() -> Session {
    Session { name: None }

// Returning `Option`s is allowed
fn get_name(session: &Session) -> Option<String> {

// You can modify `Session`
fn set_name(session: &mut Session, name: String) { = Some(name);

// Generate module bloat (required)

Supported Types

  • Functions can take the generic LV2Value type as argument. LV2Value is also allowed in return position. If &LV2Value or &mut LV2Value is used, lovm2 references are automatically dereferenced so you never have to worry about them in your functions body. You probably want this behavior in most cases.
  • bool, i64, f64, String support conversion from lovm2 values and can be used for arguments and as return type.
  • Functions are allowed to return nothing aka. ().
  • Wrapping the types above in Option<_> or LV2Result<_> also produces an accepted return type.
  • A function is allowed to have at most one argument taking a mutable or immutable reference to the virtual machine itself e.g. vm: &mut LV2Vm.