Extendable javascript class to easily build some Client script + Popin Widget
npm i js-client-widget
yarn add js-client-widget
// Client.js
import { ClientComponent } from "../../src/index.js"
export class Client extends ClientComponent {
/* --------------------------------------------------
* Inherited methods
* --------------------------------------------------
* open()
* close()
* getId()
* on((string)eventName,(function)callback)
* off((string)eventName,(function)callback)
* fire((string)eventName,(mixed)data,([null,client,widget])destination)
* --------------------------------------------------
* Native events name
* --------------------------------------------------
* widget.open
* widget.ready
* widget.close
* --------------------------------------------------
* Additionnal events from the extenbded Widget class
* --------------------------------------------------
* select
constructor(param) {
param = param || {};
param.widgetUrl = param.widgetUrl || './widget.html?custom-url=set-in-the-custom-client-class';
this.on('TEST-EVENT',() => console.log('TEST-EVENT received in the client'));
displayMessage(message) {
import { WidgetComponent } from "../../src/index.js"
export default class Widget extends WidgetComponent {
/* --------------------------------------------------
* Inherited methods
* --------------------------------------------------
* getId()
* on((string)eventName,(function)callback)
* off((string)eventName,(function)callback)
* fire((string)eventName,(mixed)data,([null,client,widget])destination)
* --------------------------------------------------
* Native available events name
* --------------------------------------------------
* client.postInitialData
* --------------------------------------------------
* Additionnal events from the extended Client class
* --------------------------------------------------
* display-message
constructor(param) {
this.messageBoard = typeof param.messageBoard === "string" ? document.querySelector(param.messageBoard) : param.messageBoard || null;
this.on('TEST-EVENT',(data) => console.log('TEST-EVENT received in the client',data));
select(value) {
handleDisplayMessage(message) {
this.messageBoard.innerHTML = message;
window.Widget = Widget;
* adding an event listener on one side (client or widget)
* eg. in the constructor
* @param (string) eventName
* @param (function) callback(data)
this.on('TEST-EVENT',(data) => console.log('TEST-EVENT received in the client',data));
* and just fire an event on the other site (client or widget)
* eg. from a custom internal method or directly from the instance var using the .fire() method
* myClient.fire(eventName, data, dest)
* @param (string)eventName
* @param (mixed)data (must be JSON encodable)
* @param (mixed)dest [null,"widget","client"] Target of the event
this.fire('TEST-EVENT',"optionnal additional data !!will be JSON.stringified!!");
You can consult an extended client/widget demonstration here ldbglobe.github.io/js-client-widget/example/dist
Or a native implementation (direct call of the components classes) ldbglobe.github.io/js-client-widget/example-native